Weird question... If you had read some threads you would know it for sure... 1. Albion, 2. Midgard and 3. Hibernia. It depends on the players (most nordic people play midgard, most english people play albion and hibs are played by players from all over.. (maybe french play it a bit more))
Not sure if alb has the most or not lately
Everytime i've done a /Who the amount very rarely adds up to more than 1/3 in alb of the total server amount.
So either 50% of alb are on anon all the time or it seems about equal between the servers now or maybe even more on Mid as hibs always seem to say they are way under populated.
At weekends Albs have about 700-800 count a couple of anons with it and we are at about 850-900 or so. That's still quite a lot. But that's mostly in the weekends after 19:00 or so. A normal day is about 500-600 people.
I think its something like 40-45% alb and ~30% on hib and mid.
Im not basing this on any actual facts except from the words thats around.
Alb got more for sure, and also a bigger % is lowlvl in alb compared to other realms.
I know finster and estat was a little surpriced that so few showed up on a /who on midgard after they rerolled.
Well the "balance" on Excal is allmost the same as on Prydwen except the Mids and Albs switched places. Hib stays overall the same on both servers.
About 50% of Prydwen server plays Mid and only about 30% plays Alb and 20% Hib.
As for Excal, its about 45% Alb, 35% Mid and 20% Hib
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