It's time for my bi-annual moan about RaNdOm ShIt...
1) Why can't I get ADSL/Cable yet?
2) Why can you get 2 x 19" monitors for the price of a 22" one?
3) Why does ICQ use 12MB of memory?
4) Why have I got a US keyboard at work?
5) Why does my KVM switch: a) make an annoying 'bleep' when I switch between boxes? b) lock my mouse up 1/5 times?
6) Why does my wage packet 'disappear' right at the beginning of the month?
7) Why is Alt-0165 "¥"?
8) Why isn't there a SuSE 7.1 installation ISO available?
9) Why is some company producing body colour matched hydraulic leads for under the bonnet of an Audi TT?
10) Why do you lot care about any of this?
That'll do....... I feel much better now
1) Why can't I get ADSL/Cable yet?
2) Why can you get 2 x 19" monitors for the price of a 22" one?
3) Why does ICQ use 12MB of memory?
4) Why have I got a US keyboard at work?
5) Why does my KVM switch: a) make an annoying 'bleep' when I switch between boxes? b) lock my mouse up 1/5 times?
6) Why does my wage packet 'disappear' right at the beginning of the month?
7) Why is Alt-0165 "¥"?
8) Why isn't there a SuSE 7.1 installation ISO available?
9) Why is some company producing body colour matched hydraulic leads for under the bonnet of an Audi TT?
10) Why do you lot care about any of this?
That'll do....... I feel much better now