


Why did DAOC destroy the game by putting Realm Abilities in it...
Its so fucking boring now.. Was alot more fun before.. =(((


Realm Abilities are making chars more uniqe, I like that.


They also widen the gap between the newer players just coming into rvr and the now unkillable people with more Realm Levels. I feel sorry for people just reaching 35 + now, they will have a much harder time of it.

RA's were a good idea, but they needed much more balancing then they got, and alot more thought put into them.


i personally dont like them..i nuke a highlander down to like 1% life then its bam there back on 100% and nailing my ass.


Originally posted by Kagato.
They also widen the gap between the newer players just coming into rvr and the now unkillable people with more Realm Levels. I feel sorry for people just reaching 35 + now, they will have a much harder time of it.

RA's were a good idea, but they needed much more balancing then they got, and alot more thought put into them.

I totally agree with yah!


i dont mind the majority of RA's but some of the unique class ones are so unbalanced as to be stupid for example how useful is 'speed of sound' or 'group purge' versus 'siege bolt' and 'er that crap zerker on i forgot'

having a crappy unique RA is a bit disheartning


Originally posted by mobiusmid
i personally dont like them..i nuke a highlander down to like 1% life then its bam there back on 100% and nailing my ass.

i personally like them..i get nuked down to like 1% then its bam im back on 100% and nail their asses. :p

Hmm... someone said that Mastery of Water allows you to WALK on water on the last level of it...
I think I will try that :D

I need 12 volunteers to act my disciples as well, then I will go and spread the word, standing in Lake Yggdra :D


i like em........with mastery of pain+mastery of blocking makes my life easier

its just that they are so bloody expensive!

wolvon fury

The only major RA they are stupid are Ignore Pain,

Sure, it may be ok on Tanks, but on any other classs its stupid,

And i don't think Ignore pain should be a 100% Instant heal,

What Heal got to do with Ignoreing Pain, a 10 second Immunity or something would make it more fun,


Originally posted by Kagato.
They also widen the gap between the newer players just coming into rvr and the now unkillable people with more Realm Levels. I feel sorry for people just reaching 35 + now, they will have a much harder time of it.

RA's were a good idea, but they needed much more balancing then they got, and alot more thought put into them.
I completely agree. I still don't like the idea of a few RA's around. I am scared of the day when I evn begin to try kill summit with my friar.


IP is pretty screwed up I'd have to agree...

cheese on a stick :)

It's only once every 30m, but it's yet another 'I win' button... (and beats my once every 30m 'I win' button assuming they don't resist it)


Hihi <I win> button! I love it, has me laughing out loud ... damn you! Everytime I use my IP i shall be thinking of you! :p Lmao


I agree too, they are unballancing the game, anyone starting now will not stand a chance by the time they hit 50, because all the other level 50s will have enough RAs to effectively make them level 60!

Each level you acheive your stats raise by 1 or 2 points, but with RAs like all the augments, you can uber up your stats well beyond normal.

I say cap it, not just make them harder to get, but cap it against the target or sommit.

Would prve interesting in PvP (if they ge RAs too) seeing you go up against someone your own race, level and type, imagine a 50 thane against a 50 thane with RR5, no contest.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
I agree too, they are unballancing the game, anyone starting now will not stand a chance by the time they hit 50, because all the other level 50s will have enough RAs to effectively make them level 60!

But isn't that what the lvl50's wanted?...a way of being rewarded for the time spent in RvR with extra abilities to make them more powerful than a lvl50 who hasn't been in much RvR.

I think its fair enough that they get extra skills, but I agree it does make it harder for the lower levels, or new level50 players, to start going to RvR as the large amount of lvl50 players camped in those areas now makes it very difficult to survive for very long, let alone get some realm points.

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