why wont albs learn how to play?



im getting so tired...last night i was grped with FC and we had the usual alb en hib zerg emain stand of.

the FC grp with me and sorusi decided to try and go through the gates and succeeded.
sorusi mezzed the whole left flank and i mezzed the right flank..i think the whole hib zerg was mezzed at that point.

untill a nice aoe-dd came along ..which must have done like 20-80 dmg on the midds (have no idea how much really ...but it wasnt likely to kill any of the hib zerg) ...you should think if all hibbies had zzzzzzz's floating over there heads that caters (and clerics) would switch-over to singel target spells rather then area-effect spells.

and also the rest of the alb zeg decided to not come and gank the hibbies but instead licked there wounds on the alb side of the gates.

why is it so hard to to not try to go with the flow and kill all enemies in-sight ....but instead look for organisation and try to grp up and gank mezzed enemies 1 at the time...
i can tell you its way more fun to actually kill in ordered fashion then just try to kill random (and get ganked by mezz broken hib/mid aoe casters or get mezzed yourself)

ah well i must be dreaming...but maybe 1 day ...

lvl 47 sorc


All Albs know the stuff, when u try to say them that they bitch to u, and Albs forget all what they have leanred when they put nekkie on, well at least after 10 secs, and when u say things like, dont brake mezz, etc etc, they forget it again inside 10 secs..

And only what 99% albs need to do in RVR is

1. Listen
2. Dont get lost from your group ( /stick or /follow)


I know that it is frustrating, but you have to remember that there are many people who haven't rvr'ed much before and are maybe just now reaching the level that they can go to emain, so you are pretty much always going to find this going on in the zerg. Solution: don't stay with the zerg so much? Ofc we all get stuck at wall fights sometimes. :rolleyes: Dunno what can be done there as people just won't listen and want to do whatever little dmg they can with aoe.


I just can't wait till we get killtasks all the way to lvl 40. Imagine all the people who has never grouped before walzing through emain. :rolleyes:

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