Why was "Naughty Naughty!" closed?




I tell the people what the should here and it gets closed :(


i promise you mids, im 99% sure no one in the unity alliance knew of this at all, myself i only know hte mercs name, and only by name, none of the others.

to the best of my knowledge he was not spying on you... BUT that doesn't mean he wasn't spying on us dont you think :)


I would think that if there are indeed spying going on then this aint the place for it. Get evidence and send them to GOA.

I don't like spying but it just as hard for people here on the forums to believe you, who say that he is a spy, or him, for saying that he isnt. As for proof posted here I would suggest that GOA gets that stuff instead.


Yes fact is, i dont chat log, its just gets turned on and off when i press "l" without enter. There for i have no eveidence of Grymligast saying That theres 40+ albs in yggdra go RK quick, but i have come to the forums to let you people be aware of wat was said even tho unoftunatly i have no evidence :(

Dunno about the spying for albion maybe it was just a personal spy thing? :S


infact, now i think of it i did see heatseeker about, but he was unguilded, so i hardly class him as a threat :)


Yes, the chars are infact unguiled but that dosnt stop anyone from /whoing.

Plus, its hardly likely that relic raid/raids and other general info dosnt get out of the allience, I mean if you see loads on pad there usualy talking in /s about the raid so..


so acuda was openly spying on us, well i really pitty someone who has to go so low to get enjoyment out of the game.


Because it was plainly rapidly descending into a flame fest.


LOL dont worry Kryptor and Acuda you'll get pubes soon and then things will start changing inside of you....


Argh. Before you post, I moved the other thread into Pryd RvR because it was basically the same as the one there so could be easily merged, as this isn't a General thing anyway, but for some reason it nuked both threads and I can't access either. Annoyingly vBulletin doesn't give the option to restore threads/posts, as I assume keeping a cache of recently altered threads would be a big strain or it's just not coded as such.

I've merged hundreds of threads before without any problems so I've honestly no idea why it did it, but I apologise. It was the 'Barrysworld' one and the one created on Pryd RvR along the lines of 'FOA mids'.

Sorry again, wish I could restore it.


Ahh Acuda is in Mid now? I wondered what happened to the cleric everyone loved to hate, I kinda miss him:p


lol baritone... i think he is like a legend in albion. the most hated smite cleric to walk through camelot hills. i remember him when i was in PL.... ALWAYS moaning in guild chat and asking to be power lvled <sigh>

i hear he has alot of hate for them after he got booted from the guild and switched realm ;)


I'd just like to make comment about the absence of chat log.

GOA has stated that they log every player action and I'm quite sure that includes things they say on any chat.
All you need to know is the date and time when it happened and they can check from their logs that you're telling the thruth when you tell them what was said / done.


Originally posted by agraucred
lol baritone... i think he is like a legend in albion. the most hated smite cleric to walk through camelot hills. i remember him when i was in PL.... ALWAYS moaning in guild chat and asking to be power lvled <sigh>

i hear he has alot of hate for them after he got booted from the guild and switched realm ;)

... and we're just shaking in our boots now...

Seriously though, he's basically a kid having fun. I am never going to defend anyone who spies cross realm, but I'm also not going to jump on the personal abuse bandwagon.... if he does try to pass information like this, just ignore him (though I doubt many people will follow that advice...)... :rolleyes:


All of the above does not excuse the fact he is breaking the CoC by passing information and trading accouts. Ban him before we get a plauge of this crap.


Thank you Jupitus for saying somethin good for me on this whole thread.
Krypt just shut up , u have gone soo low to try say i spied .
I did not tell u that there was a alb relic raid on , Even a few albs knew that i was acuda when i used it , i only ever tried heat once in emain and lvled bit in barrows and i lvled the armsman a bit .
I did not use it much , UUUUUUUUUUU Krypt use it more than me and u kept buggin me to GIVE it to you or SWOP for mordok's accout since you loved the char (h8s merc tho )
I DID not spy as i HARDLY used it , i am not the owner of it now and i am not saying what i did with it since some idiot will try get some acounts banned to make them feal high of themselves .
So don't say i used it to spy .
I caught UUUUUUU krypt using ur old account (which u BOUGHT TOO ) , i caught last night when u started to laugh at me every time u went past and i knew the new user and have gotten friendly . SO I msged u t ask why, and i got swearing and all back . i'll just get the exact phrase on what u said in reply to when i asked if u were he old user and WHY u were using the account .
" I still have Part ownership of this account since i am waiting to accept the money , since u HAVE to know, i ave yet to give the buyer my subscription password, I PROVES U WRONG AGAIN :) "
So there you see u r using an MID & ALB account so STFU to try flame me and get me into the spy name game .
I wonder if u can get any lower . mmmmmmmmmm :(


Originally posted by acuda
Thank you Jupitus for saying somethin good for me on this whole thread.
Krypt just shut up , u have gone soo low to try say i spied .
I did not tell u that there was a alb relic raid on , Even a few albs knew that i was acuda when i used it , i only ever tried heat once in emain and lvled bit in barrows and i lvled the armsman a bit .
I did not use it much , UUUUUUUUUUU Krypt use it more than me and u kept buggin me to GIVE it to you or SWOP for mordok's accout since you loved the char (h8s merc tho )
I DID not spy as i HARDLY used it , i am not the owner of it now and i am not saying what i did with it since some idiot will try get some acounts banned to make them feal high of themselves .
So don't say i used it to spy .
I caught UUUUUUU krypt using ur old account (which u BOUGHT TOO ) , i caught last night when u started to laugh at me every time u went past and i knew the new user and have gotten friendly . SO I msged u t ask why, and i got swearing and all back . i'll just get the exact phrase on what u said in reply to when i asked if u were he old user and WHY u were using the account .
" I still have Part ownership of this account since i am waiting to accept the money , since u HAVE to know, i ave yet to give the buyer my subscription password, I PROVES U WRONG AGAIN :) "
So there you see u r using an MID & ALB account so STFU to try flame me and get me into the spy name game .
I wonder if u can get any lower . mmmmmmmmmm :(

I am not breaking the CoC, where as you spyed. Okay I will try and find the date and will email goa, since they will have the log of you saying it :).

Edit: I used your account to get proof you owned it.



Anouther thing, please try to act grown up a bit when posting, with all this "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" i can hardly tell wtf you are going on about.


ok i give up ur just annoying so much i decided i do not give a toss on what u , or anyone else who decides (oow i remember acuda always says in gu that theres albs in yggdra vefore anyone else knows blah blah)
say what u like but also remember it is AGAINST THE FUCKING COC to ACCUSE someone of something without HARD ROCK proof e.g chat log, ss.. whatever. Not from ur imagination, So I am not breakin it, But U R :D
good bye this is my last post on this terrific subject


Err... Krypt0r...

How exactly are you going to get GOA to check the logs to prove Acuda said something?

Will the request be along the lines of:

"Dear GOA,

I know that there is a Midgard player who has an account in Albion which I have borrowed occasionally and am infact purchasing off him.

I have accused him of spying using this account, but have no proof. Could you please check your logs for the BLAH of the month of BLAH at the time of BLAH:BLAH because he said something proving him a spy.

Yours faithfully,

Kryp-'Person who posts links to cheat software on public DAOC IRC channels'-t0r"

Hmm... ok, so you are buying an accoutn off someone whom you are accusing of using the account for spying?

OK, firstly:

I point you to the GOA EULA:

7. Selling of Items
You may not sell or auction any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

The selling of items, coins or any copyrighted part of the Game's player character whether through online auctions, newsgroup or postings on message board is in violation of this EULA. In addition to violating our agreement, selling items and/or coin violates our legal rights and may cause damage to the Publisher and to the goodwill in the Dark Age of Camelot name.



Even if you do manage to avoid having your account(s) banned, NO-ONE who knows of this whole fiasco will tell you anything, since this will be, what?, your third account AND realm? Anyone who lets any of your characters be in a guild will be stupid, and NO-ONE will want to play for you because (a) you have shown complete immaturity and stupidity here, and (b) no-one will trust you.

SO, STFU and drop the subject before you become even more of a joke.

Acuda: innocent until proven guilty. And since no proof (doubt there will be), you're still a great guy :) I know plenty of people who have accounts on different realms on the same server, simply because they want to play in more than one realm, with people they know.


Originally posted by vidx
Err... Krypt0r...

How exactly are you going to get GOA to check the logs to prove Acuda said something?

Will the request be along the lines of:

"Dear GOA,

I know that there is a Midgard player who has an account in Albion which I have borrowed occasionally and am infact purchasing off him.

I have accused him of spying using this account, but have no proof. Could you please check your logs for the BLAH of the month of BLAH at the time of BLAH:BLAH because he said something proving him a spy.

Yours faithfully,

Kryp-'Person who posts links to cheat software on public DAOC IRC channels'-t0r"

Hmm... ok, so you are buying an accoutn off someone whom you are accusing of using the account for spying?

OK, firstly:

I point you to the GOA EULA:



Even if you do manage to avoid having your account(s) banned, NO-ONE who knows of this whole fiasco will tell you anything, since this will be, what?, your third account AND realm? Anyone who lets any of your characters be in a guild will be stupid, and NO-ONE will want to play for you because (a) you have shown complete immaturity and stupidity here, and (b) no-one will trust you.

SO, STFU and drop the subject before you become even more of a joke.

Acuda: innocent until proven guilty. And since no proof (doubt there will be), you're still a great guy :) I know plenty of people who have accounts on different realms on the same server, simply because they want to play in more than one realm, with people they know.

Erm? i DONT want that account!?! i wouldnt pay 1p for the account!

Where have i said i want the account dam it??


well good news is sneaker was in emain last night, so someone definatly is using the account.

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