Why this hasn't been here before? Jeff and Tonder in the world of DAoC!



I can't believe that Jeff and Tonder haven't told me that they play DAoC aswell! I just heard that they've been around Midgard for a good while and i had the opportunity to get some of their chatlogs just now. I thought i'd share a few events now with the rest of you.


Jeff: Sigh...

Tonder: What's wrong this time?

Jeff: I got a Great Axe of Flaming Sacrifice...

Tonder: So?

Jeff: I also got a full set of Spiky Wargear of the Mighty Dragonslayer...

Tonder: Sounds cool.

Jeff: Yeah. Also got a Hammer of the Gods and a Left Axe of Untold Power, two ring set of Sinners Repent, a Medallion of the Undead, the Hooded Cloak of a Dragon, Longbow of Ruin and 100 platinum pieces...

Tonder: So what's your freaking problem?!

Jeff: I gotta pee.



Tonder: Ok.

Jeff: Here they come!

Tonder: Ready here. Got buffs up?

Jeff: Sure do. Ready to cause some havoc!

Tonder: I'll take the first and you take care of the second, let's team up on the rest one by one.

Jeff: Ok. Damn i love cold ale.

Tonder: True dat.


Tonder: Jeff...

Tonder: JEFF!

Jeff: Hmm?

Tonder: What are you doing with your head in the river?

Jeff: Purifying my mind.

Tonder: Ok that has to be the worst pun of the year...

Jeff: Maybe it needs a respec stone?

Tonder: ...



Tonder: Where?

Jeff: Behind that bush.

Tonder: WHERE?!

Jeff: Along that road...huge thing...with chain and all...

Tonder: You mean...Flintrock?

Jeff: Yup.

Tonder: A troll and OUR realm guard?!

Jeff: Yup. Thought you'd like to know he was coming.

Tonder: I hate you.


Jeff: ADD!

Tonder: Well mezz it.

Jeff: I thought you were the healer...

Tonder: Then kill it.

Jeff: You're not very keen on doing your job are you?

Tonder: Nope.

Jeff: Fine...mind healing me atleast?

Tonder: Nope.

Jeff: Sigh...fine!

Jeff was just killed by a Werewolf Noble.

Jeff: Tonder?

Tonder: Hmm?

Jeff: Umm...rez?

Tonder: I'll get back to you on that.



Tonder: We don't need one.


Tonder: Hey! I'm a healer you twat.

Jeff: Not a very good one. ANYONE?!

Tonder: Stop shouting. What do you mean not a good one?

Jeff: You buff me after you're sure you got all the buffs, even if you don't need them. You don't heal in battle until the very last second, if even then, so you don't use so much power. You rez me only if i pay you ten gold and we're on the same guild. And last, you always pull more we can kill!

Tonder: But i look good.

Jeff: ...


Tonder: Phew what a fight!

Jeff: ...

Tonder: I mean, first we get a pull of three orange...

Jeff: ...

Tonder: And then two more add to the battle...

Jeff: ...

Tonder: And to top it off, from nowhere another mob pops and aggros.

Jeff: And tell me again what -you- did...

Tonder: Was afk..so?

Jeff: Sigh..nevermind...rez please..

Tonder: brb

(That's it for now)


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

Jeff: Sigh...

Tonder: What's wrong this time?

Jeff: I got a Great Axe of Flaming Sacrifice...

Tonder: So?

Jeff: I also got a full set of Spiky Wargear of the Mighty Dragonslayer...

Tonder: Sounds cool.

Jeff: Yeah. Also got a Hammer of the Gods and a Left Axe of Untold Power, two ring set of Sinners Repent, a Medallion of the Undead, the Hooded Cloak of a Dragon, Longbow of Ruin and 100 platinum pieces...

Tonder: So what's your freaking problem?!

Jeff: I gotta pee.

:ROFLMAO: givf more :clap:


By "popular" demand:


Jeff: Woot! Can't believe we killed a FG of Albs.

Tonder: What now?

Jeff: Point and laugh?

Tonder: Sure.

Tonder points.

Jeff points.

Tonder Laughs.

Jeff cries.

Jeff: Ack...bah...

Tonder: Alblover.

Jeff: Hey!

Tonder: You like them. Admit it.

Jeff: No i don't! Look! I'll kill another!

Alb001 was just killed by Jeff.

Tonder: But you did it nicely. Alblover.

Jeff: ...


Jeff yells help from SE.

Jeff: Tonder! Where are you?!

Utniknutter was just killed by Jeff.

Jeff: Tonder!! FFS!

Alb002 was just killed by Tonder.

Alb003 was just killed by Tonder.

Alb004 was just killed by Tonder.

Alb005 was just killed by Tonder.

Tonder: *grin*

Jeff: ???

Tonder: I love siege weapons.


Jeff: I think there's a stealther around...

Tonder: I think you're paranoid.

Jeff: No really i saw a figure flash in the distance.

Tonder: Yeah right.

Jeff was just killed by StealthyMcPants.

Jeff: See?!

Tonder: You're just imagining things.


Jeff: That group needs our help..let's go!

Tonder: Nah.

Jeff: Nah? NAH?! Their in trouble and all you can say is nah?!

Tonder: That's right.

Jeff: Oh pray do tell why should we leave them to get ganked by albs?

Tonder: Their hibs.

Jeff: ...oh.


Tonder: Jeff, go get more ammo for siege weapons.

Jeff: Rihgto. Be back in a flash.

Tonder: And coffee..

Jeff: Sure.

Tonder: And donuts.

Tonder: Oh and a latest issue of NorseWomenGoneWild.

Jeff: ...

Tonder: What?

Jeff: I can't carry all that!

Tonder: You're right. Leave the siege weapon ammo.


Jeff: I think we have a problem.

Tonder: Why do you say that?

Jeff: Well. I first got the feeling when i saw a FG of albs on the hill.

Tonder: Right...

Jeff: And then running -down- the hill.

Tonder: Mmm-hm..

Jeff: And now their all bashing at me.

Tonder: And the problem is?

Jeff: I can't decide which to use. This pink fluffy slipper or this twig the willow dropped.

(Out of logs..be back later)


There's something about Jeff and Tonder that reminds me of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

Colour me disturbed. In an amused kind of way.


Never read them before.....but found them bloody funny.....give more !!! ((o:

:clap: :bazbeer: :clap:


Toto get a nice artist and make a Comic Series, guaranteed success man, superb work :D


Originally posted by Solid
Toto get a nice artist and make a Comic Series, guaranteed success man, superb work :D

Heh...i -am- a graphic artist :p

Just wait for it. When i get around.


givf more Jeff and Tendor :( before we overrule you for your BW rights


Jeff: Arrrr....gh.

Jeff sits down.

Jeff stands up.

Jeff: Arrrrgh!

Jeff sits down.

Jeff stands up.

Jeff: Arr...rrgh!

Tonder: WTF are you doing?!

Jeff: Trying to get a feel of being an alb...

Tonder: Sigh....


Jeff: I luuuuv these new dyes!

Tonder: ....

Jeff: Their so pretty and make me look like a fierce battlemachine!

Tonder: .........

Jeff: And when the sun hits my armor i look soooo coooool!

Tonder: New dyes, millions of choices, and you go for the acid wash...

Jeff: Yeh i know! Cool ain't it?!

Tonder: Sigh...


Jeff: Hey Tonder....

Tonder: Hmm?

Jeff: Can i pull?

Tonder: No.

Jeff: Ok...

<5 mins later>

Jeff: Hey Tonder...

Tonder: What?

Jeff: Can i pull?

Tonder: NO!

Jeff: Ok...

<5 mins later>

Jeff: Hey Tonder...

Tonder: Jeff...i swear to Odin himself, if you ask if you can pull i'm gonna drop you in the middle of a alb FG and leave you there.

Jeff: ....can i pull?


Jeff sprints past gna faste.

Jeff: I'm sorry!!!! Honest!!

Tonder sprints past gna faste after Jeff.

Tonder: I don't care!! When i ask you to peel i don't mean for you to come offer me a banana!!


(ush...not my best work...*coughs, spits* blame the fever.)


lol, Toh u can rap, write comics, wow, WTF ARE YOU A MARSIAN!?


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Jeff: Arrrr....gh.

Jeff sits down.

Jeff stands up.

Jeff: Arrrrgh!

Jeff sits down.

Jeff stands up.

Jeff: Arr...rrgh!

Tonder: WTF are you doing?!

Jeff: Trying to get a feel of being an alb...

Tonder: Sigh....


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


ARRRRGGHHH! Need more! Addicted to funny stuff off Jeff and Tonder!!! Gifv!!!
:bazbeer: :ROFLMAO: :bazbeer:


Jeff: Hey Tonder.

Tonder: Hmm?

Jeff: Look what i can do!

Alb001 was just killed by Jeff.

Tonder: Bah! Check this.

Alb002 was just killed by a wave from Tonder.

Jeff: Hmpf..impressive.. but get a load of this!

Alb003: Umm...i think those guys need a nerf...

Alb004 was just killed by a left-click from Jeff.

Alb005: No shit sherlock.


Jeff: Why is that FG of albs just standing there?

Tonder: Beats me. We're just sitting ducks here.

Jeff: Yeah. It's not like we're a hard target or anything.

Tonder: Not at all. It's odd...

Jeff: Too odd if you ask me...

Jeff and Tonder sitting in the middle of around 30 dead albs.


Tonder: No.

Jeff: Please?!

Tonder: I said no!

Jeff: Pretty please?!

Tonder: No, no and once more NO!

Jeff: Aww come on!

Tonder: I'm -not- going to go ask the albs if they'd like a fresh tankard of "whoopale". That's just stupid.

Jeff: Spoilsport.


Jeff sits on Alb001.

Jeff: Hey Tonder check this!

Tonder: What?

Jeff: Stiga'lb.

Tonder: Sigh...


Jeff challenges Tonder to a duel.

Tonder accepts.

Tonder was just killed by Jeff.

Jeff: Again?

Tonder: Sure.

Jeff challenges Tonder to a duel.

Tonder accepts.

Tonder was just killed by Jeff.

Jeff: I wonder if those albs mind us dueling in BG...

Tonder: Nah...

Tonder challenges Jeff to a duel.


(Enjoy those for a while.)


Jeff: Hi. I'm Jeff.

Tonder: And i'm Tonder.

Jeff: We noticed that this thread has some serious mudthrowing towards the albion forces.

Tonder: And how they are as easy to kill as a beetle with an anvil.

Jeff: Quite. We are here to apologise for this narrowminded behavior that we have shown to you people.

Tonder: And to assure you that we will correct our ways.

Jeff: Most certainly.

Tonder: You see, Midgard just has so much mud.

Jeff: Loads of it.

Tonder: And we have to throw it.

Jeff: Or dip our hammers in it and beat Albs with it.

Tonder: Jeff!

Jeff: Oh sorry! I mean, beat evil monsters with it.

Tonder: Better. Now, it's not like we -want- to beat the helpless tincans around.

Jeff: Tonder!

Tonder: Oh shoot! I mean, it's not like we -want- to beat the tincans around, it's just because of all the mud.

Jeff: You wouldn't believe how much there is even if you saw it.

Tonder: That's right. So, from now on we promise..

Jeff: As individuals and as a group.

Tonder: Absolutely. We promise to you noble albion fighters that we will never again call you tincans...

Jeff: ..twats..

Tonder: ..silly McNuggets...

Jeff: ...gimps...

Tonder: *chuckles*

Jeff: Stop it! We're trying to look serious!

Tonder: I can't help it!!! *rolls on the floor laughing*

Jeff: COME ON! Your spoiling this!

Tonder: HAhahhha! McNuggets...oh..oh...

Jeff: Sigh...fine...I'll finish it. So. We promise that from now on, we shall never more call you albion forces Tinned McNuggets or...

Tonder: Tinned McNuggets!!! AAAAhahaha!!

Jeff: Grr...i'm out of here!

Tonder: Would you like some fries with your Gimp? MUAAHHAHAH!!

Urgat Rip-Eye

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Jeff: Hi. I'm Jeff.

Tonder: And i'm Tonder.

Jeff: We noticed that this thread has some serious mudthrowing towards the albion forces.

Tonder: And how they are as easy to kill as a beetle with an anvil.

Jeff: Quite. We are here to apologise for this narrowminded behavior that we have shown to you people.

Tonder: And to assure you that we will correct our ways.

Jeff: Most certainly.

Tonder: You see, Midgard just has so much mud.

Jeff: Loads of it.

Tonder: And we have to throw it.

Jeff: Or dip our hammers in it and beat Albs with it.

Tonder: Jeff!

Jeff: Oh sorry! I mean, beat evil monsters with it.

Tonder: Better. Now, it's not like we -want- to beat the helpless tincans around.

Jeff: Tonder!

Tonder: Oh shoot! I mean, it's not like we -want- to beat the tincans around, it's just because of all the mud.

Jeff: You wouldn't believe how much there is even if you saw it.

Tonder: That's right. So, from now on we promise..

Jeff: As individuals and as a group.

Tonder: Absolutely. We promise to you noble albion fighters that we will never again call you tincans...

Jeff: ..twats..

Tonder: ..silly McNuggets...

Jeff: ...gimps...

Tonder: *chuckles*

Jeff: Stop it! We're trying to look serious!

Tonder: I can't help it!!! *rolls on the floor laughing*

Jeff: COME ON! Your spoiling this!

Tonder: HAhahhha! McNuggets...oh..oh...

Jeff: Sigh...fine...I'll finish it. So. We promise that from now on, we shall never more call you albion forces Tinned McNuggets or...

Tonder: Tinned McNuggets!!! AAAAhahaha!!

Jeff: Grr...i'm out of here!

Tonder: Would you like some fries with your Gimp? MUAAHHAHAH!!

Had me laughing out loud irl...



What cna i say...enjoy this one:



Tonder: As you might notice, we have changed our ways...


Tonder: ...and we have taken into our heart the total disrecpect towards albion forces..


Tonder: ...and from now on we shall not abuse our neighbors in such a hostile..

Jeff: Look Tonder! I made an alekeg out of that albs platemail.

Tonder: ....


Now now. No more candy for you people. You can't sleep if you eat too many sweets :p


One more but that's it!

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-(ooh purty)

Jeff: Buff me.

Tonder: Why?

Jeff: I'm gonna go to RvR. So buff me.

Tonder: Again...why?

Jeff: Because i'm gonna kill some albs.

Tonder: ....not getting it...


Tonder: I thought we were gonna stop mocking albs.

Jeff: Oh yeah...we shouldn't be so hostile towards other people.

Tonder: Lurikeen roasted yet?

Jeff: Not yet.


(Last one juts an added bonus...now...no more for a while!)

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