Why the Cronicles NEED to be redesigned



Ok This has always been annoying me but I feel like posting and I got some spair time so.

The Chronicles Suck. Whoever thought it would be great to make them flash based was an idiot. ALthough If you look at all of the different websites under the command of GOA they all seem to be spewing flash from every orifice. I seem to get the feeling that every goa website is made by the same team just check out http://ryzom-europe.goa.com/ I'm getting wafts of familiarity.

Ok lets look at the American Chronicles. It may not be as pretty it may not take a few minutes to load all the gfx but damn its efficient. The Information is easy to obtain.

Take for example someone was to ask me the status of Midgards keeps. Well I'd just pop onto the herald and copy and paste the info over.

On the European chronicles this is impossible you can't do it.

Or say you'd like to quickly look at a guilds stats. On the USA you just scroll down super quickly. On European u gotta use the awful slow arrows.

I realise the Chronicles are getting worked on and I do hope many many changes are made but the current version has to be destroy its just not practicle in any bloody way. Its fancy yeah but fancy aint what we need is it?

Ohh and 5months without Chronicles is just not acceptable by anyones standards.

Ok Rant over.

Scutter Bob

or use another site that displays them better

e.g. doa.albionguard.co.uk


Ohh yeah nearly forgot the European DAOC site is also very very netscape browser unfriendly. I can't access my account or polls using Mozilla firebird


Originally posted by old.0xygen

Ohh and 5months without Chronicles is just not acceptable by anyones standards.

why isnt it? i couldnt give a fuck about how many RPs ive made in the last mili second or how many RPs some other guild made in the last week.


Theres always duskwave for when the chronicles start working, very fast and efficient site.

old.Trine Aquavit

I've been pissed off with the lack of chronicles, but not for RP purposes (I don't need to be reminded of how few I have :)). There's a lot of info in the chronicles that isn't about RP's - guild rosters, crafter info, character info (levels, etc).

Savage Conclave has a membership page which is updated based on the XML. We keep a database updated with member names and who's alt is who and it reports back levels and guild ranks. Sarine put the site together and within a few weeks of it going up the XML went down. We're now in a situation where it's been difficult to keep track of who everyone is, etc.

There are lots of ways people are trying to use the XML - it's not just about RPs.


Re: Re: Why the Cronicles NEED to be redesigned

Originally posted by n3wbie
why isnt it? i couldnt give a fuck about how many RPs ive made in the last mili second or how many RPs some other guild made in the last week.

yea but some people do, the world dont revolve around you.


GOAs 'Chronicles' site is a disaster - a perfect example of using Flash for the sake of it even when its clearly not the best tool for the job.

Fortunately Duskwave did a good job before of providing the information people wanted access to in a very easily accessible way. Assuming GOA gets the XML issues sorted out (finally!) then it should continue to do so regardless of what format GOA chooses for its 'official' site.


The Best (IMO) : www.daoc-stats.de (in english)
with history, char stats, realm stats, etc... (when xml works :) )

PS : IMO, GOA' site is done for people who want to buy the game.

Roo Stercogburn


Stop AFK'ing to post and get back to protecting those casters in your Fins group! ;)


To be honest, I see nothing wrong with the Chronicles. And while you personally may not like flash, it sure as hell looks more professional than other tools.

But yes, 5 months is too long.


check our site www.nolbypride.se and then click herald, you might like it since we have the us "look". (doesent work before xml fix ofcourse).


Originally posted by Vell
To be honest, I see nothing wrong with the Chronicles. And while you personally may not like flash, it sure as hell looks more professional than other tools.

But yes, 5 months is too long.

looks like a site slapped togheter by some self proclaimed web artist
So it looks good on first sight but :

1) its slow
2) polls and account section inst W3C compliant
3) the interface blows and it is imposible to get to any info fast

maybe companies should stop hireing web artists and start taking on some real coders


Yeah I'm fully aware of the alternatives and NP's is rather nice to. But it would be nice to have a decent chronicle on the main site.


Re: Re: Why the Cronicles NEED to be redesigned

Originally posted by n3wbie
why isnt it? i couldnt give a fuck about how many RPs ive made in the last mili second or how many RPs some other guild made in the last week.

And who made you the center of the world ?
Maybe others care ?


Originally posted by Vell
To be honest, I see nothing wrong with the Chronicles. And while you personally may not like flash, it sure as hell looks more professional than other tools.

imo the camelotherald chronicles look a LOT more professional than the flash we have.


ye wish we had the american chronicles.. goas flash obsession sucks


Considering how bad the whole DAoC Europe site is (one of the few sites I rather not read while playing), I don't think we'll see a change in this. This is what you get when you have those "self-learned professionals" doing web sites :/

The US Herald >> DAoC Europe site by far in look, usability etc.


Lol the USA herald just got redesigned the chronicles are even better now .

check out the Realm War section, you'll see we've made it better organized as well. If you've got any feedback, please fill out a feedback form, and choose the category "Herald Feedback." Thanks, and we hope you like it!

Why dont we have this?

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