Why Me? [lol this is kinda funny]

  • Thread starter old.Jaxx Hammerr
  • Start date

old.Jaxx Hammerr

Why me, Why does it have to be me that cant keep to one char? and some how i got my armsman up to lv 10 my friar to lv 7 my minstrel [well how do u lv them] any hint's on how to stop my changing char? i cant control myself to make a new char, I HAVE SPLIT PERSONALITIES! :D


the thing you gotta take into account imo is . are you enjoying yourself ? if you are then lvling fast shouldnt be an issue . of course over time you will want to be high lvl and get to maybe the hieghts of lvl 50 . but it aint that important . only advice i could give after that is .. find a char YOU enjoy playing . and stick to it . dont lvl ALL the time take a few trips to emain 2yes u will die a lot" but its fun . also take a trip to areas you may of never been before like lyn barfog . lyonesse . snowdonia dartmoor . its fun imo to explore the regions u not been to before , but make sure u lvld just before you go exploring cos there can be a lot of aggro mobs aound . but again back up top . all you have to do is find a char you enjoy playing and most importantly have fun . to many people only think of numbers "rp's lvl's how much god they got etc etc " dont turn into one of them . cos they get bored fast and leave the game cos they done all the good stuff to soon .

old.Jaxx Hammerr


Hey Mate, thanks alot for that!, it has really helped, i think i will stick with my Armsman Arse Wipper, but a few question's, how to i get to Lyonesse? [sorry about the spelling] When can i start to afford new weapons+armour+armour dye's and when i say to people " how do i get to lyonesse " for example, they just say HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Why you wanna go there, you N00B ect ect ect but thanks for that m8:D


Lyonesse is west of cornwall... cornwall you get to by horse. Check a map if unsure.
As for you going there, not all the sensible, mob level is 35-70 in lyonesse, you'd probably die trying to get there ;)

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