why keep arguing, just DO IT THEN


old.Grijze Garnaal

why do you guys all post these threads about RvR sucking etc....;
just GO TO Castle Sauvage and go play RvR in large numbers. i think u should say a time and then all go there at that time . !!!!!!

[edit] btw, don't bother about mids or hibs reading this, if you go there with about 100 150 peepz, u kill them all, even lvl 35 players should go there, every kill they make is one less u gotta make so just do it!!!!

Sharp Thing

why do i have the feeling u never went there? ;)

old.Grijze Garnaal

coz i had some payment problems during april and may , that's why I'm only lvl 32 :(. but i went there in the beta, verry nice i think, just going to emain with 50 peepz , every time the portal opens, 50 new ones come, around 9 10 o clock there were huge numbers of players from all realms playing there, why can't you guys just do the same???


Because people didn't know shit about mezz, stuns back then. People just bashed each others head in without any specific organizing groups to do certain tasks. Nowadays it's mezz or be mezzed...


yup its all changed since beta my friend now most peeps know how to play there chars

old.Grijze Garnaal

mmmmm still it's my opinion, you don't lose anything if you die in RvR if all of us go there and get grouped in huge numbers, we are the strongest of the 3 , and let them mezz, so what, my opinion, attack is the best defence, and if you attack do it HUGE

Sharp Thing

another case of : "dont know your game". obviously, one mezzer can take down our whole army if he does a good job, but i gues u didnt know that


Yep...I've done the *go there in big numbers* and I've also done the *big numbers all standing around saying the same thing* Mezzed. get a couple good aoe mezzers who know what they're doing on the other side and it doesn't matter if you have 1000 ppl in the group, if we can't counter them by mezzing first we die...simple as that.


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