Why I like to play my class...


old.Trine Aquavit

I thought it would be nice to have a positive thread about the things we enjoy about our main class. We all had the opportunity to choose any of the classes in the game and we all had the opportunity to either stick with it or move onto something else.

We also all know what's gimped, or nerfed about pretty much all of the classes cos we've all seen the whines, but we may not be aware of all the good points. So, what are the things you like about your class? Why did you stick it out for so many levels when there were other options? And are there any little known, hidden benefits?

Please try and focus on the positive aspects (I know some of you find that hard to do ;))

The Healer

There are many reasons I like being a Healer, but I'll separate them into 'in combat' and 'outside of combat'

In Combat

One great thing about being a Healer in combat is that you're always busy, and pretty often dealing with many things at once. The fact that you're responsible for both crowd control and healing roles is a real challenge, and can give you a big buzz when you get it all right.

Crowd-control is the most fun part of combat for me, I love seeing a bunch of adds running towards me and watching them, one-by-one, stop in their tracks until a single, slighlty lonely looking mob finally engages my hungry group. Resists, mez breakage et al all add to the fun. I even like stunning - trying to time my two stuns so that the mob doesn't get a swing in for a full 13.5 secs - who needs a pbt anyway ;). The fact that the Healer has the best set of CC tools in the game is a real bonus. Mez, stun, root, amnesia; AE versions of all but root; insta and AE insta versions of mez and stun; there's a whole bag of tricks to play with. And, although the changes to RvR CC are generally considered a nerf, I think they have actually made things more interesting - stun, root and amnesia all have to be more intelligently used, and playing a Healer has always been more about brain than brawn.

Even 1-on-1 PvP encounters against a higher con enemy can be fun as a Healer: you generally have the tools to allow you to escape alive, and escaping from a higher con can be just as thrilling as a victory over an even con. And in some cases you can turn that escape into a victory (even 30 secs of mez is a long time for an unstealthed assassin).

In PvE you have the power to turn an OK XP group into a great XP group: healing, CC, power-regen all in one handy package :).

And healing can be fun too. Many of the most exciting fights I've had have ended with me out of mana, instas and with everyone alive, but at less than 50% health ("so what if someone broke mez - that was fun!" :)). Judging the effect of your heals on aggro can be an exciting balancing act - leaving yourself at low health (one hit from death), because healing yourself could re-gain aggro; judging that insta-group heal so that it saves the group, but doesn't leave you eating dirt.

Outside of Combat

One of the really great things about being a healer is that you can participate in random acts of niceness. That downtime in Gna or Huggin (waiting for a group, etc) can pretty much always be put to use with drive-by buffs, heals (out-of-combat of course), and rezzes. If you're feeling more pro-active you can even throw in a couple of stuns to help out a young realm-mate. On occassion, I'll watch out for death spam and /send the recently departed with an offer of a rez. It may not sound much, but I really miss being able to do this sort of stuff when I'm playing my Skald.

The other obvious 'out of combat' benefit is that you're never out of combat for long. Finding a group as a Healer is probably easier than for any other class in the game. It's also nice to be able to level fast, and not feel like you're leeching, even in a group that's a few levels higher than you. Even when in an even-levelled group you're always in a group that has a healer, so XP is good :).

The run speed buff is nice to have, too. It's not Skald speed, but anything that gets you from A to B faster is always a godsend.

I also like the fact that Healer is a class with a number of viable spec lines. There are a few 'classic' templates, but there's flexibility to do your own thing without feeling too gimped. Even the Aug line will have some (useful) new toys to play with soon.

Finally, it's good to be a Healer because you get a chance to play with so many people. You're always grouped, and you're always wanted. You get into groups that other classes wouldn't, and it gives you a chance to meet a lot of people.


So, what do you like about your class?


Argh, reading that makes me want to pick up my healer and play and play .... Unfortunately not possible :(

Anyways, nice post Mr Aquavit ....


Pretty much what was said about healer, timing your heals, trying not to get agro, and when you KNOW you've kept the group alive when it wasn't expected.

With cleric you get to smite and stun when healings not needed, or as a way to reduce the healing you have to do, and it's nice to have the option.

PBAoE mezz is so much fun when getting chased, getting away is so much fun ;)

Minstrel | Skald

Speed. SpeedSpeedSpeed. So much fun! In RvR, in PvE. I like it when you see a pull go wrong when you are soloing and be able to just get away so very easily.

It's the way these 2 play, it's just so much fun, but hard to describe. I suppose it might be the versatility, with mezzes, "spells", tanking ability, and songs / chants, all to some degree.

Old Nicodemus

The Spiritmaster


That's what you have to be to play this Char class.

The Spiritmaster template is actually very forgiving, no matter what you do you can't really get it wrong. It's all about how you pefer to play.

At the moment I can Nuke (2 types), heal, single target mezz, PB mezz, 10 debuffs, 4 shields and root. In the next patches I will be able to AoE mezz, purge mezz, rezz, PB nuke.. and all that with a built in butler too! (plus his buffs and heals)

As stated earlier it is all dependant on how you play it. A lot of Spirimasters go for the Darkmaster template. Nasty nukes and a good set of debuffs. Enough to drop tanks with 2-3 hits.

These are the folks that willingly pull scouts who then baf. I have witnessed other Sm's take down 4 mobs at a time doing this. Makes solo play very easy.

Me? Well I love being different. A long time ago I decided that I wanted to be a jack of all trades. Hence I have a lot of very nasty spells at my command.

From this I have to be even more devious than normal. I can't live on my nuke alone.. so I have to make ways up of staying alive. Do I life tap now or later? Shall I debuff that one while my spirit hits that one? If I root those two the third will attack me while I mezz the 4th etc. Makes it interesting to play.

I know that I'm no match for a tank of any class. No caster is in melee in RvR so from that point of view I have to be devious too. Shall I run or make life hell by debuffing a few tanks before they arrive? Personally I like to stand my ground when I can. Nothing like watching a tank come to a grinding halt due to my mezz/root or a debuff ;) More often than not I end up eating dirt but that doesn't really bother me. If I know there is someone cursing me somewhere it makes it all well worth it!

That's what I love about my Char. The ability to do many things.. but more importantly the ability to have a lot of fun :clap:

Spiritmaster in funky Epic clothing! Yay!
Mooooo! RP COW! :m00: Hit me!



Current level 24. My spec is Cave 22, Mend 9, Aug 2.
Aimed Level 50 spec. Cave 47, Mend 26, Aug 5

I have specced my shaman very heavily with Cave Magic. This spec line gives the shaman very powerful bolts, which is lethal on greens, takes half health on blues and hurts yellows for 20-25%. This is nothing however as the real brilliance of the cave line is the poison/disease/root. All available in single form or AOE form. (later levels you receive PBAOE disease shouts!) Dmg shield buff is also included. These gifts alone give you the ability to turn a RvR standoff into a winnable battle.

My secondary line is mending to get some good healing ability. At my current level I've just received the 1st Frigg spell. This spell is castable on any of your realm mates and is the opposite of a DOT. (You heal over time, eg 40pts per tick) Whats great about these is they generate NO AGGRO. In addition I can heal reasonably well (not healer standards) and at later levels I can still be relied upon for that saving heal. Further gifts to look forward to are group frigg.

My left over points are spent on the augmentation line. Raising Aug to 3 gives you buffs that stack with normal buffs. Not the best buffs due to the poor spec, but still enough to give your group a boost. Further speccing in Augmentation gives you decent damage add. All down to how you want to spec your shaman of course.

Again what has been said about healers/clerics, still applies to Shamans. They can be a main healer but are even better as a secondary healer, dealing out friggs and poisoning, rooting mobs if needed. They can turn battles in RvR due to their decent offensive AOE spells.

I love this class to bits. It is very varied and again quick to level as it is fairly welcome in all groups. Increasing Mend/Aug further will make you even more available to groups. :D


The Peoples Thane

Well I have been sulking of late with lack of fixes for my class, but I do have my highlights and I picked the Thane for a reason.

I like hybrid classes, always have and still do.
The cance to Wield the power of Thor and his Weather was inviting to me, more so that a Skald and so TPT was born as a Norseman in gentle Vasud.

I loved the Idea of wielding a huge 2H hammer and doing insane damage with the bosts from my Self Str buff and my Damage add.
Just knocking huge chunks out of people and monsters in one hit made me feel Strong beyond belief. I adhered to my 2H Hammer all the way until 50, using my shield only when necessary.

Then at 50 and a month into RvR using my 2H I was introduced to the benefits ofn using a shield, this actually came about after I spent a lot of idle time at work reading on game mechanics and the benefits and doisadvantages of various setups.

Its has come to my attention that using a 1H and Shield is what a Thane is all about, however much I would like it to be the contrary, its just not the best utilisation of all our skills not to spec Shield imo. I am suffering the consequences of that ill informed decision to go 50 Hammer, 48 SC, 26 Parry, 18 Shield.

OK to the joys of my class:

Hammer: Currently the #1 choice for melee weapons, for a Midgardian anyway, superb styles all the way until 44 Hammer, great bonus damage on most armour types and currently no penalties (changes in 1.52) Its also very symbolic of my class and looks the part on a Norsemn Thane :D


Not quite what its cracke dup to be, but my damage add is the best in the realm and I love it dearly, it does a great alternatice and supplemental damage to my melee and stacks with a Skalds rather nicely. My Self Str buff is rather redundant as Healers can buff for an equal amount, but its great when no buffers are available to allow you to inflict more damage. The Castable DD is rather rare in its use having a 3sec cast time and a 30m sec timer, but its a great opener to any fight and does wonderful damage. The Insta DD bolt is superb for its 20 second timer and that it can be fired whilst in combat, or from range to interupt casters of all kinds. The #1 best spell in the Thanes SC range and very high;y underestimated. It can make the difference between your entire group be ing AE mezzed and you killing the CC Caster.

I wont mention the AE hammers as they get enuff publicity as it is.

On to the beloved (now anyway) shield.

OMG I really do miss Slam, but still every block gives me great satisfaction in RvR as I have just prevented myself or a group member taking 150-500 damage, that tink is just.....wonderful.

I hightly reccomend all thanes to run around wielding a shield, the bonus stats you can gain are excellent, the safety from archers is great and you even block up to 50% of caster Bolt damage.

The #1 skill a thane has tho imo has to be SLAM, the 42 shield style, a use anytime 9 second stun that renders the opponent utterly useless and 100% vulnerable, and I look forward to the day I can respec for it.


Hibernia - Hero. Level 31.
Don't think, just bash! Pure sword and board hero. For grouped PvE he rocks. Block, parry and taunt all the way. Holding aggro can be hard work sometimes, but very rewarding when you get it right.
Keep an eye out for those adds breaking mez and attempting to hit on the bard.
And of course don't forget the moose :) Amusement value if nothing else.
RvR experience fairly limited, but grouped has been quite fun so far - solo ... forget it. Respec at RvR high levels to keep shield 'slam' style and change to 2H weapon for high damage should see this being more fun. Include the cheap Purge RA that will be with us in a later patch and the moose will be quite viable in RvR. CHARGE !

Midgard - Shadowblade. Level 20.
Sly and stealthy! Hard work XPing, but I love creeping up behind the mob and whacking it with a big 2H 'backstab' hit and DOT poison and then following up with 2 single axes for the follow up style (which are also sometimes poisoned - disease etc).
In melee I hit hard and can take the aggro off the tanks, so have to time it a bit - can be useful for getting aggro off the caster/healer when the tanks have gone to sleep :)
RvR - this is what this class is all about. Currently I'm a bit gimped for this as stealth is too low, but in a couple of levels I will be ready. I have been to Thidranki and its great. Much more thought needs to go into it compared to the tank. Sneak around, selecting your victim, watching out for other stealthers, AOE nukers etc. Time, tactics, slyness.

I must say I also love my Bard and Healer alts for the reasons given above for healers/shaman et al. There's something warm and cuddly about simply completing drive by healings :)

The thing with these characters is they all give me quite different play styles depending on my current mood ! But they are all fun to play in their own way.


The damage dealer, The Wizard (fire spec in my case)

Simply put, no one does damage like i do. i have more Damage spells than any other class, i have a choice of 2 baseline DDs, i have a whole (well if you count next patch) a choice of 14 spells to inflict pain!

having trouble with mobs? simple, you just burn the crap out of them and spam spam spam that DD key :D want to solo? sure, but dont bother with yellows or blues, f*** them, pick the closest orange, and go Bolt Bolt DD DD, ta da, if it survived that (roughly 1800-2200 damage) quickcast a root, and do it again! only a mana chanter can probably solo so easy as this.

RvR? your the DADDY when it comes to burning stuff, sure lots of things have fire resist, but still you get to BLOW MORE STUFF UP! even better, get yourself a ice with to heat debuff aoe then you aoe, MORE DAMAGE!!!

been shot at by some pesky elf with a bow? well their first shot didn't make it through your bladeturn, so run at the buggers and quickcast a bolt, oops, half their health just dropped! a DD later and its looking bad for em, well if bad is counted as death to most of them ;)

worried about money? dont be! you dont need to keep your armour yellow or in a good condition, you dont need to spend 1plat for a couple of gold weapons, hell at level 50 you need 21diamond seals and your sorted! a casters armour is all stats, so none of this player made malarky is any use really. anyway, who cares about defence, if you run into something at melee range just hit release, but before you die, every wizard has to do one thing.... QC AOE FIRE :D (if your not stunned, mezzed or feeling a bit down)

there is simply nothing you cant burn in this game, save the odd epic mob so just map the DD key to somewhere convient, and when something comes in range... BURN IT. being camped on the pk? run down the hill and target the nearest bluecon caster and qc a bolt, easy rp :D

sure its the ultimate sacrifice i last less time in combat than free food in america, but if your not looking at me, and i see you, by god your gonna burn.

btw, dont aoe when sorcerers are about, they dont like it, dunno why. and you have to like to blow up stuff to be a wizard, you are the pve god :)


well im making a healer for exactly those reasons :)

i play infiltrator now, i just love the 'blademaster' type of class, dual wielding etc :)


Why I love my Hunter?
Hmm, I've tried many, many alts... every class in midgard in fact but I always come back to my Hunter.
I guess it's the times when I manage to sneak behind enemy lines and scout out whats happening, hiding behind trees while enemies run around me searching for other stealthers is a real buzz. I remember one time I was stood next to another hunter stealthed, a hibby caster came up and started to pbaoe, the pbaoe just caught my friend but not me, the enchanter never saw me and I went on to kill him, times like that are what makes the hunter a brilliant class to play.
I can't really comment on PvE, nothing special about a Hunter, however one time I remember I was in a group hunting purple baf mobs near lots of charmable mobs, we lost our mezzer so I came up with a rather bizzare method of CC; someone pulled and I set my pet on the add, just when the pet was about to die I released it, charmed another and set it on the mob :) I did this whenever I could, I was once partnered with a Thoril (Thane, same level as me) and we were taking 2-3 orange mobs per pull with the help of my pet :) those were good times and made up for alot. I think what kept me playing the most wasn't my actual class but my friends and the general community <sniff sniff> I love you guys :)

edit: I really should proof read BEFORE I post ;)



Okay first things first, you got SPEED man! :) at 204% speed increase and when you sprint on top of that it can almost feel like you're flying :) (You'll probably need some mescaline for the complete effect).

Insta. Every damn spell you have available is INSTA. That means no interrupting and easily interrupting other casters ^^

No instruments. I dunno if this is a pro or con, I think it kinda looks cool when the minstrels are hopping about jamming on their guitars :)

Two-handed weapons. Well this goes for all fighter templates in Midgard, but I figured I might as well mention it as a bonus!

Ummm let's see what else?

O yeah damage add song is pretty nifty and the rest one is good when soloing both PvE and PvP.


The Troll Thane

Being of a great mind do kill stuff, as my troll isn't the brighest fellow in town, i decided to use Axe for those luverly damages against a lot of mobs

At lower seasons, I was strugling with 1H and shield, so I went the way of power, using a mighty 2 handed axe.... and I never looked back for 40 levels

In PvE, I was the king damage doer, my Str buff and dmg add making me a mean axe machine, wielding it like a maniac, most mobs, whether green, blue, yellow or orange would fall to me single handed. Even the occasional reds.

Most satisfying is knowing that I made a difference to the group.... if I have to give my life so someone else may live, so be it... biting the dust is nothing new to me.

my greatest skill is most likely doing damage, but in more accurate words "Controlled damage".
No one likes people who gets aggro because they use taunt, especiialy if they are a poor tank.... so I do as much damage as I can without getting aggro, and if I do get aggro, a quick detaunt will see it off

my greatest achievement was peeling 3 purple mobs today of our and managing to take a grand total of 6 hits (2 hits absorbed from bt, so infact 8 hits) before finally going down. That meant my group lived, and I was quickly on my feet using my 2H axe like the maniac that I am.

After the 40 seasons, i came across RvR.... at first I fought an orange con paladin.... very luvely effects on his chants, but he went doen in 3 hits, and I still had more than half my health left

This paladin was using a great 2H sword, which he wasn't very good at using, as he only hit me twice

Then I came across another orange con paladin, this one with a shield... easy i though, a swordn't board

Sure, he didn't hit as hard, but he hit more often, and he blocked one of my attacks.... I only just survived that encounter, so I was fortunate

Then came the armsman at my 44th level.... he was yellow to me, and that mean easy meet..... and he was using a shield, but never mint that..... start doing my bolts, hammers, insta dd, insta pbAoE and he's on 2/3 already.... easy Rps I thought
And I couldn't do much, except stand and watch while he battered at me, doing sucky damage, but constant..... I only survived that encounter because a bunch of my dear mids came and assisted

Then i though, shield eh...... I tried it in PvE for a while, speccing it to 7, and it was excellent.... i could block about 1 attack during each fight with a yellow mob, and it also meant I could use my parry styles since they arn't worth the hassle when using 2H

But sadly, I would never get slam, and so I stuck to 2H.... atleast until respec

The hammers
not gonna comment on them... you all see them, I use them all the time, I get told of all the time

See sig


My thoughts as a thane.

It's hammer time!!

I was on one of my few trips to emain yesterday and that visit to RvR was a excellent example on what I like about being a thane.

The Midgard bunch ended up charging all the Hibernians who all was camped close to a milegate. And I know the rules...no AoE...

But as we were more than enough to crush the Hibbies I thought I try out the coolest looking spell in the game. I must have hit 10-15 Hibbies with those lovely hammers and after the Hibs was dead I thought I should have taken a screenshot of my first mass-AoE. :D

Seriously...as a thane you get instants, AoE, chain armour, hammmer, the provoke style and as thanes before me pointed out, SLAM!! A good defense is a good offense.

With my guildmate Salvions skald-speed I'm fast too. ;)


The Midgard Warrior:

I hit things with my hammer, they die. Plain and simple just like my brain :D

More seriously:

I've always liked the classes in these type of games that don't need magic. I like being the person in a group who takes the damage on behalf of other characters that just couldn't handle the hits.

I see a warrior in a group as an extension of a healer. We give the healer a nice big target to lock onto (most of the times) and help other peeps in the group preserve their own life. I also like being able to do an average amount of damage to a mob whilst maintining one of the best defensive stances in the realm (in PvE, Parry/ Shield on a warrior is second to none in defensive terms).

Not much else to the class really. Simple to use, difficult to master.


Ive played two skalds, up to lvl 35 in beta, current one is at rr5. From that perspective, what does one actually like about the class?

Speed. The very definition of a skald. Has two uses. Firstly, it enables you to get from A to B twice as fast. When you are solo. When grouped, the taxi function can be somewhat frustrating. Secondly, the tactical use of speed is one of two things that makes us reasonably good in RvR. We can usually catch people. We can sometimes run away from them. Speed + sprint is hard to beat. Additionally, good use of speed when solo can be not unlike stealth - if you can see your target first, you can be on him like a hawk before he has time to react. Ideal target for a skald is a solo caster. Solo caster is the ideal target for pretty much everybody. Skald has the advantage tho - we can get to that sought after target twice as fast as others ;)

Passable offence. 2xDD + 2hander gives good frontloaded damage. In this version, we can still take on some tankish targets. Actually, I think skalds get roughly about the same damage output as thanes do. We get our damage off a bit faster tho and Thane's better defence remains dysfunctional in RvR until 1.53

Damage add, rest song, resists. Useful PvE. Less so in RvR. If the group Im in can kill opposition with my damage add, we can very likely kill them without it. Other factors by far outweight that +35 or so to a melee hit of every tank who does not happen to be a thane.

What I really do like about skalds is their simplicity.

Im just about certain that skald are the overall easiest class to play in Midgard. You got basically 1 template to spec in. You got basically 2 songs to switch between. You are group friendly enough to not have to solo. When you want to solo, you can do killtasks twice as fast as others or you can just run around in various frontiers, not minding much about aggro as most of the fauna there won't be able to catch you anyway. Also, skalds dont have to switch between weapon and coconuts as them bards and minstrels.

For this simplicity, skald is the de facto light tank of Midgard. Regardless of what Mythic may think we are ;)

Btw, about that 1 template. There are somewhat convincing logs showing that there is at least one other rather viable template (50 in axe, 43 in battlesongs) for people who prefer to play their skalds in a bit more complicated manner.

PS! Oops, forgot about ghetto mez. Very good to have little thingy in small groups or solo.



The Briton Friar

You get a staff and a dress. 'nuff said :)

The Real Redi

Lord, have Mercenary! ;)

Why i like being a Mercenary Highlander, by Redi (aged 32 1/2)

Well for a start, Armsmen have to deal with Paladins doing their hair in their armor all the time, Paladins... well, does "Look, im not going out there with all these scuff marks on my armor! <furiously buffs armor>" ring any bells... that and living in fear of a fictional character in the clouds.. <shrugs>

When i chose the path of Merc i hadn't actually talked to anyone or anything in the realm, bar the odd merchant, and its been a much harder path than i first assumed. I suppose i should have had a bit of a read, but i read as much as i could deal with on the gen screen, then HAD to get on and play the damn game!

Limited to Chain armour, as opposed to my tin-tank friends, and not having the assistance of a god, or a massivly long pole weapon, I have had to learn to rely on the most basic skills of the realm: Common sense & cunning.

I see the merc as the over-confident type, convinced that the best form of attack is straightforward, if that doesnt work, think nothing of abandoning the main force and slipping away for some sit tight or cut around and ambush action.

The Battlegrounds were a nightmare for 90% of tank classes and wizzies early on, but after the usual "Mez, poison, root, stab" combo i suffered, from the mids (who i begrudgingly admit are a superbly organised bunch in the BG) I realised the Mercenary has to rely on cunning and his strength. Having confidence in the fact that i could do considerable damage up close, and especially to Healers/casters etc, i begun my tactical assault, and there is where i became a mercenary...

The direct route isnt always the best and when theres 6 trolls the keep side of the bridge in the BG, the caster in the middle providing them with cover, its most amusing to have the red eyed caster turn around as you wander up behind him, screams "something in a language you dont understand" then gurgle from three or four strokes of my blade - dead... <grins>

Although my armour and speed leave plenty to be desired, being trained how to parry has made me look uber-flash in some battles and duet groups, soemtimes parrying everysingle attack and not taking a single hit whilst soloing an orange eyed boogey.

To add to this, mercenarys are an unscrupulous lot, and think nothing of grabbing a fistfull of dirt and lobbing it in your eyes... try fighting with that, IN YOUR FACE, RED TROLL BITCH! and yes, it does work wonders, your enemy fumbling around flailing wildly and hitting nothing but bottom <grins>

Basically, i like the rawness of playing a class of pure fighter, none of these buffs or chants or anything, we rely on our swords & our tactics, whereas the Paladins that berate us so's main weapons are fear... and surprise... and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope... err... sorry, got the telly on ;)

Feel my wrath-piece!

++Redi, 32nd Merc - Team, 12th wiz - Dil, 8th cleric++
Order of the Knights Templar
Albion, Prydwen



Zerker: I Absolutely LOVE my zerker. Sure you take alot of beatings, but you solo quite well in pve, and whoop out dmg like a mother :>

Frenzy is fun, but also makes you a BIG target, ppl tend to go for the rat. Frenzy can be very nice, but also an exercise in frustration when your crits are crap. 1-99% anyone? :\

Studded sucks donkeyballs in this patch. EVERYONE got plusses against it.

Pbt=Noh problemo, you always get in axe #2 anyways :)
Our l50 Leftaxe style is utter crap.(will be better in 1.53) but 50-50-28parry is a good combo. You can also go leftaxe/hammer giving you 2dmg types.

All i have time for now. will prolly add things later


Why i love my zerk

-You can't reliably solo yellows from 45 and up
-The class defining ability takes everyone's attention with a huge neon sign yelling "CC me , i can do damage now"
-The class RA does less damage when you use 2 weapons
-You can kill infiltrators that miss their PA and don't snare your ass
-Snare styles get broken by the hit of the left axe
-When you do use the style that does acceptable damage you can do that 5 times before your end bar hits the bottom
-You die faster in rvr then you can type 'doh'


:rolleyes: klav

this is a 'why I like my class' not 'why I feel like a gimp'

answer to the second is of course the leather bodysuit and the leash...

Highlander Merc:

Got a little dirt in your eyes? eh? eh? *chop chop*

muhauhauha :)


My main char is a PAladin, but I don't like him that much, so I'll go on with my favourite alt:

Eola, I favor her more than I favor my Paladin, Galadawn ismply because my Paladin can't help anyone. I love wandering the Camelot hills and earthily enhance their weapons and body. It makes me feel good inside. Sometimes I even follow a specific person, making sure they are instantly enhanced (though I have 10 minutes on me to run around and enhance others).
I guess it also helps that I chant my spells. I don't do it every time I cast one, though. I kind of have a "duration" that my spells can be cast, and I cast a new chant every time I switch spell type (Ice/fire). If you've been buffed by an orange Briton lady Wizard, you've heard my chants :)

When I made her I had 'Dynaheir' in my name. Noble in speech, but very kind and caring. I also usually walk more than I run (I hate how the females run). It makes me look dominating, kind of, having the cloak slowly wave behind my back.

Also, Kantz is my rolemodel to Wizardry though he's a Theurgist (the class isn't the point, but that you can help others is). So if I can get subscription to work, I'll come back probably more active as my Wizard, though I REALLY love how my Paladin looks in his silver-polish armor and royal blue cloak and unhelmed (helmed in combat of course).


You can't reliably solo yellows from 45 and up
-The class defining ability takes everyone's attention with a huge neon sign yelling "CC me , i can do damage now"
-The class RA does less damage when you use 2 weapons
-You can kill infiltrators that miss their PA and don't snare your ass
-Snare styles get broken by the hit of the left axe
-When you do use the style that does acceptable damage you can do that 5 times before your end bar hits the bottom
-You die faster in rvr then you can type 'doh'

#1= true, very much so. Nukers also love to target a rat.
#2= dont get it, seriously. It sucks donkeyballs, wait till they change it *pray*
#3= Just killed Mallus in 1vs1, he got in PA-CD and because of stun I only got of one frenzied hit. So, you sir= teh full of shit, or you got a gimped template, like 50parry 50axe 28 leftaxe or some other shit :p
#4= and when u using snare-styles anyways?
#5= not a prob in RvR, were getting end-regen soon and most rvr-battles are done without getting outta end if you use snowsquall and a little snowblind among the Dfrosts.
#6= Everyone one dies fast in RvR if theyre a n00b, I havent gotten R4L4 cuz i die fast mac.
Got 1733 unbuffed hps and im not afraid to use IP :p


The Manachanter (tm) - MoC style of course

Hmm... why do I like my class?

err... solo purple mobs... cause MASS damage in keep defence... annoy casters ALOT with pet...

Ok, so we have: 50 Mana, 18 Ench, negligible Light.

The Mana spec line gives 4 types of spells: Speed spell, pet focus damage shield, damage debuffs, and of course, the pbaoe.

Enchantments to 18 gives a decent amount of pet buffs, enough to annoy people in RvR and get most normal mobs to 50% health (normal being non-epic up to level 65).

Debuff spells, 50% debuff. Well... Heat debuff someone and my baseline DD turns into a very impressive 240'ish base damage DD. Or cold debuff and let void and light eldies play havoc. Also, cold and heat are the damage types of my Zealot pets spells, so I can debuff those 2 types, and le the pet take control. Usually results in dead casters in RvR, if not severely pished off ones.

pbaoe... err... think you all know about that one. THE best method of XP'ing in the game. Get a decent group and pull 4 purple mobs, and kill all in about 20 seconds (half a bub in 15 minutes at lvl 49 for example :) ). RvR: the best method for keep defence available. Usually only possible to fail if there isn't a large enough group defending. Also, combined with MoC, is VERY effective in RvR. Can outdamage up to 6 TANKS in melee range when using this, and with pbt running, it's even easier.

Pet. Well, to quote a high level enemy fire wizzie: "I'm gonna shove that pet of yours up your anal! I could do nothing for nearly that entire fight". Pet effectively removes single casters from fights through disruption, and causes them to need healing badly :) Also, in keep attack/defence, instantly agro's on anyone attacking me, so more or less works like above. I have given up trying to recall the pet in keep defence, and ACTIVELY use it to attack all possible targets. No matter what anyone says regarding this being a bug exploit, it has NEVER been classed as a bug my Mythic or GOA, and they have, in fact, said that the pet behaves like a mob, and mobs behave that way, so so does the pet.

Yes, in each additional patch, the severity with which the pets do this is slowly being removed, but the pets are also becoming more powerful (next EU patch they nuke harder and have a snare).

There is NOTHING like taking out a full lord room of attackers with 2 casters, like Teador and I did the other night at Beno, nearly 2 full groups. The joy of seeing my name spammed in irc along with the word NERF has me in stitches. Killing multiple enemies solo, gives you a buzz.

But taking on and defeating a high level epic zone mob is amazing.

And really, nothing compares to the successful defence of a keep at the lord room against attackers numbering up to 5 times more than the defenders.

Casting speed. The main spells that I use are: Debuffs, base line DD, and the pbaoe, all of which have a 2 seconds base casting speed. Give me dex buffs to bring my dex to near 300 and I can cast in just over 1.5 seconds.

Baseline stun. THE most effective way of using a Hib caster. Debuff, DD, Stun, DD, DD, DD will kill ANYONE unless they purge and use IP.

Unlike most caster classes, Enchanters have a very good chance, and defence, against assassins and archers. Against an archer, the first arrow hits the BT, and if fast enough, I can QC another, giving my pet time to lock onto the archer and disrupt the 3rd draw. After that, the archer is dead unless he/she can melee me dead, in which case they need to get past a stun/debuff/DD combo. Running and stealthing is pointless, as the pet will just track them down. Only option for them is to either kill the pet (hard), kill me (hard again), or run to the nearest friendly keep or help.

Assassins need to get creeping death on me asap to stun me, but in 2 realm levels I will have purge. A QC stun will take care of the assassin in most cases, unless they have stun, but in which case I am sprinting anyway, and I don't need endurance to attack anyone. Also, if MoC is reset, I just stand and blow them up.

The only thing that Enchies lack is a form of ranged AoE DD spell, so in order to do maximum damage we need to be in the middle of the enemy.

Overall, I do agree that Enchanters are THE most powerful class in the game, Mana Enchanters especially, the only thing that really stops players like Zedorf, Elanza and me from being the highest RP holders on the server is the fact that we wear cloth. Though, the fact that, when buffed, I have over 1400hp's really doesn't make a difference with my AF, absord and BT shields. Only thing I really fear in RvR is bolts, as the only way I can combat them is with a QC stun before the 2nd bolt is cast, and it's usually a very close call.

Roo Stercogburn

Spirit Master:

When soloing I pulled scout mobs and creamed in xp.

Junior always around for any agro: Junior has saved countless lower level peeps as I wander about.

Deadly in keep assaults - because Junior is 88% of level, can do damage to keep doors along with the tanks, but can still take out defenders with lifetap or pbae mez the doors.

Too dangerous for many backstabbers to bother with, even though just a caster.

Not so many play SMs so people are always finding SM items to give away :)

Str/con debuffs are your group healers/shammies friends - suddenly mobs that were doing mega damage are hitting like 2 week old puppies.

Dex/qui debuffs are your group tanks friends (Miss miss miss miss debuff hit).

You don't have to wait for tanks to get agro to start being nasty to the mobs: casters usually can't DD until mobs have taken more damage due to tanks than caster DD spells would deal out or caster gets agro and dies - SMs gleefully ignore this and can use their debuffs until its time to nuke.

To get the best out of your spells you have to switch staves a lot which gives peeps lots of chances to oohh and ahh at lots if different cool spell effects.

We have the most voodoo looking epic armour around (SBs a close second imo)

SMs either die first or last in a group: are usually the last man standing in a group when it goes horribly wrong because of range of things we can do.

SM great for levelling friends, always said to the mantra of "Don't get agro and all is cool".

When the mobs BAF and your buddies are about to lose bowel control your arsenel of mez and roots comes into its own. Nothing rocks like seeing an SM charging into the middle of a melee and doing the pbae mez and suddenly we have lots of dribbling mobs.

SM + 1 healer are enough to keep main tank alive in a WoW hunt. Yes, really ;)

You can look at a red con mob and think about it seriously, rather than having to shrug and look elsewhere or get your friends.

Though wide open spaces are preferred for soloing, because of pet you can get upclose and personal with beasties in a dungeon.

The Fetch-The-Slippers method of pulling blows peeps away that haven't seen it before: Junior trundles off to get mob and brings it back to group ready for evisciration. SMs can pull around corners in dungeons which freaks people out if they've not grouped with one before.

SM/Runie pull combo - marvelous. When chainpulling Runie fetches and SM controls the flow of adds.

You get to threaten peeps that if they die they come back as your Spirit pet.




#3= Just killed Mallus in 1vs1, he got in PA-CD and because of stun I only got of one frenzied hit. So, you sir= teh full of shit, or you got a gimped template, like 50parry 50axe 28 leftaxe or some other shit :p

Either Mallus (whoever that is) had fucked up totally or you had a huge crit (the 95%+ kind) which cuts through infils like a hit knife in butter. and fyi i have the standard 50 axe/50 laxe/28 parry temp

#4= and when u using snare-styles anyways?

Does that matter? The fact is it happens so if i wanted to use it it wouldn't work.

#5= not a prob in RvR, were getting end-regen soon and most rvr-battles are done without getting outta end if you use snowsquall and a little snowblind among the Dfrosts.

Snowblind is a rather viable style, but doublefrost still does quite some damage more and you don't get a penalty to defense.

#6= Everyone one dies fast in RvR if theyre a n00b, I havent gotten R4L4 cuz i die fast mac.
Got 1733 unbuffed hps and im not afraid to use IP :p

no, you got r4l4 because you grouped and leeched rp most of the time, like all pure melee classes are forced to do.

RvR on excalibur differs from rvr on Prydwen (Just look at the stats site ( http://www.duskwave.com/daoc ) and compare rp

I'd really like to know how you get 1733 hp unbuffed (only 1591 here) but we'll make a seperate thread bout that

ps : hijacked!! :flame:


Originally posted by old.Xarr

No instruments. I dunno if this is a pro or con, I think it kinda looks cool when the minstrels are hopping about jamming on their guitars :)
Big Pro. It might look cool but it's a damn pain in the arse having to instru swap all the time. Count yourself lucky. :p



Ill keep this one short... im on lunch break :p

Sheild spec Armsman

What can I say? Average at soloing, not too bad, nice load of hp's and can really take the hits.

Can wear plate!! Looks great, epic armour also looks really nice.
The enamels are really bright and colourfull on plate too.

I like the role im given, to get aggro off the casters/healers and protect who you can, can get manic sometimes, but that makes it all the more fun!

Sheild rocks... I got my sheild and slash upto 43 now (im lv 43 now) and if I fight a yellow con mob, ill block at least 40-50% of the time which means I can really tke the aggro now. I can also handle a good 3-4 orange cons on me hitting away with a little backup to nuke away or heal me
Slam is the best style i have ever seen, run up, slam, thwak, thwak, slam, thwak, thwack mob dead :)

Protect is a great ability too, with protect III on a healer when im dealing with a mob and that healer heals me loads, he/she will very rarely get any aggro, which is a lifesaver.

In rvr, it can be a bit hit and miss....

In keep raids we basically hit the door and thats about it, but I dont mind this, I break the monotony by being a siege crafter and bringing a ram with me. We must be one of the few classes that can easely carry a whole seige ram on our own and not have to strip naked (thats a bit of a guess, am I right there?)

1 on 1 or small grp rvr the sheild is great, slam is fantastic, I have saved a few guildies lives with that and im not scared of any red cons, slam and run, or if I have backup, slam and go for it.

many a time I see an NS decloak, thwack a fellow grp member squidgey, poison and start to run, I run upto them (this worked on a lvl 50), slam, the poor sod they poisoned gets a chance for revenge if there still alive, with me also slashing away at him/her, dead very soon! Gotta be quick though and stay close to the casters/healers

Have I wittered?
god lunchtimes can be boring..


Poster above stole my thunder somewhat..

Sword and Shield armsman (with a hint of polearm)

Im level 46 now and function almost solely as a guarder of damage dealers / agro peeler. Dont kick out brilliant damage but really enjoy my role in groups. Shield is at 43+5 now and as a Briton my slightly higher dex helps a lot. Ive decided to carry two shields around with me now, a small and a large.. One for slamming and one for takings multiple mob agro... Seems to work reasonably well.

I recently (level44ish) started speccing polearm and will continue to do so in order to improve my versatility for the endgame (which is still a while away I suppose:). My usual routine is ding..spec..RvR..die alot.. play a caster alt for a week.. then get back on the treadmill.

I still love my tank fella, but without my alts I think I'd have lost it long before now. He is fun to play now and the more he levels the more punishment he can take.. With block and parry and my climbing hitpoints (and buffs hopefully) I can hold off heavy mobs for ages and ages which is pretty satisfying.

In RvR Im a defender pure and simple.. I switch guards between my caster and healer teammates when necessary in an attempt to stop arrows/bolts doing them in. If Im in a group with a sorc, he gets my full defensive attention and my finger is permanently hovering over the slam key, any heathen comes near, they gets it (hopefully).

Im looking forwards to hitting 50 and getting my pole skills up to spec, should provide me with a bit of variety.

Thing I enjoy most is contributing to a team and defending a group allowing them to do their jobs, gives me a warm glow inside :) I can solo reasonably well (though thats a long road post 45) but dont really like to do it much.

Thanks for all the good posts on this thread by the way.. genuinely insiteful and interesting, as well as positive..

Brilliant ;)

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