Why don't people find out?



Let's start this by giving an example:

A new game is on the market, Uber Slashers 3000 -Dawn of the new bloodbath, and soon enough boards are filling with discussions about the whatnots of the game.

Then comes Mr UberMunchkin. Now Mr UberMunchkin isn't too familiar with exploration or too friendly with the concept of "finding things out myself". So Mr UberMunchkin turns towards the boards. Mr UberMunchkin Fills the boards with questions like:

Where are maps of all the places?

Where is best exp?

What is fastest way to get money?

What is the best armor and where do i get it?

And so on, you get the point...

Now i was curious as to why Mr UberMunchkin won't play the game and insists, sometimes even months and months before the game is released to find out these from players that DID find them out themselves? Why doesn't Mr UberMunchkin play the game and find out? Does Mr UberMunchkin find the game too hard or is Mr UberMunchkin just impatient?

Speak your mind.


doing what you mentioned only spoils the game imo. I remember the first 4 months of playing EQ (my first mmorpg), it was so enjoyable finding things out for myself, exploring new areas and waiting excitedly for the next level so I could find out what new spells I would get etc. Then some one told me about eqatlas, I quickly moved from eqatlas to allakhazam and casterrealms etc. Leveling stopped being so fun because I knew what I would get and what it would do, I started a new char and did everything that casters realm told me, I looked at what every spell did and came up with stratergies before I even started playing the class. I ultimatly got bored and quit.

When I started DAoC I vowed I wouldn't look at stat sites etc and I didn't, until I got to level 30ish and I gave in again and used catacombs. From that point on I quit several times and ended up having much less fun.

My point is you do enjoy the games more when you don't look at stat sites etc but it's hard not too.

I plan on not looking at any stat sites when I play SWG and, this time, I plan on keeping my promise. It just makes the whole experience more fun.


your post answers your question...
Mr Uber Munchkin :D


well whats the point to understand from your post dewey?

he is talking about people who cant be arsed to make a little research and therefore bug everyone who does have some intellect banal questions..

you are talking at cross purposes imo


Yeah, why DOESN'T arwen go find out this stuff for himself? It's pissing me off - every third thread is "How do I spec the theurgist I don't actuallly have??".



I'm the happiest gamer in the world.

Totally and utterly without a clue, just ask my guild mates ;)


Then again, I wish I'd found out how to spec my first character before I rolled him - a briton 2h armsman, with 28 in 2h, around 12 in slash, parry and (shudder) crossbow... he was deleted at level 28 :p


Yeah, why DOESN'T arwen go find out this stuff for himself? It's pissing me off - every third thread is "How do I spec the theurgist I don't actuallly have??".

i didnt want to be the first one to post it :)

ontopic now : what fun is playing a game when your char becomes unplayable because you made some wrong decisions?

i remember in beta, i didnt know shit about the game, my cleric (3spec) solod all the way to a wopping level 9 in allmost a month (with dail playing approx 3-5 hours) and when german servers closed i got an ickle (again 3spec) chanter to lvl 12 in just under 2 weeks (again with 3-5 hours playing time).
When my chanter went to emain (crom cruiach event thing) we got totally owned by mids and i rolled mid in retail.

What im trying to say is that the game just isnt any fun when you don't know what you're doing, but then again i'm the controlfreak statwhore kinda person :)


Because some people find that twinking is more fun then learning by doing.

The great thing about daoc, imho is that you will never ever never be the best you can be. There are so many nice items and drops that no matter how long and hard and horrible you play, you will never get it all.

Now give dragon loot ffs!


Originally posted by klavrynd
What im trying to say is that the game just isnt any fun when you don't know what you're doing, but then again i'm the controlfreak statwhore kinda person :)

I'm not quite in agreement here - I had tremendous fun in beta doing ordinary "fed-ex" tasks and trying to find my way from city to city in Midgard. Running around the wilderness learning your way around is way fun imo, the same is experimenting with your classes. My first char i beta was a SM, then a warrior, hunter, healer and all this chars I specced from ... chance :) Gave me much more infomation then simply getting the "common" spec handed to me.
The fun for me is exploration of the lands and the chars. - not rushing to level 50 so I can be <insert class here with a common spec>#453.
Therefore when people ask me what my spec is and then "why" - I just smile at them and tell them they need to choose what *they* like, not what 2451 people before them liked.
(of course I still advice people on specs for the classes I know, but make sure to point it is imo :))


I think I might try and avoid looking at any SI maps ... at least not any detailed ones.

Might try and make my own ones of the dungeons... *ponder* :)


I dont think looking at stat sites or info sites is a bad thing... They only give you an impression of what to do.. I think it's necessary you do some research on the game and the char you going to play when you play, otherwise you might play for months and end up with a total messed up char... and some people dont have the time to level 3 or more chars up to 50...

Even tho when you look things up on the net, the game can still be an adventure, i mainly just look things up about charachters, not really about quests or so. Or i look at alkahzam where i can find some nice loot...


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
I think I might try and avoid looking at any SI maps ... at least not any detailed ones.

Might try and make my own ones of the dungeons... *ponder* :)

tho not with maps, I'm doing kinda that too.
trying to keep as much info about SI away from me as possible, to at least partly get that fluffy feeling of roaming through undiscovered country, finding and experiencing something new...


If you get those questions, you can always tell them to /advice, thats what we are here for.

This is a community based game, and Im pretty sure that no one here can say they have never asked a question that others would consider n00bish at some stage. Theres no need to be so tight arsed and get the hump with people when they ask for help tho, and most of the time its less hastle to just answer the question than get into a flame debate about it.

As some have said, its fun starting something new, an adventure. Most ppl who play ***RPGs want that, they dont want all the answers, just clues to help them along the way.

Bleri McThrust

My main was thoroughly researched. I sought out the info on Albion, maps, items, quests etc. And enjoyed doing it.

On Prydwen however I,ve rolled a few characters, with absolutely no research. No maps or anything. Thats fun to and even though the characters are different, there are some things which obviously learnt from Excal/Albion that can allow you to do that without fear of major Gimpedness. However as I dont expect to spend much time on my Pryd characters Im not that bothered anyways.

But I dont think I would ever create a character I expected to put so much effort and time into, on the fly. I would want him to reflect my playstyle and needs. And research can be fun :)

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