Why do ppl put an end date?



If you put an end date for the auction, people will just wait till 2 hours before and bid. If we all started bidding 3 days before the end date, we realise we are pushing each others price up so we don't do it.

Just my opinion.


thats why i only run 48 hour auctions, dont say when it ends, and also add a buyout price :)


Because if theres no end date, prospective buyers will assume its a total load of wank and the seller is just out to get an unreasonably high price for their item that they'd only get in an auction with stupid overcashed twits participating.

Just my opinion.


And to rephrase, now that I'm less drunk and obnoxious :D

Without an end date, potential buyers have no guarantee that the auctioner won't just sit on his thumb until a "too good to refuse" offer is made, and therefore it's not worth the bother participating.

An auction is supposed to benefit both buyers and sellers in the end, even though the way some auctions are conducted here it wouldn't seem that is the case.


I think it's good to have end time in auctions. Pretty much for already mentioned points.

I've started to use system in my auctions that has ending time but will allow bids always 5 minutes after last accepted bid.
You can check example of this here:

This will make it bit more fair (in my opinion) by eliminating the last second bidders because if there was few of those, it might be matter of few seconds who got the last bid.

Haven't had that much of those though I suppose and I've noticed that in my few auctions, there's often been bids quite early even if there is ending time.

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