Why do ppl come here and whine? (Discussion)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
oki this is a discussion!

Why do ppl come to FH to whine? do they hope to get support from other ppls? cant they fix stuff up for themselfs?

dont whine here, just come with reasons to post your whine public like this.. plz


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 18, 2004
to blow of steam and show how much i hate the albs i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em i hate em ah well there u have it


Dec 24, 2003
Yeah and in some cases, nail a nail in the coffin on people that piss em off, where other can see it. as warning or simply as payback, or possibly the both of em.

I would rather think it is more a matter of as renwind said blowing off steam.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
One thing is that people have come to call any complaint or dissatisfaction about something a "whine", when in fact if you look up the real meaning of the word, it's not that at all.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
well i guess it's 2 things basicly.

1. it's a way to blow off some steam,
2. it's prob. an attempt to name and shame the people that show no reguard to their fellow realm mates, and feel they dont have to follow the common unwritten rules of the realm, and will basicly do what they please, when they please, as long as it dosent violate CoC..

now once thats said, i really dout it does any good what so ever since the one's concerend will keep doing what they want when they want, and probebly dont care if someone complains on fh or not..be it valid or not.
this is also the reason i dont post much here tbh..!

but honestly try to imagine having camped a spot for some odd 10++ hrs and someone turns up and just does the encounter right infront of your face ?
that hurts be it against CoC or not, and a nasty way to treat other human beings, it truely reflets the kind of person you are..be it ingame or not, imo show some curtesy to others and most of the time thier is a way to work it out so both parties are happy...F.exp say that camping person dosent have people inc atm ? fine invite him and do it together and the ones that need it roll for it, and at least take the time to talk to the person..!

anyway what i'm trying to say is i dont mind the so called Whine threads, and the simplest way to aviod having your name end up here is be nice, help out others and the whines threads should die out by them selvs..

Cheers :)



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Because you can warn your fellows about some of the arsewits who are your fellow Mids as well as learning all sorts of things....

Just from reading the current posts you can tell alot of things such as camping is dead, some guilds have rude and selfish people in them (probably all, just some have more than others), that Ill write any old crap to put off doing some work...


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
well the way i look at it when camping is concerend it goes both ways,
simply "stealing" a camp without reguard to the one camping it is rude and selfish, but on the other hand telling a FG to go away cause your camping and have no one inc or any chance of actually doing the encounter is selfish & greedy as well..

what i dont get is why is it so hard to find some way to work it out ?



Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Its FUN :clap: . Just go to newest whine thread on RvR discussion or something you get a good laugh at people yelling at eachother ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
the average day need some extra spice.. it r of teh funnay or something ;)

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