Why can't I connect to the "other servers"?



Hi, I was wondering if you guys can help me.

I bought DAoC yesterday from Amazon.co.uk and when I came to register it forced me to sign up at www.camelot-europe.com. "No problem" I thought, except for the fact that the signup form was in French. I changed the =fr to =en and got the English signup form, and then proceeded to sign up. Once I'd finished signing my life away I logged in to choose my server. :)

I'd left EverQuest for DAoC because many of my good friends have left EQ for DAoC, and they all ended up on the Morgan Le Fay server. They are mostly European (Swedish, German, French and English with the odd American in there) and they can all connect to Morgan Le Fay, yet when I load up DAoC I dont get the option to connect to Morgan Le Fay at all!

I'm really disappointed by this, because being with my friends again was the reason that I gave up EQ. Does anyone know how I can connect to the other servers like Lancelot and Morgan Le Fay?

Another thing I noticed is that according to the American DAoC main site, the US servers are all on patch 1.50c, yet the servers I can connect to are all on 1.45, which means that either something is sadly wrong with my client or I'm being screwed over somehow.

I'm really disappointed at the moment, because what seems like a good game is being spoiled by the fact that I can't connect to Morgan Le Fay and join my friends again :(

If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it, but please dont just call me a noob and tell me to go away, because I just burned 20 quid on a game that so far I'm not enjoying and I'm feeling kinda cheated :(

Thankyou in advance everyone



As far as I am aware, Morgan Le Fay is an Americen server - and so needs the American version of the game to 'auto join' there.

The European version sends you to the French signup page.


Sorry, but your friends bought the US version of DAoC while you bought the GOA/EU version of the game.
Which basically means that you either have to buy the US version to play with your friends, or have to play here in Europe without them :(


There's absolutely no way for me to connect to MLF?

that sucks :(


Your friends should have told you that they bought the US version. :(

old.Gombur Glodson

damn that sucks :(
now you're stuck with GOA :(


Your going to be playing with us suckers lol. Unless you send the DAoC back to Amazon with the guarantee thing and say sommat like "U've sent me the wrong game, I don't want to play games anymore. Give me my money back *legs it* lol. I dunno where you can get teh US version from, unless your mates can buy it for you and send it to ya?


Ugh.... don't make the mistake of buying the EU version m8 :)

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