Why are so many people so ignorant ? [UPDATE]



OK, since there have been so many replies/views to my original post I think it only fair that I do an update for you all:-

Firstly, I would like comment on the correct manner in contacting people when looking for a group. As there is no manual in Realm etiquette, one can only adopt the basis that is used by others. I acknowledge that perhaps the basis I have looked for a group by “/send LFG Please “ or “/yell LFG Please” may be, well not wrong, but perhaps not the best way. To my defence though, I have used this way because I have seen so many others ask for groups on the same basis, and assumed that it was standard practise when looking for a group. In future I will try to obtain groups on a more personal/friendly basis, by personal messages and asking in a more polite manner.

[Futher update : I was on last night and EVERY person I saw looking for a group basically, said or yelled “LFG” or “LFG please”]

Now regarding some of the comments about the Level of players in RvR, to be honest I don’t believe that it makes that much difference in the general running of things, once people are Level 45+.

I have not yet seen any battles in RvR where it has been a close run thing, as to the winner, its has always been a massacre for one side or the other. I do not believe a group of 6 Lvl 50’s and 2 Lvl 45’s it that much different from a group of 8 Lvl 50’s. Whilst some of you may oppose my view on this, let me put it another way……If players are bias towards having sub-level 50’s in their group, this could result in a population of Lvl 50’s coming to RvR with no RvR experience and no Realm Abilities. I am positive that a group of sub-level 50’s with RvR experience and some Realm Abilities would spank a group of newbie RvR Lvl 50’s.

However, regardless of the above, as Minnie has quite correctly pointed out, the real question was why players seemed to be so rude when ignoring other members of their realm. I have been on a little in the past couple of days and I have started to personal message any players that I Res, asking if they happen to have any room in their group. I spent a total of about 1 hour ressing, mostly at DC and probably 70% answered my request, the fact that all the responses were negative (i.e. Group full etc) was not an issue, it was the fact that they took the 3 seconds to respond to me that was important.

Regarding Danyan’s comments about the spam created if people take the time and trouble to answer, this would not be the case, as not everyone in a group would respond would they ? One would expect the leader to answer or perhaps one other member if the leader was not there, and with a maximum of perhaps 4 groups in the area, we are only talking about 4 to 8 lines of responses.

I would like to thank some of you for your messages and group invites, Iguk and Vasili are a couple who spring to mind, thanks guys. Also thanks to those who perhaps have read my original post and have now taken the trouble to respond to players who ask for a group.



i invited a lvl 27 into my group today :(
i've done my bit for the realm!
you can no longer call me rp chaser? 'k? ~~


wow~~ i now have an average of 4 posts per day..i'm cool ..and don't you know it ! :m00:


you really do raise an important issue there Diddy about the lvl 50's who will suddenly arrive at rvr having not been there pre-50.

I sadly have to say I have grouped with some of them :( YES they do indeed exist ..they come about after spending much time with some bot in some corner leveling up..they have no idea at all about rvr and very little idea about their char and its capabilities.

so everyone must think carefully when turning down lower level members for their groups. I may well have said all this before but I'll say it again! groups of diferent levels are as important as groups of different classes.

The 'fast levelling' prats who arrive fresh in emain at 50 are a huge embarrassment to albion and makes complete idiots of themselves.

If all rvr groups share the responsibility of grouping some lower levels we will have a much stronger and more experienced force in the long term.

and I still shout LFG on the port and I still get groups with that, to anyone who doesnt like it :p


[Futher update : I was on last night and EVERY person I saw looking for a group basically, said or yelled “LFG” or “LFG please”]

If you want to raise above the general mass of people, you should Be Different. Be Different, in a positive way, obviously.

Being more polite, being more friendly, and being more enthustiastic about it, makes you Different in a way that would make me invite you over a lvl 50 paladin :)

<Cant really remember running into you, though. That might be because you used to be like everyone else :) >


i never scream LFG and i always have RvR groups, odd that :)


Originally posted by Diddy [DW]
I would like to thank some of you for your messages and group invites, Iguk and Vasili are a couple who spring to mind

<Polishes Vasili's imaginary Guild Member of the Month award>

Makes me proud, that does :)



Generic Poster

I haven't read your other thread yet, will go through it when I'm insomniac again :D

I can give a couple of tips which help me get groups...
Lyonesse - kinda hopeless and I gave up XP'ing there. The only sure way to get a group is to start one yourself.

Darkness Falls: Surprisingly easy to start your own group. When DF open, within 30mins half of Albion's population will end up there(although out of the 100+ people entering, only ~15 made any effort to take keeps, whilst the others made silly excuses and so on ;) ). With all of those entering, you're going to alot of people looking-for-group.

Why be one of those looking, when you can form one instead!
Not everyone flags themselves as looking, so invite anyone you need and they'll either be grouped already, or waiting on a group... but some will join you.

I know some people hate this approach to group invites, and bitch about "Why not ask me before inviting", but no ones ever said that to me, they either accept or they don't.

Of course, to people joining your group, it has to look good, so try to get a cleric/friar, Theurgist and those rare people known as Sorcerers.

At lv45, you can safely invite anyone from lv40-50 and have an effective group. Get a healer, a Wiz/Theu(earth buffs really help) and another tank. Fill the with rogues. Minstrels are good if you have a few casters and need someone to CC.

Take that group down to the shredders and start to XP.

Remember though, you will rarely form the 'perfect' group.... so group those you can, but don't be too desperate and start inviting lv35's and so on.

When the merchant's area is filled and it's hard to find anyone, make use of the /who command.

You want a lv45 cleric in DF? just type:
/who "45 Cleric in Darkness Falls"

You must include the quotation marks. The will work for finding a specific level/class/location anywhere you want... e.g. /who "43 Sorcerer in Lyonesse"

That command is usefull for a targeted search. If you want to find a range of levels, use:
/who x1 x2

where x1 is the lower level, and x2 is the higher level, e.g. /who 40 45

That will show you every player online between lv40 and lv45. At peak times, there may be too many to display, so narrow it down to: /who 40 42

You don't need quotation marks for this. I haven't found a way to search for a level-range in a specific class or location, might look into it sometime.

And the most basic search which you probably know, is:
/who Paladin
/who 40

So you see how this gives you an edge in finding players. You look for the class you need in DF, and then look for them in Camelot Hills( /who "43 Armsman in Camelto Hills"). If you find one, simply PM them and if they're coming to DF or where ever, you have someone to join your group!

Once you have the group set up, it's important to stay in control. I'm a control freak myself ( ;) ) and only let trusted players take over, while I relax. Most importantly, keep your group together, make sure everyone is /stick to you and be sure everyone is with you when you move around.

Remind everyone what their duties are, nothing in depth of course, but as the group leader, you have to plan the strategy and let others know where they fit in. e.g.
Player#1 pulls
Player#2 is CC
Player#3 pulls agro of casters/healers
Player#4 heals
Player#5 supports healer

etc... etc...

In every group you will have to adjust slightly, but so long as everyone knows what they're doing, you'll live longer.

This is obviously longer then I intended, and you should be ashamed of yourself making these complaints... being a Paladin!!! One of the easiest classes to group :D

But as I say, the best way to find a group is to form one yourself. Just keep some of those thing in mind, and yes, you will form groups which will totally flop before making a single kill... but it's all part of the struggle and eventually, you will become better at it.

Don't turn a class down becaue you might find someone better. I like unusual groups and have taken crazy mobs without a healer in the group. No healer? Get three Paladins and make sure they're running healchant. I've done Hulks with a pre-lv45 friar as the only healer, no CC whatsoever and we didn't die once.

I've also seen two stronger groups, joining to take hulks and repeatedly dying. What's the difference? Control.

The absolute worst are people who say: Don't group him, if he joins the group I'm leaving.
If you've ever done that to anyone, I don't care what your reason is, you're as big an asshole as the person you didn't want to join.

Everytime this happens, the group falls apart. (Not saying that to you, Diddy, but anyone in general)

So.. keep peace and Order. Keep an eye on everyone's status and don't sit idle. You're either pulling, or recovering. There is no in-between.


All I can say about RvR is, make friends. That's the only sure way to get groups. Either go out with your guildies, or try to get to know people who zerg Emain often.

Next time you see any of them, ask them via PM if they're grouped or not and get into their group. Asking random people rarely shows a result.


I'm not alb but I don't find getting groups all that important in rvr, I don't always set out to win every battle as I just want to have fun so more often than not I'll be seen running to emain solo. The general case after that is after not very long after I've been there or (most of the time) after I need a rez I'll be invited to a group. That's mostly based on just being known in your realm as either a good player or a decent person or both preferably (god knows why I get groups then :D)

Just don't force the issue and after a while you'll find the groups come to you instead of vice versa.


think this works

I think you can use the following command:

\who class startlevel endlevel

to do exactly what it says on the tin. Could be wrong but some variation of definitely works, eg.

\who sorc 40 50

Jod, Sorcerer Primus


Originally posted by minnie
The 'fast levelling' prats who arrive fresh in emain at 50 are a huge embarrassment to albion and makes complete idiots of themselves.

Whats a 'fast-levelling prat'?

Im levelling my sorceror fast - hope that doesnt make me a prat:(


positive thread on a difficult subject.


Originally posted by Cornell
I'm not alb but I don't find getting groups all that important in rvr, I don't always set out to win every battle as I just want to have fun so more often than not I'll be seen running to emain solo. The general case after that is after not very long after I've been there or (most of the time) after I need a rez I'll be invited to a group. That's mostly based on just being known in your realm as either a good player or a decent person or both preferably (god knows why I get groups then :D)

Just don't force the issue and after a while you'll find the groups come to you instead of vice versa.

well I always invite pretty much anyone that wants to join into my groups if I'm group leader -- in fact I tend to spam innocent passers by with invites til hey give in and join meh!! :D, as a result most of my groups end up being full of 6 champs + 2 heros and no support classes at all :rolleyes: still we all have fun anyways so it doesn't really matter that I'm rarely in an "uber" group.

As for getting groups.. I have often seen numerous people all shouting "lfg" when all groups were full.. but they keep shouting lfg anyways, instead of just forming a new group amongst themselves, this sort of lack of self-initiative is somewhat disheartening to see, you can't expect someone else to do everything for you ya know ;)

Also as for people's ignorance in general, well unfortunately it's just something you have to put up with, as people won't change. They're probably the same irl too afterall.


Originally posted by minnie

The 'fast levelling' prats who arrive fresh in emain at 50 are a huge embarrassment to albion and makes complete idiots of themselves.

I love this snippet. Where in emain are tactics used? Run with the zerg or mexican standoff at a mile gate until the side with bigger numbers ( or the most bored ) charge through. Stick a baboon behind the keyboard of a level 50 toon and they can function in emain ( you only need to see Najwa for this ).

So I'm interested how the fast levelling people make idiots of themselves in emain compared to any other zone in the game.

old.Gombur Glodson

With 1-2fg in emain you DO need tactics if you want to win.


Originally posted by Rasp

. Where in emain are tactics used?

sorry rasp thats crap you may have never left the zerg but plenty of good groups operate seperately from the zerg in all realms now, think before you type please


feck i agree with hrodelbert never thought i`d see the day ;)

if all you do is follow the zerg have a big fight release port back follow the zerg big fight release... then thats your problem

i try to virtually never follow the zerg and if it becomes milegate camping with more than 2fg i just log or suicide usually
whats to stop you getting a full group and running to hibby BK to ambush hibbie reinforcments?...or go to mid and have a run around there for a change?

when there are 2 options and you hate them both... then create a 3rd option


Originally posted by hrodelbert

sorry rasp thats crap you may have never left the zerg but plenty of good groups operate seperately from the zerg in all realms now, think before you type please

Funny I can remember a case just last week where I was solo in emain just killing time and I followed your LoE zerg. I followed them right through AMG and right into a hib zerg that wiped us all out. And even though I wasn't in any LoE group I was still chucking heals to your tanks whenever i could.

Must say those tactics of yours sure are awesome.

Also I only hit emain when the guild aren't doing any specific target RvR, e.g., take and try to hold Arvakr.

BTW I'm not flaming you but we hear these "use tactics n00b" posts all the time but emain always has been the zergers paradise. Not anyones fault as the game lends itself to this type of PvP encounter.


I personally hate it when a total stranger PMs me lookign for a group, what I hate even more is when u do /who said person, they r 9/10 times on /anon. oh, and ppl who spam LFG > once!

PS: lol ops wrong server, Hi guys :p, lol, so close, yet so very very far :pP

hmmm Christman event idea: merge servers for a few days :D w00t


Originally posted by old.Outlaw
I personally hate it when a total stranger PMs me lookign for a group

hib prydwen is nice, cos there's rarely someone who's a total stranger rvring, and if they are, they don't stay that way for long (ie you get to know them, not they stop rvring :p)


amen to hrod.

emain is about zering to random albs maybe, but some of us try and keep well away, as its so <yawn> to sit at MMG for ages, or bash defended DC doors for ages.

number of whinges in chatgroup recently have been laughable.

tip #1: get a regular group of 8 or 16 people, run around emain, dont sit at the milegates/DC for hours, get to know your realm mates and your groups limitations. you'll be amazed at how many people 2 organised and balanced fullgroups can actually take on.

tip #2: if your 8 or 16 people run into an impossible situation (ie. huge mid or hib zerg), dont bother staying there or engaging unless you plan to /release, go and check for reinforcements trickling through.

tip #3: speed of sound, learn how to get out of, or around, impossible sitatuions.

emain is a LOT more than just zerging. an increased number of albs are starting to learn this and tbh, thank god :) there are however still the people who think they know best and complain when 4 alb groups run off from the zerg to do their own thing, or complain when those 4 groups dont come and help do something the "zerg" planned on.


i was hurtful to rasp and i have beaten myself with a large toad for my sins... in that case my 1 group SoS 'ed thru the nilegate and for some reason the zerg took that as a sign for them too charge too... i was laughing and picking flowers in breifine while the zerg died. anyway i've wept my tears life goes on. sorry i was mean rasp you are a nice man :)


I ask the Grogans if I can group with em every time im in emain, I get no reply ever, I think this is not on and am sick of being ignored.


oz thats coz you don't speak groganish you fool say trebledorh si rebu and they'll invite you


There is no ignorance anywhere, all is fine, move along please!


Originally posted by hrodelbert
oz thats coz you don't speak groganish you fool say trebledorh si rebu and they'll invite you

Damn I knew I should of picked Groganish instead of Pygmey as a second language at school

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