Why all this Lost Connection to server


Nov 3, 2004
The problem started when GOA started beta testing New Frontier on the (test server ) constant ""Lost Connection to Server""

Before NF I didnt have LD as now

I call it "SPAM LD" now days when you getting 10 lds in less one hour.

I got the right drivers btw before some one give me that advice

" Thank you but I know how too handle a computer/servers/clusters" :)

But I playing World of Warcraft, EvE Online, EverQuest II with no problems. I even can play with no problems whats soo ever on Dark Age of Camelot on the Mythics US servers "No LDS"

Soo when I play Dark Age of Camelot on GOA EU Excalibur Servers I losing connections all over.

I talked too my Isp's ( I got more then one yes) we have tracerouted it and the problem seem too be at GOA just before there Firewalls.

I need a solotion to this ( glaring at GOA ) more post will follow this


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
download pingplotter, run a trace, find out where the problem is.

Upgrade your network card drivers, do it again if you did it already, just do it, OK?

Beta testing of NF? that was months and months ago.... there was a problem with an Opentransit router a while back which was fixed, get some recent pingplots and we can see if the problem has resurfaced or if it's somewhere else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
don't know about fixed a while back, but I lead a medium sized raid on monday on prydwen (medium being about 70 people)... and at 3 points during the raid, we had mass LD...

and one of those mass LDs involved about 75% of the raiding party...

now i don't think you can explain something like that by those 50+ people not having the right drivers installed on their pcs and having an isp that's having trouble..

and forget having to run technical things like ping plots and traceroutes... it should be the resposibilty of GoA to ensure that everyone who pays for the service and wants access, gets access...

(probably going well off the mark here, but i needed a little moan from the time delay the LDs caused my raid the other day :p)

maybe the great lag problem we had a few patches ago in toa is rearing its ugly head again...

ps. jamie is a gimp :D


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
yeah it could be the OT problems are back, or some other router is fooked somewhere. If it was 100% of the people on the raid going LD it's more likely to be GOA than 75% ;) 75% implies that 1/4 of the people still had a valid route and that the router that's going boom is further away from the GOA network - that or it's closer but the problem was just a hiccup that didn't quite last long enough to kill everyone's connection off (the lucky 1/4 managed to hang on)

We're going into dodgy metaphor territory here - but I don't see my local cinema sending me a free taxi when the bus drivers are on strike so I can see the film I bought tickets for. (I'll probably regret that metaphor)

GOA administer the servers and their network and connect it to t'intenet - if t'internet is broken they can't exactly fix that ;)

They can prod whichever backbone company is having issues and say "oi this router is fooked, do something about it" but that's as far as it goes.


Nov 3, 2004
so why its only GOA I getting Lost connections from
and not on the others online game I play ?

to all those "update your drivers" please dont I consider that in a way "bullshit talk" when I clearly stated my drivers are updated in my first post


Nov 3, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
download pingplotter, run a trace, find out where the problem is.

Upgrade your network card drivers, do it again if you did it already, just do it, OK?

Beta testing of NF? that was months and months ago.... there was a problem with an Opentransit router a while back which was fixed, get some recent pingplots and we can see if the problem has resurfaced or if it's somewhere else.

did miss my info "" I talked too my Isp's ( I got more then one yes) we have tracerouted it and the problem seem too be at GOA just before there Firewalls. ""

or ???


Nov 3, 2004
Infanity said:
They dont like you!!


yea but then I should have no problems running another account who isnt registerd in my name then ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Make Rightnow and tell them what step just before their firewall is not working properly. Maybe they then prod whichever backbone company is having issues and say "oi this router is fooked, do something about it" .

But last time there was lag/ld issues huge amount of pingplotter reports were needed before that.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Haha i walked past GOA HQ and look what i found


someone must be really angry!


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Malena said:
did miss my info "" I talked too my Isp's ( I got more then one yes) we have tracerouted it and the problem seem too be at GOA just before there Firewalls. ""

or ???

need a bit more than "I talked to my ISP and they said it was there"

"I talked to a bloke called dave he said it was all eggy's fault.." doesn't really help much ;)

post a traceroute result or a pingplot graph or even the name of the server that has the problem.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
We're going into dodgy metaphor territory here - but I don't see my local cinema sending me a free taxi when the bus drivers are on strike so I can see the film I bought tickets for. (I'll probably regret that metaphor)

you won't regret it, but you've got the wrong end of the stick tbh...

we pay goa for access to their network to play on their game... they have quite a big following in the EU to manage now and it should be their responsibilty to make sure that all the people they publish that have access should have access...

you taxi/cinema thing is wrong... i know that goa aren't responsible for the internet, i'm no where near implying that, but it does say there is something serious wrong when people go LD while connecting to goa's service and no one elses.. surely that should put the big flashing logo of blame somewhere above goa's head...

maybe its something to do with how the dynamics of the game work (like 4 seconds of non-response from the client is ok, but 5 seconds means a LD), or maybe it means that goa need to think about moving their servers to somewhere other then end of the dodgy opentransit network they currently sit...

but i think one of the main points is that its goa thats causing the problem, either directly (fault equipments etc), or by not wanting to do anything about server/internet connection... i think thats its near comical that people can connect to other mmorpgs around the world, or even to the daoc us servers without any ewul lag spikes or anything, but when we try to connection to the goa daoc euro servers it automatically becomes 'not goa's problem' and they pass the blame around...

i know at the other end of the stick its probably open transit at fault (again), but why should the users have to be the ones to prove the fault etc...

its like saying i run a taxi firm, but you have to provide the car...


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Malena said:
so why its only GOA I getting Lost connections from
and not on the others online game I play ?

because they connect through diffrent routers?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
limpit said:
you won't regret it, but you've got the wrong end of the stick tbh...

we pay goa for access to their network to play on their game... they have quite a big following in the EU to manage now and it should be their responsibilty to make sure that all the people they publish that have access should have access...

you taxi/cinema thing is wrong... i know that goa aren't responsible for the internet, i'm no where near implying that, but it does say there is something serious wrong when people go LD while connecting to goa's service and no one elses.. surely that should put the big flashing logo of blame somewhere above goa's head...

so tell me exactly how GOA can force another company to do something if they dont want to/dont think its neccesary(sp?)

all GOA can do is tell wichever company that owns the router to fix it. in no way can they FORCE them to. u seem to think they can.

limpit said:
its like saying i run a taxi firm, but you have to provide the car...

eeh, no it isnt. its like saying the road is broken so i cant take my taxi to wherever u wanna go!


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Ctuchik said:
all GOA can do is tell wichever company that owns the router to fix it. in no way can they FORCE them to. u seem to think they can.

to abuse that poor metaphor even more (poor thing)

It'd be like the taxi driver forcing the local council to patch up the roads ;) or rather change the traffic priorities since it's more like traffic jams than a road that's been dug up - you can connect most of the time just there's delays.

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