Why albs lose 99% of fights unless we zerg.



is because 70% of albs are cowards that refuse to fight unless they have 200% more than the opposition, if the numbers are equal what happens....they run, they break up and run which cause so many pointless deaths.

Communication in albion is also distgraceful, example:

tonight at bledmeer we guarded against a very god middy attack, they knew they wouldnt get teh keep so they goto AMG and farm albs, we get a chat group going and i propose an idea that at a syncronised time we from bledmeer would hit them from behind, the rest storm through amg on my mark, we get within 30 seconds of AMG, we are given notification that the AMG albs would hit them within 30 seconds, we get there hibs had killed the mids, few mids left in room above amg, we attack the hibs, we call on char group for albs.....nothing 1 min later the albs come though, reason they didnt move....cause some mids in room above.

its every night and day this happens, i am so jelous of the other realms ability to function on a normal wave length and rvr well, i bet when i said synchronised attack to those albs at amg they almost had a heart attack, too much information to compute.

i can honestly see why people leave this realm, if i wasnt in such a great guild and have many friends i would leave at the drop of a hat.

i know this will be met with flames etc etc but tbh it needed to be said, it happens everyday, cowards to concerned about how much rp's they will give the opposition cause albion losses everyday.

heres a hint to all those that need to grow a pair of balls, they sell them in the merchant on the left as you enter sauvage, go buy a pair, put them on and come and rvr, instead of playing catch me if you can with the enemy.

u die u release u return, i bet you feel good running and dieing on the run like cowards :)

btw this isnt to all albs as we have some dam great players, just alot of albs forget to purchase there balls as they enter sauvage.


so if albs dont zerg the enemy has more ppl right?(bigger zerg)

i also don't know how it comes we loose against a bigger zerg :rolleyes:


im saying similar numbers where as the enemy will fight, albs run or split up, it happens everyday in emain and happened tonight in odins. When there is a big zerg by the enemy the albs just keep feeding them :)


have a great guild and alot of friends here or i would, its just too frustrating fighting with albs, same thing everyday. Oh well my inf will be ready in 6 levels then i can group with some people i know will put up a fight regardless of numbers.


I also played alb for a while, didnt get to RvR at all (left before BG was put in).

But on the whole I think mid is the best realm having played them all for a while, might not be the brightest and most colourful realm, but still damn good :D

You should buy another account and start midgard.

You had many UO accts (If your the rollie im thinkin about)

So it wouldnt be that much of a problem :>


hehe yeah im that rollie, i have a spare daoc account, i just couldnt be arsed to re-roll.

heheh i never had anything like that many UO accounts most i ever had access too was 7 :p 2 was my own :)

i sold mine but still have access to them :)

btw the name link rings a bell :)


Hehe, you might know me as Colonial marine :D

Link was powergained because dexers pissed me off, I think i started it just after I quit DAoC cos albion killed my enjoyment :(


yeah i know u, you was M*D right u got hacked or scammed for loads, if i have the right person i gave 200k to darkman to help buy you a new home :)


Nope, thats not me :(

I was know as the resident speed hacker ;/

But i was in M*D :D


Because we have an average of 3 sorcerers with aoe CC in RvR at any time compared to a at least a bard in every hib and a healer in every mid group ?

Karl [DAOC]


Healers are very rare in midd unfortunatly!

i sat at the bottom of MTK!! waiting for a rezz till i autoed the toer day cos no helaers came past!

I would say there is atleast equal ammount of sorcerers as healers if not more!

aswell as u having minstrels clerics, and a common aoe root!

Mids Mezzers = healer... SM (even rarer then a Cabby prolly)... skald with a single insta mezz onm a timer...

Albs Mezz = Sorcerer (Resonable ammount), Cleric (Loads! :)), Minstrel (loads), theurgist (a few more air ones popping up i have found) and dont forget the Theurg root :(


Albs Mezz = Sorcerer (Resonable ammount)

No not really. In a whole night of RvRing on average i might get into a group with a sorc maybe once if im lucky. I could bet a lot of money if at prime time i do /who emain I would find only about 2-3 out of 70 people who are sorc.

Cleric (Loads! )

Not really, most have already stopped playing due to smite nerf. Plus PBAoE mezz is not crowd control (Its a defensive move) and the mezz length is downto how much smite the cleric has specced. It has a 200 diameter range, wowowow big deal.

Minstrel (loads)

One single mezz in this patch, later a shit 5 second cast aoe which u prolly be nuked to oblivion or insta mezzed b4 u get it off.

theurgist (a few more air ones popping up i have found) and dont forget the Theurg root

Yeah we have quite a few theurgists. Theurgists have to have a lot in air to have any decent sort of mezz. Even then the duration is short. Ice root fails so much I could cry. On my wizard (dont know what the case is with theurgist but i suspect exactly the same) before the patch my roots never failed in RvR. Now 30-50% of my roots are resisted omfg wtf.

Sorcerer 45-50 (XML Statistics) ... 38 characters found.
Bard 45-50 (XML Statistics) ... 41 characters found.
Healer 45-50 (XML Statistics) ... 74 characters found.

Spiritmaster 45-50 (XML Statistics) ... 6 characters found.
Cabalist 45-50 (XML Statistics) ... 5 characters found. :p (Cabby rarer)


Originally posted by pitspawn

Sorcerer 45-50 (XML Statistics) ... 38 characters found.

Well either I am blind or 90% of these are smoking crack in DM rather than rvr cause chance of having more than 1 sorscerer at same spot in rvr is same as winning in lotto.

But about the organisation etc. the problem is that each hib group HAVE a bard = speed. Albs dont. Unfortunatly 90% of alb minstrels want to do solo or stick with other stealthers. this meens that most alb grps get spread out.
Example. Some yell mmg. ppl. start to move mmg.
grp 1 with minstrel reach mmg: die.
grp 2 with sorsc/therugist speed reach mmg 30 secs later die
grp 3-6 die a very sad painfull dead 1 by 1 with no speed.
That is one of the main problems.
Then for the cowardness. I dont think the dying is that horrible for the albs ints knowing that once you rush towards say hib the chance of not getting mezzed is very very low. So people hesitate .... but die anyway.

Sad but true.

Not saying that any realms are more uber or another. Just sharring my view of why albs die the way they do. No one to blame........... except the assholes who designed the game I guess.


lol Zerathol, thats so true couldnt agree more :p

The amount of times we have asked a minstrel who is lone to join our group so we could have speed/powesong and he/she says he/she is ok solo is insane.

Remember with even numbers, getting albs through amg isnt easy even with an equal force either side. The otherside has the battlements so casters/archers etc can pick off mindless albs.

So albs are at a disadvantage their straight off. If it were the other way around, it might be another issue. (Height gives a slight bonus to range aswell :) )

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