why 10 days to recover :/



Since the 18th of August, Dark Age of Camelot Europe has been the victim of computer crime, like many other well known online services.

Game Login and passwords : final chapter [2003-28-08]

why does a company need 10 days to recover from such an incident WHERE ARE THE BACKUP SERVERS?

WHERE ARE SKILLED ADMINS? i dont want to know what kind of assholes are getting paid with the money we pay:/

The procedure of sending the GAME Passwords ended yesterday evening around 22H00. All accounts received a new password, even the closed ones. For security reasons we didn't want to add the login in the mail with your new password.


i havent got a password even for one of my 4 accounts

If you have not received your password (for instance if your email indicated in your profile was not correct), as this is the case for several hundred players, you will have to write to subscription@goa.com when it reopens, specifying your personal information (name, address…), as well as your Game login.

Your IDs will be sent to you via post mail.

WHEN IT REOPENS??? when is this going to be tomorrow in a week in 2? IT TOOK EM 10 DAYS TO kinda recover from this incident.


- Why did ppl get wrong passwords?
- Why did they need over 48 hours to send 35k~ emails? a simple 486 can send average 500 emails per minute
- Why arent we told the truth?
- What about ppl that bought the game in the last 10-15 days and cant play?
- Why does this company not inform us as they should?
- Why the fook did sanya the hoe lie to us ie that no server was compromised?
- Why did we have to pay more money for non existent SERVICES?!?!?
- WHAT SECURITY? I bet that our private information addresses/phones etc have been stolen by the hacker/s
- Why do we all pay them arround 400k Euros per month? For what?

ya i kno the servers been up almost everyday but what about failed rrs due to zone crashes etc :/

i dont want to pay them for things like that :/

ppl have reported missing/deleted characters
ppl have reported wrong passwords
ppl have reported that they got more passwords than they own accounts


their admins got no skill? not informed about vulnerabilties? dont have patched uptodate software? cant configure firewalls? need to rtfm ALOT?

wtf do ppl patch to us servers? BUGS ? ALOT ? FGS:/ ?


sorry for this just had to whine somewhere bw is suitable for this etc.

feel free to flame me:/


u r rightbut they don't care about us think....


Hey, Diab !

Me and my friends are going back to Pryd ! :)


Yeah but what are you gonna do? Cry more? Nothing can be done. So they suck, big deal.


hey headache would be nice to see u again but i duno if i still be arround :/


There's always some merry little chimp who gets passed by by the entire crisis :rolleyes:


ffs I still can't received any password for my 2 account, I have w8 this for 2days already but still no damn reply, really getting p off with this now, can't they have a phone number for us to phone the company?


Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
There's always some merry little chimp who gets passed by by the entire crisis :rolleyes:

That makes me a merry little chimp too :)


Why 10 days to recover ?

Why are 5,000 threads needed when they all say the same thing ?

Oh and Icedguardian, get back in your playpen, fucking moron.



Why dont i have my password tho gao get server up and send people there password u doing nothing putting site on doesnt take 1 year..


Originally posted by Lucias
Why 10 days to recover ?

Why are 5,000 threads needed when they all say the same thing ?

Oh and Icedguardian, get back in your playpen, fucking moron.



Seriously though, we're all aware that a minority are having problems. But please, can't you keep it to one thread? Instead of spamming it everywhere?


- Why did they need over 48 hours to send 35k~ emails? a simple 486 can send average 500 emails per minute

Although I agree that it took them way too long to send a mere 40k ish emails - Id like to see the server that could send out 500 DYNAMIC (remember they are dynamic, not exactly the same email goes out to everyone - password changes etc) emails in 1 minute.

Thats crazy, 8.3 dynamic emails per second? - no chance

At work we do dynamic mass email sends and you're talking 1.5 to 2 seconds per email, and even then thats just processing it and putting it in the box's mail queue - which means you're talking 5 or so seconds per email for it to actually be "sent".

so 5 * 40,000 = 200,000 seconds
so (200,000 / 60) / 60 = 55 hours

BUT, what you can do is like what we do and have 5 boxes doing a chunk each - thus 5 emails can go out at the same time so you divide the time it takes by 5, so assuming all the boxes are the same spec :

55 / 5 = 11

so a much nicer 11 hours for total send

also its not like you need high powered boxes - the difference in real time terms when doing a simple dynamic email (as oposed to one with many many iterations/dynamic elements and calculations in it) is not that great.

So yeah, it can easily take 48 hours to send out that many mails, but by simply splitting the job across a few machines you make a massive impact on the total time - goa look like they had 1 machine running

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