Who's The Daddy Assassin eh



Infiltrator's get the extra spec points.

SB's get the extra con and the 2handed weapons.

NS's get a dd <giggles>

Tell me of you're experiences.... I don't want know about spec points and stats anymore I want know who's the DADDY. And Jadow no you may not post here (to everyone: he thinks he's the daddy already).

There must be some epic shadow battles out there that not many of us get to see........ as much detail as possible write a novel if you wish.

<starts up the fire opens a pack of marshmellows and pops them on his sword.>


theere are countless posts comparing the 3 assasins, and its common knowledge that NS are a tad under par in comparision to SB and Infs.

Use the search function lazybones


I dont think Wic meant classes here TPT, i recon we should be talking names here rather. :)


ahh in that case, I pick Sir Derric, he is the Gentleman Infiltrator


i fear shades more, pierce shades at least. Fast weaps + thrust damage = me takes big PA and gets CD'd before he can react


U mean a small PA, faste weaps means a weak PA


i get PA'd for more by pierceshades with dirks that i do by shadowblades with 2hand cleavers.
Chain(15%)+26%slash resist, compared to
Chain(-15%)+16%thrust resist

Uncle Sick(tm)

I would like to nominate Ms. Suzanne Carlton.
The only stealther I managed to kill with TEH V01|) in Thidranki. :D
... was half dead and running anyway - but hey- what's sweeter than shooting someone in the back?

I hate Infiltrators............ hate them.

Piddle Myself

I'm going to have to go for Iziz on the Excalaber server... She may not be a daddy, but has been a thorn in my back a few times! LOL (Please Iziz... don't kill me again!) LOL


Untill someone took over Ninjastyle accounts, he was the daddy of all :)
He was nice, would let lowbies live... unlike some cheapass assasin classes mentioned before...
Shame right now all I see in emain is Ninjastyle is killed by xxxxxx.
Really hope the new guy playing learns how to play :)
Regards, Glottis


the old Iziz, the person that actually levelled the char to 50 and equipped it and earned its reputation, was a skilled player, an honorable player and hurt like hell. The new owner is a /laugh-spamming wanker that can't differentiate between skill and the ability to purchase an 8-pt RA... :p


Same with hoster.... used to be one of the best and now I just /laugh when he's around (I used to run crying to my apk). He tried to 1 shot pa me last night while I was just outside an alb fort he was running around like a scared newbie.

It really is true its the person behind the char not the char itself.

ohh and how come derric is a gent. I know him and know he is but what actions has he taken or not action as the case maybe ;-)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
the old Iziz, the person that actually levelled the char to 50 and equipped it and earned its reputation, was a skilled player, an honorable player and hurt like hell. The new owner is a /laugh-spamming wanker that can't differentiate between skill and the ability to purchase an 8-pt RA... :p
Back in my excalibur days iziz rocked. Then she sold her char and moved to levelling alts while waiting for PvP. Still she is "teh daddy" :D


Sickofit! im chuffed :)

Suzanne after a small break is out of thidranki now alas after nailing a bard as a final act of punishment to the hibs ;) she will be back though, i promise you, she just cant get enough of making others suffer

first stop.... yggdra forest... in about 2 levels time ;)


Update of Iziz, the good news is... iziz made it to alb / pry! infact, iziz is actually in my guild, guardians of power, leveling quick and doing a grand job. a top person and a good laugh, his new name is warshade if anyone wants a chat with him, im sure he wont mind me saying it here. he couldn't have iziz cause he made an alt on alb / pry on the original account with that alas, and now the new owner has it etc...

if i remember rightly, with the money iziz brought a Geforce4 =)


iziz also goes as lurkiz on pryd, and yes I knew she was about myshra. ;)


well i was just trying to keep people uptodate :) im not sure iziz reads the forums


Hoster is played by 2 guildmates, Raenolf and Cuba. Cuba was first to control Hoster since Erebus left the game (The player behind Hoster) and Raebolf bought it only a few weeks ago.

Raenolf went from playing a 50 healer to a 48 (at the time) gimp spec SB. Just cos he is new to the class, dont mean you gotta go insulting him.

We decided to keep Hoster in Head Hunters as its only right, he was born and raised a Head Hunter and so he shall continue.

BTW Hoster is not a critblade, so he WOULD NOT be trying to one shot anything.

Herbal Remedy

iziz was an utter pain in the arse being a rezzer but being a cleric ns and sb havent bothered me much :p


Solid my point is to concur with the infiltrator from albion, that its the player behind the char not the char itself.

Im not insulting anyone but I had forgotten that he's not the same sb and it shows in a big big big way. In general albion people used to care when hoster was about now they don't lift an eyebrow. Nothing wrong with someone else playing the char but if the person who played before was good then it shows. Building a char to the high 40's or even to 50 you learn how to play then you have to re-learn for rvr. If I see tjalfe's name killing someone I brick myself and wonder if Im next unless our inf team is out there......, certain people strike fear into the hearts of others and hoster ain't one of them anymore.

God forbid if Niar, Jadow, Artemis etc etc decide to give up. They make the char special not the char itself.

I wish you're guild friends good luck. Actually no I don't go back to playing a healer go on shoo you nasty little sb's there's enough of you causing misery out there already, mez me instead ;-).

Ohh and is Cancer on excaliber hib still playing I heard he was pretty good.


Aye and there could not be a bigger diff in playing a Healer and a SB . But Rea is a good player and will learn to use the char to its max im sure , my only concern is he is to nice ;)


aye at least Cuba had that heartless nasty streak :D

Never fear, one day my SB will gain those last 9 levels and join up wiht my fellow stealthed Thane, Blejsisarus :D


Even though Derric is the gentleman infil, Niar is teh DADDY!

staff pa == teh ouch


/blush :D
awww - I feel loved once more :)

Yep - I'm playing on Pryd/Alb atm on the following chars:

Warshade - infiltrator
Lurkiz - minstrel
Dominiz - scout
Seffy - sorcerer

Feel free to look me up and come play if you want :)


Iziz is nobodies daddy :) she's FAR too sexeh for that!:clap:


but iii IS the daddy, iii is my nightshade that not many people know i have, one day in emain i stealthed over amg (which us hibs were camping) and started looking in awe at parts of the battle you never get to see as a hibby, every few minuits a lurikeen would pop up in a cloud of poison and get ganked by 20 albs :) i stealthed around a bit, just watching, waiting, silently biding my time, then i saw aeiedel die after attacking an alb caster woman, a short while later, some of the armsmen moved towards the gates, now was my chance! NOW!!!

so...i stealthed down, the caster aeiedel had attacked was still on 50% health, i was ready, had my crit strike chain on hotkey, had my weapons ready and slick with numerous poisons... i reached her undetected!! the joy! i attacked!

but considering i was level 9 i never managed to do much :D

iii is the daddy for one simple reason :) immense bravery in the face of a horde of albs almost all 40 levels higher than her :D

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