How many among us are just playing this game until another mmorpg comes out? I know for one i am, haven’t decided what. Not going to be WoW though i hear Goa are running the servers, otherwise it could be a great game. Let’s face it mythic have a near impossible job you can’t keep everyone happy all the time. The game is great and pretty much everyone in it are cool except albs ofc . why oh why didn’t they tie accounts into the CD key so you can only play your account from your installed copy of the game that would pretty much cut out hacking then people wouldn’t moan about GAO’s inability to back anything up. If it was any other service like banking for example and you got your account hacked you would dam well get your money. We pay for a sub standard service and in 6 months time they will regret the poor service they provide because imo the population will be cut by 3/4.