Who said paladins suck !



Top 10 Individual RP earners the past 7 days on alb

1) Alpha Male (50th lvl Highlander Minstrel - Phoenix Knight) [Herfølge Boldklub] 192,297
2) Outlaw (50th lvl Avalonian Theurgist - Eagle Knight) [Guardians of Light] 169,529
3) Aussie (50th lvl Briton Scout - Phoenix Knight) [Dragon Knights] 156,679
4) Konah (50th lvl Highlander Mercenary - Gryphon Knight) [First Cohort] 138,515
5) Mazsola Slowhand (50th lvl Highlander Minstrel - Eagle Knight) [Shadowlords Society] 128,729
6) Dhs (50th lvl Avalonian Wizard - Myrmidon) [First Cohort] 114,438
7) Arthwyr Pendragon (50th lvl Briton Paladin - Gryphon Knight) [First Cohort] 106,145
8) Mad TheDragon (50th lvl Highlander Minstrel - Eagle Knight) [Black Falcons] 102,108
9) Tahngarth KaoS (50th lvl Saracen Scout - Eagle Knight) [Guardians of Light] 96,231
10) Zagg Barr (50th lvl Saracen Infiltrator - Gryphon Knight) [Guardians of Light] 95,268

Top 20 Rp earners on the server the past 7 days.

1) Alpha Male (50th lvl Highlander Minstrel - Phoenix Knight) [Herfølge Boldklub] 192,297
2) Cuthervaen (50th lvl Celt Champion - Raven Ardent) [Celtic Fist] 189,814
3) Eleasias Wayfarer (50th lvl Celt Ranger - Thunderer) [Vengeance] 169,912
4) Outlaw (50th lvl Avalonian Theurgist - Eagle Knight) [Guardians of Light] 169,529
5) Novamir Trollbane (50th lvl Celt Hero - Raven Ardent) [Celtic Fist] 164,632
6) Wrathofsauron Baradur (50th lvl Troll Berserker - Stormur Vakten) [Red Guard] 156,787
7) Aussie (50th lvl Briton Scout - Phoenix Knight) [Dragon Knights] 156,679
8) Madeleine (50th lvl Norseman Skald - Isen Herra) [White Rose] 146,445
9) Horsma Hordesdottir (50th lvl Norseman Skald - Stormur Vakten) [Cradle] 138,599
10) Konah (50th lvl Highlander Mercenary - Gryphon Knight) [First Cohort] 138,515
11) Mazsola Slowhand (50th lvl Highlander Minstrel - Eagle Knight) [Shadowlords Society] 128,729
12) Daigh (50th lvl Celt Bard - Grove Protector) [Lliad Ddraig] 120,886
13) Pagi (50th lvl Troll Skald - Elding Vakten) [White Rose] 118,162
14) Qte Eth (50th lvl Lurikeen Mentalist - Grove Protector) [Terra Dominus] 118,015
15) Dhs (50th lvl Avalonian Wizard - Myrmidon) [First Cohort] 114,438
16) Arthwyr Pendragon (50th lvl Briton Paladin - Gryphon Knight) [First Cohort] 106,145
17) Madpiere (50th lvl Dwarf Berserker - Elding Vakten) [Demons Mist] 102,456
18) Bluwi (50th lvl Kobold Runemaster - Stormur Vakten) [Nolby Pride] 102,137
19) Mad TheDragon (50th lvl Highlander Minstrel - Eagle Knight) [Black Falcons] 102,108
20) Odixarre Swampstone (50th lvl Elf Enchanter - Grove Protector) [Celtic Fist] 101,775


no-one sucks in a good group, arthwyr.
And to answer your question, you said paladins suck.



Hehe I know, just thought I'ld boost paladin Morale a bit, at least with our RAs we will become really useful in groups. Insta group heal and purge are 2 v nice things to have even if they are on a 30 minute timer, I mean the group heal is almost like a group Ignore pain and you get it without speccing other RA skilss ... ouch.


I don't even wanna know how many RPs u gave away to get those :p Three times the amount ?? ;)


Rps aren't a good indication of how good a class are in RvR, more a figure of how much they play.... l


Paladin is GOD and the rest of u r all GIMPS


Paladins rock after they got the group instaheal. Its just Arthwyr that is teh gimp! ;)


Paladins with their lovely new RA toys are a great addition to a group.

Makes it more annoying that us armsmen still offer little to groups :rolleyes:

It would have been nice to be able to get a few RAs that made me more useful to a group, but I guess Ill just have to enjoy the wonders of the paladins Faith Heal and try to remember (yet again) why I started an armsman.


Armsman = Determination, wish my paladin had it


Originally posted by Arthwyr
Armsman = Determination, wish my paladin had it

Unless I missed something determination is self only. Sure, it may get me out of mez slightly faster, but Im sure youd agree Faith Heal > Determination.


Any chance me leechi.. er helping you gain the RP? ;p


To be honest =)
(pala whine thread coming up proceed at own caution )

Faith healing costs 14 Points and is a 1200 Hitpoint heal on 30 min timer, For 19 points armsmen get a 100% self heal on the same timer. Sure a paladin can get both but at the price of 33 points Oo who is nuts enough to do that.

Hitpoints ... With toughness 1, cons 1 and eppic armor i have 1405 hitpoints unbuffed, my Hitpoint cap fully buffed is just under 1900 Hitpoints ... thats a joke right, you armsman must have at least 300 hitpoints more there. So with Ignore pain you would restore upto 2200 HItpoints and if your grouped with a paladin who knows to hit the heal in time you get another 1200 hitpoint freebie.

So paladin 1900 +1200 Hitpoints
Armsman in same group 2200 + 2200 + 1200 for 5RA points more + Determination if they want to.

So paladins hit like girls, get crappy useless chants, crap hitpoints, rediculous stat caps for a tank and piety as primary stat with nothing to use mana on but budget rezz (160 strength 160 dex cap unbuffed) Hell if i specced a Britton scout in shield and thrust it would make a better tank then a paladin because scouts dont have a useless primary stat. Plenty of reasons to play an armsman.



Con is primair stat on a hybrid hp table
Piety is secondary stat which is useless
Str is tertiar which is to low for a tank

but paladin is not a tank and never intended to be one.paladin is all and nothing not a healer,not a tank. ye i do think paladin needs to be fixed...it are all well known issues before EU servers went live.

most ppl just started a paladin cos they think its the best tank etc. bs whatever...

If u make a paladin dont get any illusion of uber or what so ever. see the facts,face them,than think if u want to make one...

I personally played a paladin since the beginning of beta.which i enjoyed a lot.even tho i didnt do high dmg,had low hp...after beta i was gonna make an armsman,but when i hit lvl 5 i made myself paladin..why u ask? Cos i accepted the fact what paladins can do and most important what they cant do... till this day i still enjoy playing my paladin. most of a guildmates wouldve leveled much slower without pally power :pPP

ow btw the most rediculus thing is speccing full chants will gimp the paladin even more ( if thats possible :p) for a lot of points u get 1.5dps/sec,120af.9hp heal more.... :)


Pally's gimp? LMAO

Well Opinions r many I say but this is MINE, and u can flame what u want about it but i hope u respect my opinion , becuase i respect others opinion.

Only what u can have a Good pally is 2h Pally, why?
well its simple, we need our chants and with 2h u hit hard, if u wanna go shield, make arms.

Why 2h?
Simple , Pally = aint good to solo to get good XP or RP's, and because of chants u really wanna group, becuase u can show and give use your UBER hit dmg and UBER chants to others in same group, and now also Faith Healing and other RA skills.

And when u go to Speccing, its really simple what u can do, u will gimp your self with s/s and leaving chants small because u dont hit enough with s/s so u think u need to go to higher shield and main style, leaving chant slow. And soon u notice that your points aint enough. I have made some mistakes at start when i made my pally, but hey who didnt make when making his/her 1st character, but the errors what i made is fixed with ATTIDUDE and respec!!!

i will respec Chants 50, 2h 50, Crush 25, Parry 14, and with extra i still have Slash 12.. because havent never spent a point in it, and when respeccing , it will stay at 12, same as chants will stay at 12, because thats other autotrained skill at Pally, but i have used points to that 1 so it makes no difference of what i can respec

And also u will get a lot of hit and dmg when u r 2h, well u get all out from pally when u group, so there is 1 who can Block the hits what goes to u, and u can add everything with the chants and u can control the group easy, with chants and taking aggro , protect important peeps etc etc . U just HAVE to play pally right, Pally aint a solo character like most of the others r, Pallys 1st job is PROTECT the group, sacrifice him self to save the group, and so that group can make what group needs to do, and also when grouped u maybe will find Buffer there, and with Buffs 2h will hit even more, and when u add there Mastery of Pain and Mastery of Arms, which needs also DEX and STR taken from RA's which will provide to Pally more Hit DMG, whats Pallys job also.
There is so much to tell in here about this, but if u dont get it, u dont get it even if its been teached u from holding your hand.

And what about RVR, well as i said earlier Pally is Group character, and whats RVR? well tell me 1 person who can solo 2 fgps of enemy when they inc and u engage, NO 1, but with good balanced 1 fgp thats easy. and Ups, pally is in that group..

And what Pally Does, he looks 1st the deads around if enemy has wiped some Albs, fast look, he sees Mincer and Pally, well fast both up and to fight it is...

Then quick look to enemys group, some casters and mezzers, Pally tells own peeps to mezz their ass off, and then run in middle and makes hazzle, looks who has used purge, and yells mezz more, looks enemy mezzer and wacks it and rest of group looking there what to kill and help, then again look fast, twist some, use hard hitting styles, BOOM BOOM , some important enemy is down, fast peek again, some AOE's in the air Group less than 50% HP , chickens will run now, but they know all is okies, they have player in a group, tan taking at cammy aint good yet, FH goes, all okies again, kill the AOE fooker, enemys tanks r waking up soon, np , still few soft skins to kill, damn, whats that arrow boy, well if remembered right, in group was 1 Shield boy, tell him to engage the arrow bow, and burn that baby...
All the time Pally twisting, nice UBER chants in action, also can added with resist chants , enemy looks who is this grazy guy who just goes in middle of them , showing no tireness, spell casting all the time and his friend s r dieng like rats next to him, and he is yelling that do something, ( hibs Bard would say on that 1, " But im dead, cant use my group purge " so shake there).

And same time Pallys group is supporting, by little cleric heals, mezz, sorc is re mezzing, wizzy/tgist casting some nice shit to those who r moving, and pallys r choosing targets what to kill next, enemy is heading to group casters, np, pally is on its way allrdy, while twisting, armor chat is added, and with maxed chants the ARMOR is AWESOME, so basicly only scratch will come and those r healed asap by pally or cleric, and then some might even die on group, well pally is clever he rezz that 1 up in HEAT , not waiting the battle go over, 2 swords hitting same target makes more dmg than 1 , ask from dual guys, they know, then pally is goes down also, he just cant take all =) but group knows that pally has to get up, fast, so pally is dead and is rezzed with nice rezz, so back in action, and twisting goes again, Endurance has ended on 3 1st kills, but they were the important ones.
so with twisting some DMG chant , gives 40+ and that added with EB makes it 80+ to 1 hit, added with mastery of pain, the crits r like tea to english guy ( very often), so enemy drops like flies.

after 80 secs 2 fgp of enemy is dead, and enemy was high lvläs not greys, group yelling WOW we made it, fast run to little far away, and rest.

And yes, i have done that battle, we had 1 fgp , balanced, and it was hibs, about 2fgp +, not 3 , and it looked easy afterwards, why?

Simple RVR rules were followed
#1 listen
#2 stick together ( /stick invented)
#3 listen
#4 dont ask stupid questions or Chit chat BS

and it was FUN, and yes the others were AWESOME also.

And yes , Pally gimp was in the group and no he aint GIMP, he makes the GIMP go away with attidude =)

Well now im tired, and maybe that story is out of subject, but it was fun battle, and yes Pallys made it happen ( i wasnt only pally that group)

by the way that group made about 100k+ RP's inside 2 hour
so they all were happy, me included....


Ignore pain is 23 points not 19...
(3+6 for fa 2, +14 for ignore pain = 23)
and for that you get:

one 20% percent heal (first aid 2... it should be 60% but it ain't) not usable whilst attacking.
Generally take more damage whilts waiting to be able to use it...

one 100% insta heal.

For 9 points less a paladin gets an insta group heal...
and can indeed go on to get another one :)


OK time to defend the paladins.

First off I argue our strength cap is way too low, and we should probably get more hit points (I got more than Arthwyr somehow but not much and I got about 150 less than my Merc Highland friend with 20+ more Con).

But it is in recognising the srtengths of the paladin.

I think we're all agreed Paladins are great in PvE so I won't say too much more about that - although I woul dnowlike to try the epics again with 4 or 5 Paladins with Faith Healing at their disposal ;)

I built my Paladin to be defensive (after about level 35 when I first went to emain and almost deleted it in frustration). So I am specced 50 slash, 42 shield, 36 chants rest parry (base specs). This means that I do reasonable (not good) damage as 1h slash is kinda gimped anyway, but I also got stun and a big AF buff as well as a great guard.

I agree with Fin in RvR your job is protection over damage. Stick guard on someone who needs it. Last night, I was guarding Iskander at a wall siege, the archer gave up shooting him very quickly indeed. Regardless of what people say about Paladin rezzes you can keep a group on their feet in sieges. Especially Tanks/Scouts and Infs. And if there is a rez in a dangerous position go for it rather than sending in the cleric cos in plate you are alot less vulnerable.

Paladins will never be uber RvR characters - but I don't believe any of the other tank classes are either - whats important is playing to your strengths.


Hmmm, lots of different opionions about pallys in this tread.

Just wanna fill in my idea :

The way people spec, is the way they feel their char is 'balanced'.
Me for example have following specs @LVL50 :

Chants : 49 (chants are what pallys differentiate from armsman)
Slash : 37
Shield : 42 (slam ofcoz)
rest in Parry

As you will notice, my damage output is low... but this character is build for groups only / defense only => you can call me a turtle ;). Solo is almost impossible...but isn't solo getting almost impossible for everyone in this game?
Ofcourse in the early days there were about 100 peeps at max in emain... with all the recent lvl45+ peeps on the server, this number has exploded now, and very hard for people to go solo (whatever class they are).
Im still pretty convinced that if you have a group with 8 players who made their character very 'groupminded', that those groups are gonna get benefits over a group with 8 characters that are made more for 'solo play'.
So im not sure if there is 'bad' class in this game... bad players enough on the other hand... most of the time those that think they have the UBER class.
Give mythic a few more months and the classes/realms will be pretty balanced as far as this is possible.
Just wanted to say I like my pally a lot, and wouldnt change it for any other class in any other realm... and I hope everyone feels the same about their character/class.


Well i say when 1.52 comes to Gorre, go and test 2h, i think u will be surprised , TEST it even, thne u will c, i have, and i know something, im noob anyway, right=)?


It's not the character that sux , only the player that control's it :) ( no offence Arth)



i will respec Chants 50, 2h 50, Crush 25, Parry 14, and with extra i still have Slash 12..

50 chants for what mate? last chant is 49...


And the game aint over yet, cant respec when chants maxed at 50 comes.......and if i add them to parry, dont get nothing, if i add them to crush, dont get nothing, and i aint putting them to shield ( no time to play with toys), and to trust and slash, lol, yeah right.

And that leaves me 3 points to play with =)

and the chant is more powerfull, i cant explain it in english, but in finnish =), and its imo =) like 1 guy said, he will leave chants at 28 and do something, well he can do so, his money =) so he can even spec all to even, and take sun at cammy, if thats funny to him, and he get pleasure fo that, there aint nothing wrong with it =) imo



Fin you dont plan on specc anything at all in shield? Meaning you wont even get engage so you will be an easy target for snipers.

Imo paladin should NOT specc 2H because paladins strenght is in long battles were thier chants are used to the max. Paladin should be defensive tanks and as such they should have atleast 42 shield so they can protect casters/mezzers using slam. Damage is not for the pally since most other classes do it better even with 50 2H .

in 1on1 S/S paladin is alot better then 2H. 2H fights last very short because no blocks etc therfore thier chants dont help much. However in long fights paladins heal/dmg chant is very usefull.

Saying that paladins is not a solo char in PvE is very wrong S/S paladins can solo very good.

Paladins are cool to watch in duels especially long ones, when endurance is gone paladin HP goes up instead of down when he is twisting his chants getting dmg/af and heals.

In a fight were the paladins stays alive thru the whole of it they are very usefull to the group adding alot of dmg and HPs, they live longer with shield.


Paladin can be as good with 2 handers as with s/s as for keeping casters / mezzers / healers from getting agro (talking PvE here, in RvR the guard ability has its advantages if you stay close to the other player).

When playing s/s, you can block attacks aimed at the caster classes OK. As a 2 hander, I just make sure nothing gets to them as many in my guild can say :)

As with so many other discussions, it is not a matter of some class/style being BETTER, it is a matter of HOW you play your character using your abilities the best way they can be used.


Bah, read what i typed, Pally needs a group, and in that group is a BLOCKER, and it aint gonna be me, thats typical, and i have soloed enough...

So once more

Pally aint solo player, pally needs group, let is be lower lvl when u XP , doesnt matter, if its ARMS, s/s well then he has the block ability, right??? so where i need freaking shield?
And also when u have pally in group , s/s or 2h ( doesnt matter) groups downtime is smaller , a lot smaller !!

Engage...lol. AGAIN, i need group ,and there is again that shielded dude, he can do the engage, while i run to the bow boy, and hit his head off...

And sniping me, lol, well they can try, AF:868 atm, and its drop crap, will get better when i get Yvresse pinged, she should made me armor , payed it almost allrdy, and yes, even with no specs in shield, i can wear shield, and yes, it still blocks.....at least sissy arrows, and then i just ran to that guy, and BOOM hit his head off, they tried to kill me a lot when i was lvl 40 , soloed about 4 red dudes that time, 800+ RP's / 1, let they shoot me, i dont die on that 1.

All is based on tactics, not every single character has to be specced like every1 else, imo

And about taking aggro , lol, i can take aggro off from any1, it aint a prob, showed that many times, even when i was lvl 35+ something and i was lowest lvl, i took aggro from all, changed prot inside fight 4 times, and twisted, so yes, i got all aggro and been doing it many times after that, taking aggro to your self as pally is the simpliest thing here, just need to know how...

And about going s/s with pally, well yes, if u get 4 times specc points / lvl, they just aint enough for go s/s and good chants...

and if u spec as s/s, well then u aint in middle hitting no1, u r back up , and thats good role also, maybe because of that peeps r thinking pally is gimped, but the back up pally still provide chants as long as all r in range, and those has to be high, backup pally aint that 1 who goes 1st and try to hit all what can c, he stays background and chooses chants depends whats the situation in fight, and yes, i can do that chant changing in middle of heat also, aint hard, and in keep takings, 1 pally / group with good chants provides awesome resist from casters who AOE the door hitters, and u can look the situation better when not mashong the door, and yes u can same time twist armor, dmg, heal, resist , and in same time rezz peeps around u, its just the style what u choose to play.

My style is rezz peeps what u can c, look if cleric is rezzing them, then dont rezz, and inside heat in middle of action, i act little like fria, pull back from heat, rezz 1 , get back, and then fight again.

Atm i use 5/6 full Quickbars in fight,
1. styles / basic chants,
2. sprint, resist chants , rezz,
3. stick/follow, prot, enter/exit, basic chants
4. different styles / basic chants
5. RA abilitys, Armor chant ( none combat) / basic chants
6. Ram making , ram control, /effects, basic chants

might forgot something, but they r there

rest 2 is crafting

and usually when u stand still, u get sniper on your ass, and i dont just stand still and play with my willy, i look around, look where peeps r going, etc etc, keeping sharp, typing info in chats, reading info from chats, Roll camera all over, side step, etc etc, all different things that keeps me aware all happenings around me.

And when moving, i expect that every 1 in same team is sticked to the leader of group , who ever that is, that makes team alive, and sticking can be done in 2 secs, it dont take longer, and always follow the leader, and listen leader, he makes plans, directions where to go, who to attack, etc etc, leader also tells u prots, guards, etc etc, if u take it offensive to get those , well specially when im telling i dont tell it offensively, and it helps the group, they dont need to think all the time what to do, just follow and listen, easy job...

And f group gets separated, usually they all die, 1 dies 1st, then rest look up him, and boom boom, all dead, because u need all group together to make a fight , a good 1...

and if u dont wnana follow the leader, u wanna do rather your own solo, and own targets, then dispnad and go solo, it aint hard, its the button on the group window, click it and go, u can still move with the group, but dont whine leaving behind etc etc, becuase u aint in a group, because u wanna solo..etc etc

And all after this things, i really dont have time to click the freaking engage button, its some1 others job in group, who is pointed to that job =) i just hit hard 20% change to crit atm, and its 2 hits min / 5 hits, nasty =) and yes the dmg is huge =)

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