Who is Makwaerk ?



Don't take it as a flame, but as he was rewarded for his 'contribution to the realm' after the legion raid :

Who is Makwaerk ?

Never heard of him, never seen him.
What was his contribution ?

- Pathfinder -

Seems no Mid here knows who he is. I still find this amusing :m00:


I am informed he has worked hard with the relic keep wood runs.

Funny tho, cos I'm on those a hell of a lot, and I've never seen him...

Still never mind eh? :)


Brannor McThife

From the other thread...:

Makwaerk, Rank 2, Troll Berserker, Level 47, RP:9711, last on:3 Days
Makwaerkmeeting, Rank 3, Norseman Viking, Level 1, RP: 0, Last on:7 Days
Makwaerkos, Rank 3, Kobold Runemaster, Level 23, RP:83, Last on:Inactive

Soooo, an Uber drop goes to someone who's not a L50, and who has less than 10k RP, and who hasn't been on since the raid (think date of last on may be wrong...)...



PS. He's in Savage Conclave.

[EDIT: Could also be:

Ogdeter Makwaerk, Rank 3, Dwarf Healer, Level 41, RP:15225, last on:3 Days]


wood runs are probably the most boring and unrewarding part of "helping the realm", so in that case he deserves it alot more than people sitting stealthed in a corner in emain waiting for the next rp cow. If that should be a criteria for getting drops.


This was origianally posted on the main Prydwen General Forum by Blood
Since imo the epic vest is better for a hunter (when maxing our stats, dex is easy, qui & str is tricky, and con is hard), i choose for my part to give it to a berzerker (i have no idea what their epic gear does), Makwaerk and Savage Conclave have been VERY active on alot of raids, always providing rams etc (Siegeguy = Makwaerk).

I know your all going to jump up and down saying that I'm just sticking up for a guild mate which yes in some ways i am but I also belive that Mak has spent alot of time and money repairing relic doors and doing wood runs. You will usually see him tagging along somewhere with another big troll Bloody.


makwaerk is

A troll in Savage conclave, who has always contributed 2 ram building on relic raids, has a speciel character that is always stocked with 10 rams, that he gives out for free 2 all the ppl in midgaar that don't bother about rams, he has spent countless of his own cash on this. and on repairing doors as well. he's always done wood runs, and all the tough work no one else wants. so imo he deserves it.

blood was voted on first to get the armour, but he refused as his own epic was almost better, therefore people started to vote for berserkers. makwaerks own vote within SC was for Ragge. but ppl voted for him, he didn't ask for it. so get off his back(the person who this is for knows it well, none of the persons in this post so far btw)

Brannor McThife

Bloody, the point was, that a lot of us honestly didn't know who Makwaerk is. Nothing personal or whatever. I think it's great what he does, but up until today, I'd never seen the character Makwaerk. Ogdeter on the other hand I had. ;)



Why has the highest rp earning tank not won a Sword? Froler truly deserved that sword imo, it aint easy earning rp as a Thane compared to Shadowblades you know


fair enough

and yup, makwaerk and ogdeter is the same person.

votes between froler and durgi were close. durgi got it this time.

anyways i don't think this will be the kind of loot distrobuting we do all the times. was just something to do for a change. was quite nice talking about other peoples deeds on /gu


I agree, I think Makwaerk has always done a great deal for the realm in so far as relic keeps, rams and so on. It doesnt have to be the ones who farm RP's and so on or who sit for hours at MG's who can contribute to the realm. There are other ways too. IMO both Ogdeter AND Makwaerk do more than their fair share and I was glad Mak got his new spiffy top :D

Besides: The more often we keeel legion and his buddies, the more of these drops we get and more people will be happy people. So lets stop criticising now and start organising for the next one. Far more productive really.

Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 46 Winters
Eye of Odin
Flammen Vakten


Re: fair enough

Originally posted by sc_bloody
anyways i don't think this will be the kind of loot distrobuting we do all the times. was just something to do for a change. was quite nice talking about other peoples deeds on /gu
The fact is although it was a nice 'change' it has already had an impact, when the call came out last night for a dragon raid the chat on our /gu was no where near as nice as yours was. To my knowledge not a single member of our guild joined in (we went on an impromptu WoW hunt in fact).


I was grouped with Mak just now.. he dinged 49 in DF :D Gratz matey.


just because people on these forums doesn't know makwaerk doesn't mean no one does.
The items was shared out to those people thought deserved the item realm-wise, and unlike other who got rewarded, Makwaerk actually attended the raid

it had NOTHING to do with the most rp,

and obviously enough people know makwaerk to vote on him for the vest. Personally I can't think of one single hunter/zerker besides makwaerk who deserves a reward for helping in rvr, never has he missed an oppertunity to supply rams and muscle for carrying stuff in realm defense or keep raids.

Mikal, 50 healer


Thx for all the kind words about me. I feel quite "loved" by those who know me.

Can't help to find it a bit funny that I am getting "famus" because no one knows me :D

Thx for the support ppl, it means alot expecialy since I had a very bad experience, with a realm m8 that was kind enough to give me this PM:
I hope you enjoy the legion drop, there is alot of pissed people now
(new pm: ) as it is the last Dragon/legion/behemoth drop youll ever see

I must say it did kill alot of my joy by getting it... but your friendly comments makeup for it by far thx.


Jeezus Mak...give us a name FFS...we cant have this kind of BS happening...after all WE ARE NOT Albs!

Please re read my entry above, I dont know you that well but I do know how much you do cos you are always there when your realm needs you, furthermore you always end up going the little bit further and that really counts.

At least report this character to his/her GM....God forbid he/she IS a GM and if that is the case please let us know who it is so we know what fools we have to deal with. I hope you took a screenie of the PM btw.

As far as any other drops from any other mobs...if you are there and you are appropriate for the item you will stand as much chance of getting it as anyone else i guess (Depending on the distribution method).

Take care Mak and enjoy your reward, put it to good use you earned it, you deserved it.

Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 46 Winters
Eye of Odin
Flammen Vakten

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.Noita
after all WE ARE NOT Albs!

Rofl :)

Seriosuly, comparted to you Mids we are innocent as lambs when it comes to loot distribution :m00:

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Noita
Jeezus Mak...give us a name FFS...we cant have this kind of BS happening...At least report this character to his/her GM....God forbid he/she IS a GM and if that is the case please let us know who it is so we know what fools we have to deal with.
Noita, before you start collecting wood for a burning, consider a few things calmly.
1) One person does not speak for all of Midgard.
2) Everyone is free to their opinion.
3) This may just not have been a "threat" but a badly formed joke.
4) First bit sounds like a joke, second bit sounds badly worded.
5) Why drag this out? Let the person be. He/she could feel aggrieved by what happened.

I personally don't think you should have posted that Mak. Sure, people didn't know who you were, but I didn't see anyone flaming you here. Most people just didn't know who you were and were blaming Durgi for giving something to an "unknown" person. To post that, drags this out and just increases the rift. I'd personally just have added the twit to my ignore list, if, after requesting and explanation for his/her comments, it became clear they harboured resentment towards myself.




read my previous post again..

Makwaerk is NOT unknown, it was OTHER people from OTHER guilds than his own, that voted for him to get the vest, obviously that means people DO know who he is and recognise his efforts for the realm

and as Brannor writes, everyone is entitled to their own oppinion, and so is Noita (and me) entitled to her oppinion about the one who messaged that to Makwaerk

Mikal, 50 healer


Originally posted by Mikal

and as Brannor writes, everyone is entitled to their own oppinion, and so is Noita (and me) entitled to her oppinion about the one who messaged that to Makwaerk

Yes, kill them (note: I am joking, here)

Be ware, you touch one Savager, you get them all on your back ! Although this generally goes for out-of-realm elements :D



i think makwaerk has done fine in adding those words and not naming the person.

that way he'll hopefully make the person feel stupid enough. i know who it is and think would create far 2 much flame war and whatnot

therefore mak shouldn't post the name. think he's done fine. hopefully the person will read it and feel ashamed.

imo complaining 2 mak is the last thing you should. if you wanna complain complain 2 all guilds gm's for aggreing 2 sort loot this way.


First: I don't blame a single person that has posted yet. Hellscor did not know me and he asked fair enough, that really is the smart thing to do.

Second: there is no doubt whats so ever in my mind that this was not a joke.

Third: I must say I mostly posted it because I needed to say it as the guy got to me .. I have no plans to start a man hunt and no plans to name names, I really am the forgiving type.
I jst simple had to post it to get it of my chest that is enough for me.


Soooo...realmpoints define how much of a hero you are?
I guess ill start RP farming instead of doing woodruns when its needed, to get some drops from ubermobs!

GW Makwaerk, keep doing what you are doing, people are obviously noticing you when putting you forward for the drop

Glyph ÆldGammel


The way things was distributed was disgraceful. You mention about Mak you know him well. Few people do. I have no issue I dont know the guy either. But just as there are people like him in your guild there are people like him in others who would equally deserve the item and other people would think who are they? To be honest he was probably the most deserving of all the recipients. You will often find that the most caring and best people are the ones who dont advertise themselves

I know people who do things for there realm everyday you will never here from them in RvR or on AS chat but they play long hours they mix there time aiding people for items with buffs for alts etc. This wasnt who deserved it most it was who is best known that you think deserves it most. Sod it if they werent on the hunt or you left guilds who had MANY peopl there with no items.

Durgi getting the sword was disgraceful. There are a ton more deserving people who should have got it based on the criteria set.

I also believe Froler was winning thge vote until EoO pulled out because of the bad taste they could see it was leaving with people. This whole affair did not benefit the realm and a lot of respect has been lost by people because of it.

You may not like what your hearing but you all know its true.


These drop wars are disgraceful.

The constant winging about who got what really annoys me. It kind of reminds me that a strong warrior on my screen can actually be an immature player in the background.

It's like football: for christ sake, give them all a ball instead of having 22 peeps dressed like 1st graders run around fighting for one ! ;)

If you did not get the drop this time, why not go back and work again for one ? Surely you got other things on this last hunt, like xp, or even maybe some loot, or possibly some cash... god forbid talking about getting... some fun ?

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by trigali
...give them all a ball instead of having 22 peeps dressed like 1st graders run around fighting for one ! ;)

If you did not get the drop this time, why not go back and work again for one ?

That's the issue. If it were always run the same way this last one went, you would have absolutely NO chance of getting it if you weren't VOTED for. Voting is BS. % chance. Whether it be by guild attending, classes who can use it attending, or total people attending. I don't care if you're Kemor, or Elvis, if you weren't on the raid actively doing something, you shouldn't even be considerred. As I said, got nothing against Mak (he said he was there anyway).

If it starts coming down to who people VOTE for, then sod it, I'll only ever go on ONE of each of the major raids. For the experience and that's it. The minute it's over, I'll /release or leave. Having a bad loot system destroys half the fun. It's about having fun, and having a system pre-arranged that works makes it even more fun.




Well, he was kind enough to help my warrior & healer get a miniding in DF yesterday :D

Group wanted to go RvR, but they stayed a little longer so I could get my miniding

Not being 45+ in DF can be heaven or hell, but they really helped me out for a little while.
Thx again guys !!


Re: well..

Originally posted by sc_bloody
if you wanna complain complain 2 all guilds gm's for aggreing 2 sort loot this way.
Gotta love that one, Durgi TOLD people how it was happening, numerous guilds objected but it still went ahead.



whats done is done, go kill legion once more and do it a better way.


> Soooo...realmpoints define how much of a hero you are?

Hmm.. as I came forth with very similar idea in EoO officer chat, and this here might be an echo of the discussion we had there, I perhaps have to clarify. It had nothing to do with ”voting a hero” system.

Two points to the system:

a) As I see it, there is a need of easy and swift method of loot distribution. Voting heroes or lotoing every single item have all their merits and aspects of fairness but they bloody take about as long as actual hunting.

b) As we are speaking about endgame items, we are speaking about RvR, therefore, items are only useful when and as much they are put to use causing casualties to the enemy. RP count is the best reflection of that provided by game mechanics.

There are few problems with this system. Classes are not equal when it comes to acuumulating rp’s. Shadowblades get more than shamen. Solution: items tend to be most useful to only some of the classes. If it has +venom on it, it aint no good to shamen, if it has +mending, it aint no good to blades. Identify the class or classes that the item is best suited for, then highest RP owner representing those classes present has the first right to claim the item.

Second problem is that this system would not count other activities beneficial to the realm, such as leading raids, woodruns, providing siege equipment. In that regard, the hero system actually is better.

Lotoing the stuff away is inefficient for two reasons: it takes ages and it is random in a sense that a person playing half the time than another has equal chance to get it. If a rare drop hammer is later used to kill 10 opponents per week on average while in other hands the same hammer would kill 100, I call that inefficient.

As to fairness, there is no objectivity to it. We all can have our personal concepts of fairness and debate endleslly about it. Be less grief if we just destroyed the bloody items if you ask me. Efficiency on the other hand is based on reality and to some extent can be measured.

> I guess ill start RP farming instead of doing woodruns when its
> needed, to get some drops from ubermobs!

Demagogy. Killing enemies and doing woodruns are not mutually exclusive.


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