Who is Brannor?


Brannor McThife

Not GOA. :p

Ok...so who am I? What makes me tick? And what ticks me off?

Figure this is as good a place to give people a little background about moi.

Firstly, I'm not European, as in, I'm from South Africa. That means, my sense of humour is not quite the same, neither is my way of interpretting EU humour.

I was raised by great parents, and unfortunately had a father who's career shot up like a rocket, meaning we moved around a lot as kids (one brother) as his career moved along. This meant that my only real "friend" for most of my life was my brother...and we all know how that goes (I swear to this day that it was him that tried to bite me and not me that hit him in the mouth - and gave him half a false tooth - with the back of my head. ;) )

Anyway, this meant that I was pretty much a loner. I made "friends" at school, none of which I have had contact with in the last 6+ years. I went to a university about 400 miles away from "home", and made more friends...of which I now rarely maintain contact with. I moved, yet again to a new city where I made some new friends, and yes...I now hardly maintain contact with them too. Getting the picture?

Now I find myself 10,000km's away from there. Living in a different country and timezone. Does it bug me? Not really. I am pretty much a loner. Kinda the reason you may see Glauthrong soloing, or the fact that I don't actually have that many "friends" ingame. I've known Twiz since beta. He joined me and some others in Excal-Hibernia (live) where I played a druid, and he played a hero. We joined a guild, and four of us left it in not-too-desirable style. After a few more levels, one of the guys suggested we try Midgard again. And we did, and we stayed. I asked TU if I could join again, and Twiz and I did, while the other two guys went back to Excal to end up fighting each other on opposing realms.

Twiz and I stayed, and XP'd together mainly "duoing" to our mid 30's, at which point we'd closed the gap sufficiently to join up with the main TU group. We got to L44.5 and then I went away for a bit, and in the space of 2 weeks, Twiz shot up to L50. At this point, I got extremely bored and frustrated with my Warrior, and decided I wanted to try out a minstrel. Since that time, I had a falling out of sorts with TU, kinda left Midgard, and started a second account in Albion. I have two characters there now. And am enjoying myself, once again with Twiz. I'm pretty much anonymous there (and would appreciate the continued veil) and trying out new classes and dungeons.

I arrived in EU DAoC on the 6th of January. I was a nobody (haha...yeah yeah... STILL. :p ), registerred at those forums, and started reading all I could find about DAoC. I got asked to be a mod, and then was approached with the EoB idea, which I took, because I used to do drama and love RPing. Today I'm just another forum user (that talks too much), part of the E&E team, and possibly the only known NPC volunteer. Yes, it's nice here, and I know I probably annoy the hell out of a lot you. Sorry, that's just who I am. I am a loner, analytical, and do my utmost to help others. I like grouping with Twiz because "he ain't stupid like half the twits I meet." :p There are times I'll start a party and disband a few minutes later because some of the people in the group scare me...psychotic death-groupies. So, if you ever have the curse of playing with one of my chars, sorry if my style annoys you. ;)

Feel free to ask me any sensible questions. I just might answer. Nothing about events mind you.

I hope this gives you a bit more of an idea of the gimp behind this keyboard.




Where...iz...ze bat? No seriously....

Where..iz...ze bat?! Oik..this time seriously...

WHEREIZZEBAT!! Phew..ok this time maybe?

When did ya find bessy? The cow thingy.


You know your life story reminds me a LOT of mine... I am European though and was born in Finland, but at the age of 3½ I moved to Australia where I stayed till the age of 7 which cause me to speak english only until I moved back to Finland where I then learned to speak finnish again not forgetting my english... sure I got friends in both places there but then I moved again and lost them all... I moved to Luxembourg where I stayed for a jolly 2½ years right after settling in to Finland for a good 4 years... so after the 2½ years in Luxembourg I lost all my friends again (got better at english again and worse at finnish) due to moving to Ireland for a period of 3 years... and here we go again... I got friends there then lost them all too because we moved back to Finland and now here I am with new friends and a life (yes, a life, amazing isn't it for a spammer like me)... now what I am left with is 9 years of english language schooling experience, experience from living in 4 very different countries and generally one fucked up biography. Soooo... just thought I'd point that one out :rolleyes:


you just mixed virtual life with real life, you're now officially a nerd.

welcome to the club!

rm ./reallife


Klavrynd, don't lie

U do have a social life... :p

It is not that big, but it is a social life :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Very nice, Brannor... honest. Now I feel like having known you all my life. ;)

But may I ask- what has compelled you to give us this sneak peek into your life/past/non-GOAness? *still thinks Br4nn0r is on GOA's payroll*

And why the heck am I not in your signature anymore? *feels weally, weally hurt*

Brannor McThife

Just thought I'd give a few people a little background about me, so they could perhaps understand how and why I react the way I do to certain things. <shrugs>

It's the prologue to my autobiography: GOA and Me. ;)

And you know what, they should pay me. :p
Can't believe I'm paying for 3 accounts and putting in countless slave labour hours.



old.The McScrooges

Kewl. It's like a mini-game.

Where's Brannor?

/send <victim 1> R U Brnnr?
/send <victim 2> R U Brnnr?
/send <victim 3> R U Brnnr?


Originally posted by Brannor
I am GOA. :)

Ok...so what am I? What makes me tick? And what ticks me off?

Figure this is as good a place to give people a little background about moi. [TO SELF:Oops, I'm speaking in french, theyll know I secretly work for GOA in their paris HQ!]

Firstly, I'm not European, as in, I'm from Mars. That means, my sense of humour is not quite the same, neither is my way of interpretting EU humour.

I was raised by child-abusing parents, and unfortunately had a father who's career shot up like a rocket, just like my penis when i saw my mother, meaning we moved around a lot as kids (one brother) as his career moved along albeit very very slowly, as he was rather dim. This meant that my only real "friend" for most of my life was my brother...and we all know how that goes (I swear to this day that it was him that tried to kiss me, not me that tried to kiss him, but never having a girlfriend, i got confused and knocked one of his teeth out )

Anyway, this meant that I was pretty much a loner. I made "friends" at school, who really were just gay and fancied me, none of which I have had contact with in the last 6+ years. [TO SELF: Must stop talking to them, my wife is starting to think I took a wrong turning during my identity crisis] I went to a university about 400 miles away from "home", and made more gay friends...of which I now rarely maintain contact with [TO SELF: I love you Brannorina, I'm straight i tell you!]. I moved, yet again to a new city where I made some new gay friends [TO SELF: This is getting a bit old...], and yes...I now hardly maintain contact with them too. Getting the picture?

Now I find myself 10,000km's away from there. I have measured. Living in a different country and timezone. Does it bug me? Not really. I am pretty much a loner. Kinda the reason you may see Glauthrong soloing, or because he smells, or the fact that I don't actually have that many "friends" ingame. I've known Twiz since beta. He joined me and some others in Excal-Hibernia (live) where I played a druid, and he played a hero. We had a nice eightsome, joined a guild, and four of us left it in not-too-desirable style, after twiz and me announced we loved each other and were to get married. After a few more levels, one of the guys suggested we try Midgard again, as a honeymoon. And we did, and we stayed. I asked TU if I could join again, and Twiz and I did, while the other two guys went back to Excal to end up fighting each other on opposing realms, once their marriage split up. The divorce was messy.

I'm to lazy to be bothered editing brannors post now :)

[EDIT: I'm getting evul - er...]


Spam commences in 5...4...3..2...1....launch

Maybe its too hot in me office .. maybe its the coffee i drank minutes ago.. or maybe its that chit from Coka Cola department...

Behold, the spam control over meh is lost.....

the first line of da mans post ( ie B himself ) brings a thought to me wasted mind that he should write an autobiorgaphy and post it on this forum.. might be rather interesting ... And name the part of the forum : Being Brannor McT.
As a regular DaoC playa i can understand what he means by not gaming but working slave labour hours in this game ... literally to know the game inside out from most aspects and relay this digged up info to the public takes a lot of character. It may not mean much to anyone if i say that B has my respect for his commitment and help.


Uncle Sick(tm)

Evul tROG! Very creative... though remind me never to hire you as ghostwriter for my autobiography.


not evul enough

notice how i said sorry at the bottom.

i am not as evul as you sick :(

i just care to much about peoples damn feelings! :(


I find it funny Trog, and I am sure even Brannor will, unlss of course this is one of the time he choses not to understand EU humour ;)

better shut up ;)

Brannor McThife

Amusing Trog. Except for the bit about my mother, I had a slight chuckle. But you know, your editting makes me think that you're trying to tell us something?

Please, share your troubled childhood with us. ;)





Only question and t's not answered, how wude!


Ok the mean and angry post really looses it's touch with that damn sheep on the side... :p


Spamnation seems to have risen from new grounds, hmmn... hmmmmn....


spamnation? what, are you a holy man or something?


And I re-claim my title of TEH SP4MZ0RL0RD fyi, tyvm, nqa.

... i invented the last two.

- Pathfinder -

Where did you pick up your affinity for horses? :)


Was it not you i saw chasing horses around Excalibur last nite?

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Fafnir
Was it not you i saw chasing horses around Excalibur last nite?

I have been in the US for a week, so I doubt it :)


Did't you see the movie of what our chars do if we are offline for too long, so you better login, before all of albion see your char doin the relics...

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Fafnir
Did't you see the movie of what our chars do if we are offline for too long, so you better login, before all of albion see your char doin the relics...

That would explain why my character was.. ah... sore :)


Yup, saw him in odin too, as he was being abused by the GG.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Fafnir
I was you i saw in odin, not blaen, a small typo.

As I lack an actual avatar ingame, except when I have one, I'm sure you didn't. All very logical.

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