Grandparent post contains any or several of the following:
Some whine about evil enemys from another realm and zerging/steamrolling.
Some crying about relics, alarmclocks and redbull.
Some personal insults directed at an entire realm/guild.
Some bitching about overpowered classes in an enemy realm.
Replies to be expected:
QQ more naab.
We never do //whatever the grudge in the grandparentpost was//.
What we did was not the original intent, it just kindof happened.
Some personal insults directed at grandparent-posters realm/guild/friends.
Some whine about overpowered classes in grandparent-posters realm regardless if the grandparent actually plays one or not.
Rinse and repeat...
Question + Statement:
What's the point of this?, it never leads anywhere albeit it can sometimes hold some comedy value when somebody blows a gasket, but that's so rare so that's really not the reason to start posting on a forum with, and purely unintentional by grandparent unless he's trolling which on occasion granted may be funny.
The number of informative/constructive information on this forum in regard of RvR and most threads in this forum would probably benefit from being modded to off-topic, including this one.
There are overpowered toons in every realm, most toons are infact well overpowered in certain areas of the game. This is a fact and no amount of whining here on FH will EVER change that. The relics are there to be taken, regardless of time and amount of realm enemys. Please get over it.
PS: Please quit crying about //whatever\\, it just makes you sound like a 12 yearold without any kind of realistic perspective on the game.
Some whine about evil enemys from another realm and zerging/steamrolling.
Some crying about relics, alarmclocks and redbull.
Some personal insults directed at an entire realm/guild.
Some bitching about overpowered classes in an enemy realm.
Replies to be expected:
QQ more naab.
We never do //whatever the grudge in the grandparentpost was//.
What we did was not the original intent, it just kindof happened.
Some personal insults directed at grandparent-posters realm/guild/friends.
Some whine about overpowered classes in grandparent-posters realm regardless if the grandparent actually plays one or not.
Rinse and repeat...
Question + Statement:
What's the point of this?, it never leads anywhere albeit it can sometimes hold some comedy value when somebody blows a gasket, but that's so rare so that's really not the reason to start posting on a forum with, and purely unintentional by grandparent unless he's trolling which on occasion granted may be funny.
The number of informative/constructive information on this forum in regard of RvR and most threads in this forum would probably benefit from being modded to off-topic, including this one.
There are overpowered toons in every realm, most toons are infact well overpowered in certain areas of the game. This is a fact and no amount of whining here on FH will EVER change that. The relics are there to be taken, regardless of time and amount of realm enemys. Please get over it.
PS: Please quit crying about //whatever\\, it just makes you sound like a 12 yearold without any kind of realistic perspective on the game.