Whining noobs in online FPS's


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
What is it these days?

I play the Original UT, played it since just after it came out (a fair while).

I cant go into a server these days without getting whined at and sometimes even banned by people who dont know the first fucking thing about the game and say I cheat because I get a 10:1 kill to death ratio.

I'm not even that good, most of the decent servers I go into I end up 2nd, 3rd or lower. Yet the odd server I go into and do ok in, theres always, ALWAYS one whiner who gets killed too much, instead of quitting he starts talking out of his backside, crying cheat, and I end up banned from yet another server.

Its getting worse, there's the 'elite of the elite' servers where I just dont feel good enough to play in, and the relaxed servers, where I tend to hang out in, I dont go over the top, there are people there who can and do beat me, but it doesnt seem to help, I've been kicked/banned/asked to leave from more servers than I care to count, more these days than before.

Some servers I go into and 60 seconds later (not even joking here) the servers empty, because they cant be arsed to play against me. I've just come from a similar scenario, I was doing ok, there was one other person in there who was giving me a run for my money, and yet one of the other blokes at the losing end starting saying 'Pikey(thats me btw) cheats!!!', immediately the game goes from being a relaxing game after tea, into a big barney trying to convince the newbie that it IS possible that people are better than him. not long after the newb started accusing me the server was empty and I was left half wondering why I bother anymore.

Has anyone else had this lately in online FPS's ? I suppose its always been there but recently it seems worse, I cant seem to find a relaxing game anymore, im either having to really struggle to keep up or I have to play crap just to stop myself getting kicked.

Bit of a rant there sorry, needed to vent some steam :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Dukat said:
What is it these days?

I play the Original UT, played it since just after it came out (a fair while).

I cant go into a server these days without getting whined at and sometimes even banned by people who dont know the first fucking thing about the game and say I cheat because I get a 10:1 kill to death ratio.

I'm not even that good, most of the decent servers I go into I end up 2nd, 3rd or lower. Yet the odd server I go into and do ok in, theres always, ALWAYS one whiner who gets killed too much, instead of quitting he starts talking out of his backside, crying cheat, and I end up banned from yet another server.

Its getting worse, there's the 'elite of the elite' servers where I just dont feel good enough to play in, and the relaxed servers, where I tend to hang out in, I dont go over the top, there are people there who can and do beat me, but it doesnt seem to help, I've been kicked/banned/asked to leave from more servers than I care to count, more these days than before.

Some servers I go into and 60 seconds later (not even joking here) the servers empty, because they cant be arsed to play against me. I've just come from a similar scenario, I was doing ok, there was one other person in there who was giving me a run for my money, and yet one of the other blokes at the losing end starting saying 'Pikey(thats me btw) cheats!!!', immediately the game goes from being a relaxing game after tea, into a big barney trying to convince the newbie that it IS possible that people are better than him. not long after the newb started accusing me the server was empty and I was left half wondering why I bother anymore.

Has anyone else had this lately in online FPS's ? I suppose its always been there but recently it seems worse, I cant seem to find a relaxing game anymore, im either having to really struggle to keep up or I have to play crap just to stop myself getting kicked.

Bit of a rant there sorry, needed to vent some steam :)

I find the whines/crys funny tbh its pure comedy most of the time


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
I get situations like that all the time when playing Wolfenstein:ET. I think the problems are heitened as the game is available for free. However the administrators seem to appreciate quality and don't get swayed by the chants of "Ban him! Ban him!". Often the people demanding this end up muted.

I suggest you check the game out actually www.enemy-territory.com, it's free so nothing lost. :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2005
It happens alot, i'm not sure if it's a new thing now younger people get involved in these games more and more, but i've seen it alot. I've had people i say i cheat - The only FPS i play online is Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. I've been playing it a while, i'm not the best but i can play quite well.

I've seen worse cases though, a clan playing in a a TWL tournament was banned for cheating without any proof. They had already been banned on sevral servers where they regularly played because other regulars accused them of cheating. I knew the clan because i regularly played on a server they played on, they were a big part of the community there and we knew for sure they didn't cheat, you could spectate them and there was no hintt that they were cheating, they were just AMAZING shots.

One TWL admin even said that being a "scientist" he had to be certain and was very careful looking over the demos taken of their play, and that they were going to release them so the public could view.. they never did..

You can view the topic here. http://www.teamwarfare.com/forums/showthread.asp?threadid=233473&forumid=40

Some people are just too easy to call people cheaters, it's much easier to call someone a cheater over the internet than in real life i suppose ;) It tends to be the younger people i reckon.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 2, 2005
Aye, about 5 minutes ago i was accused of cheating because i knew a player was coming. Haven't people heard of good ol' fashion sound? I tend to play on servers which either use CD or Punkbuster or any other type of cheat detection software.

Another thing i've noticed is more and more people coming onto servers in groups using ventrilo or teamspeak2. Why can't they leave that for matches and not for public?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Dommers said:
Another thing i've noticed is more and more people coming onto servers in groups using ventrilo or teamspeak2. Why can't they leave that for matches and not for public?

People like to use these for chatting on pubs. You'll find most pub servers run vent servers alongside so everyone can chat together.I find they are invariably used for tactical play ;)


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
UT is dreadful for that, its full of young players who prefer to accuse someone of cheating, rather than admit they are crap at the game.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
If you're at the level where it's too easy, get on the harder servers. You'll improve your game, play with people at the same skill level and get no whining. Some people who seem too good *do* cheat, whole clans too.

Anyone who played Rocket Arena 2 may remember Rail Gun Suckaz (RGS) ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Heh, I used to get this all the time when I played Tactical Ops (basically CS for UT), and to a certain extent when I played ET

Thankfully I was chummy with the Jolt server admins, and whenever someone shouted aimbot I told them to shut the hell up and go get a server admin.
Most people knew me, or the clan I played in, so it wasn't really a biggie.

Usually it's easy to spot cheaters - they play awfully bad, but have amazing shots. Usually amazing aim follows careful and precise movement, though some cheaters these days just go easy, and aim for 2-3rd and try not to be too obvious about it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
has anyone got a decent copy of that vid using normal codecs? i cant seem to get a codec for it at work


Mar 11, 2004
I get this a fair amount in BF2.

i'm pretty good on the old miniguns and with mi G36c so more often than not theres a vote kick going off against me...luckily its my server so i can cancel the vote or kick the prat.

But still poor me and Fidge. have had an awful lot of votes against us, so much so that i've now had too remove the voting as it just got ever annoying [and they never suceed anyway :)

Back in the day when i played ET [for a fairly long time just after release] I wasn't allowed to play in some clan games [I was in =SIE= if anyone knew us] due to some of the opposing team chanting I was cheating...so i just specced with one of there guys and they still got tronced anyway :)

I think its more common recently with more and more young people getting hold of decent PCs and connections to play online [sorry but i find it generally is the youngsters who decide i'm hacking, the mid ages and old boys seem to accept that people can be decent and still laugh and joke on the chat channels]

Seem to be atracting more clanners to the freddyfield server now days so hopefully it'll start getting better with the hacker comments :)

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