While we're on the subject of cheating



Is a 3 day ban really an effective way to stop it? I don't abuse bugs (except to swear at them but that's a different kind of abuse) but if I did I don't think a 3 day ban would stop me, I'd just do something else for 3 days then be right back at it. IMHO it should be a 7 day ban for a first offense followed by a month for a second and permanent after that.

Or maybe I'm just feeling mean cos there aren't any bugs pallys can abuse ;)


The 3 day suspension is the first and last warning. It's not meant to be a punishment, really, as much as it's meant to be a wake-up call to remind you that if you cheat you can be caught and sanctioned.

The real punishment is to have your characters deleted. I think it's fair that everyone should have the one chance to mend their ways before they get their level 50 deleted.


Originally posted by Alrindel

I think it's fair that everyone should have the one chance to mend their ways before they get their level 50 deleted.

I agree completely, have there been any instances of characters being deleted?


What would stop them from building up their characters again?
(If I would get banned, I think I'd probably just get an account from a friend that stopped and start over again(or use his high level chars), got a few friends I can cycle through :p)
(on the record I do not abuse bugs or cheat!)

Ban them for 3 days after the first (proven) offense, and perm ban them on the second offense is good... Although I do think some 'bug-abuses' should be punished harder then others...

(Imho, the door repair bug(fixed now?) or the hit-through-the-door bug should be punished less hard then a hide-in-the-wall-farm-rps bug)

Not talking about cheats such as the 'in-game-map' thing, which totally ruins the game... (At least in RvR it does)

(basicly I couldnt really care if someone abuses bugs or cheats in PvE... If thats the way they want to level, be my guest...)


Originally posted by -Wedge-
(basicly I couldnt really care if someone abuses bugs or cheats in PvE... If thats the way they want to level, be my guest...)

Lol imagine getting out of Coruscating mines through the graphics glitch like EVERYONE does there, zoning to your bind point and then getting kicked and banned from the game for abusing a bug :p


Nothing, of course. There is at least one high level player on Excalibur that I know of who had his first account terminated by GOA and is on his second. But if he is caught cheating with that character, then he'll lose that one too.

Until the CD-KEYs are replaced with DNA analysis and retina scans, there is no realistic way of preventing someone from playing who wants to play. Or even preventing someone from cheating, if he wants to cheat. But losing a level 50 that took you 20 or 30 days of game play to make is nevertheless a significant penalty (and in the case of a n00b who bought a level 50 from someone and promptly got it deleted for cheating, he loses whatever he was dumb enough to pay for the account - I doubt anybody is giving refunds in cases like that).


Haven't seen Hing for a while come to think of it...


Originally posted by K0nah
Haven't seen Hing for a while come to think of it...

What about Sun? And all those other Mids who were roaming Emain in the early days... I think they have left a long time ago...


Originally posted by Enscept...alya

Lol imagine getting out of Coruscating mines through the graphics glitch like EVERYONE does there, zoning to your bind point and then getting kicked and banned from the game for abusing a bug :p

I USED to use that method to exit CM, but my new guild has a charter that expressly forbids its members from using any known bugs or cheats. We have had guild hunts there, and we took the hard way out .. even when it involved going back to the entrance to escort a new group member to the pit. We also took the hard way out from the furthest point in CM ... getting past the weeweres, clearing out the spraggon den lookalike pit, then coming back out through abysmals, and working our way up through the pit and the sentinels' room. Try it sometime .. it's fun!

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