while we have time can some answer this


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
Ive retured to game from a long break..

In the old days if we saw a realm friend in trouble we would help . maybe ask if he needs help etc etc..

now all i hear is sorry cant help i dont add . but its ok for a full grp to whoop my ass.
Yesterday someone in a rvr zone was asking a question i stopped to try answer him .. in the middle of my second sentance to him i was jumped by a stealther. being in mid sentance skills were not availible to me .. the person i was talking to replied to my help cry . sorry i dont add. hmmm

Now the way i see it its RvR being realm vs realm a whole race teaming up as one force to defeat the enermy.
I completly undertand this adding thing to be ona pvp server but cant see it on rvr.

If i was to attack one person from a grp of enermy's would they all stand about and let me fight.. you cant answer that.
then why should it be any diffrent for a few ppl standing together ungrped.

this is not a whine im just finding it hard to understand.

as a recap if a duel or not wanting help fair enough..
but why not help if someone needs help as its no fun to be chain killed by a high rr . as to be honest what chance does a rr1 just dinged character have

hope someone can shed some light on this for me



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
from your story it seems to me that the "sorry i dont add" was not against you.. it was rather for your opponent to have a decent fight.. tbh you would whine if an enemy would add on your 1on1 duel, and thats just the same situation you mentioned here just turned around. as an rr1, follow the always-adding-zergs, go keep takes, try to get a pug.. and forget about dueling for a little while.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
Righthandof said:
from your story it seems to me that the "sorry i dont add" was not against you.. it was rather for your opponent to have a decent fight.. tbh you would whine if an enemy would add on your 1on1 duel, and thats just the same situation you mentioned here just turned around. as an rr1, follow the always-adding-zergs, go keep takes, try to get a pug.. and forget about dueling for a little while.

m8 i would never moan about anything .. its the same with pve if someone stops to help you kill a mob do you runn of and let him die. and you said a decent duel . it wasnt a duel i was jumped while answering him .. no bows were involed. and is rr8+ vs rr1 a decent fight ?

But anyway its not what happend that counts it was just a example .

thx for input anyway


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
well, its ppls choise to fight or not.... some ppl only play this game for 1vs1 and dont attack ppl who are in 1vs1 (doesnt matter if they want to be in a fight or not)
basically its a game of choises


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
well, its ppls choise to fight or not.... some ppl only play this game for 1vs1 and dont attack ppl who are in 1vs1 (doesnt matter if they want to be in a fight or not)
basically its a game of choises

Agreed i under stand that .. but saying that does it mean that if i choose to add on everything its my choice so its ok .. as i see alot of flames about this.

as alway doors swing both ways


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
The people still playing DAoC take the game far too seriously, if I still played I'd have helped you out :D


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
Case said:
The people still playing DAoC take the game far too seriously, if I still played I'd have helped you out :D

ello skill its me Ninja .. hows it going ..

and bless your cotton socks i know you would have helped me .. your a love bunny :p

( Hoping your the skill i knew from old alb days in SS)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
I would guess that the person is someone who prides themself on not adding, and is trying to gain a reputation for it. Had he helped you, the enemy would have seen him as 'an adder', and thus perhaps fair game to be 'added on' in future fights.

However, the unfortunate side effect of that lofty ambition tends to be that more casual, lower realm rank people feel left out and are finally driven out of the game.

Personally, it just makes me zerg, where you can have fun without worrying about what people will think, where people accept rezzes, or try to rezz you, and where you can just have fun.



Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Well you got to understand some people and how they think, It's like:

1v1 where 1 person is rr1 and the other one is rr11 it's concidered fair by most people here because it's a 1v1.
8v1 is concidered fair because the solo person might leech/add.
8v9 is deffo unfair as it means 1 group got an add.

See, now you understand some FH logic I hope it helped.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Well you got to understand some people and how they think, It's like:

1v1 where 1 person is rr1 and the other one is rr11 it's concidered fair by most people here because it's a 1v1.
8v1 is concidered fair because the solo person might leech/add.
8v9 is deffo unfair as it means 1 group got an add.

See, now you understand some FH logic I hope it helped.

lol yes its crazy :p

i guess its one of them things ill never under stand .. just like ill never fully understand women :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2005
Hi ninja
Its got something to do with goats but i'm not sure what :p
(only old SS will get that one btw so dont go mad trying to work it out ;) )

This is part of the reason i quit the game ,you see an alb in trouble help out and 50% of the time you get a thanks ,40% of the time you get a long string of verbal abuse for 15 minutes and 10% of the time nothing at all.

The worst ones seem to be the born again soloers who after duo/trioing or zerging their way up to RR7+ then seem to think they can tell everyone else what to do but i won't name names as they probably have memories of a goldfish about their less than perfect pasts ;)

Anyway wish you luck ninja as long as your not playing a lock or BD :p


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
welcome to this crappy game, have a blast, get whined on etc.. gogo


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Cause some people think they bought a 1 on 1 game, and the word multiplayer doesnt translate to them. Normally these people are high RRs who leeched their way up and now think they have the right to complain when what they did for 4 years is bad.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
swifteagle said:
Hi ninja
Its got something to do with goats but i'm not sure what :p
(only old SS will get that one btw so dont go mad trying to work it out ;) )

This is part of the reason i quit the game ,you see an alb in trouble help out and 50% of the time you get a thanks ,40% of the time you get a long string of verbal abuse for 15 minutes and 10% of the time nothing at all.

The worst ones seem to be the born again soloers who after duo/trioing or zerging their way up to RR7+ then seem to think they can tell everyone else what to do but i won't name names as they probably have memories of a goldfish about their less than perfect pasts ;)

Anyway wish you luck ninja as long as your not playing a lock or BD :p

Hi swifty long time no speak .. hope your well .. sorry to hear you stopped playing.

I wanted to be a stealther like my 1st char it was the most fun i had.
everyones going melee ranger so i thought i would try a nightshade. just as a challenge. its fun so far beside getting my ass handed back to me at low rr but wont take too long to get rr5 then i hope thing will change a little.

i wish you well in what ever your doing..

love ninja & jack / jaws / floppy ( the goats)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
The number of players who dont-add-on-general-principle has increased a lot over the years. Personally, I think the main reason is the New Frontiers. More specifically, bridge camping. In the Old Frontiers you could say that players from the same realm had a common goal, for instance, to get through a milegate. This incouraged players to help each other. Bridge camping in NF is a different matter. Noone is going anywhere. Everyone is just looking for a fight of their own.

A lot of players in a small area without a specific goal = players eventually create rules of their own. It's a logical way to ensure that everyone gets a somewhat even fight. A way to derive order from chaos. The downside is that it takes away from the spirit of the game. There are no albs, hibs and mids. There are just adders and non-adders. Well, that's my opinion anyway :) Im deffinately not a fan of this playstyle, but I dont blame any players for choosing to play this way. The fault lies with Mythic because they have failed to give players an incentive to truly invade enemy frontiers (ie a way to seperate the two playstyles from each other).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Do what you want when you want tbh, add all you want - its not against the CoC.

Play the game how you want and don't let others dictate - if they dont want to add, fine, doesnt mean you dont have to and vice versa... you pay the subs, you decide.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i would have jumped in, i guess i still play by the old code where if a realm mate is in danger you help. Only if then that person says dont add i wont.

IT wasnt a fair fight at all the guy got jumped while talking to someone so its fair to help imo.

Then i again i am in the camp where i hate all this 1on1 fair fight bollocks, the game is desgined around mass war battles so thats how i play


May 23, 2005
Actually i always ask my fellow alb if he/she needs help--
no answer=no help
please help=Dead hib/mid

in any case i always kill the hib/mid if he/she survives the 1vs1
its princip.

These princips ofc don't apply in a Duel circle.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I dont follow teh rules , if u add, whats the worse people can do , whine about it, get me a bad name, too late already got that mwhahaha

tho tbh i dont normally get a chance to add as im lying flat on my face , but as they say , u pay ure subs.

That said, if im feeling nice and i can see a fellow realmates winning a solo fight i wont bother interfering but i got no probs adding on 8 vs 8s.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
To the original poster

There are some people that like to solo. It is a way to stretch out your character, test your ablities, blah blah blah. At the same time, you develop respect for soloers from other realms, to such an extend that you'll find youself fraternizing mostly with assassins from other realms than your own casters.

This is our way of playing and enjoying the game. I have seen Nuok (irl friend and flatmate) die from a fair fight while I was in the vincinity and obviously I did nothing. I have seen another rl friend die from Illusb 5 metres of me and again I did nothing.

You go out there and you have 2 options. One is to test yourself to the limits, the other one is to group up and end up being one of those rr11 people that will die soo easy that will make you wonder how the fuck they ever got rps.

And let me finish off with a cliche.... it's a bloody game! ;)

PS: The best way to avoid certain death is to stay away of the proper assassins out there and to build up some good reputation. The best way to get rps as a shade, is to go for casters (but have purge up :p)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 6, 2004
Just set your own personal style of play, at the end of the day its just a game.

Any Full Groups that are working busy bridge areas are there to steamroll for easy realm points, so join in on any fights in that area. Serious soloers dont run around crowded bridge area's expecting solo fights!

If I am well away from a crowded area and come across a 1v1, I will never add unless my realm mate asks me to. I will always add on 8v8 without thought, because i havent yet met a grp that dosent steamroll me. At the end of the day serious 8v8 should take place in aggramon or other areas well away from bridges.

Just enjoy yourself, thats what the game should be about!

Belgorian LVL 50 Armsman
RR9L2-ML10-CL5-Guildmaster of LOE
and thoroughly nice chap!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2005
old.Whoodoo said:
Cause some people think they bought a 1 on 1 game, and the word multiplayer doesnt translate to them. Normally these people are high RRs who leeched their way up and now think they have the right to complain when what they did for 4 years is bad.

Well said! I myself have received loads of rude gestures lately for the realm war playstyle i use since i started to play this game 3,5 yeas ago. Indeed it used to be normal in the old game to help eachother out. And indeed the highest aim of most players was to wipe as much enemies as possible. Nowadays people want to fight with honour etc. They dont dare to just slaughter the enemy. Maybe they are afraid that their cross realm account will be booted from a guild i dont know.
The bridge camping thingy is a point. No special goal, its just fighting for points.
It is a shame mythic refuses to design some special duel arena's where people that love to duel can enjoy their playstyle without being bothered by us old skool "adders". The way this is going, the best rvr game ever will turn into an elite fight arena with no room for unexperienced lvl 50 rvr players at all.
Mythic seems to have realised this since the Warhammer rvr system has more room for both playstyles.
Meanwhile i just run around killing as much enemies as possible, will try not to add when i realise that it is a serious duel and not just a solo-er being jumped from behind. Loads of people think that being jumped from behind by a stealther is a fair fight they should not add on... Me, being a caster has no chance at all in such a fight so i do not consider it being a duel or something like that, so feel free to add on me.

Main target.. enjoy the game and let others enjoy it too. All the flaming and blaming about adding leads nowhere. People will just make a "sorry for adding" macro in answer to the "don't add" macro and nobody cares anymore about what other hibs ae doing.

Tho not everything is bad in the game at the moment. People invite players from other guilds to their guilds teamspeak or ventrilo and some guilds are starting to combine their actions.
And.. last but not least... last night i received a pm "thank u for not adding on this fight". I hope the same person wont flame us when we think he is jumped on and we decide to help him out...
It is sometimes hard to see what is a fair fight and what isnt. 1 on 1 is no definition for a fair fight me thinks. A duel is a fair fight when both peeps decide to fight eachother, bow wave etc. They both dont need help because it is their own decision to fight.
But plz dont do that on crau bridge for instance. We cant see the difference there about a stealther jumping a traveller and a duel!

Shamealot. CLA GM.

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