Which Sword?




I currently use a 2 handed blessed sword of the north (epic quest sword), and its excellent. I know the Golden Alloy two handed sword is popular at 50th level, but I was wondering if there is aything inbetween the 2?

I’ve been using my epic sword for 4 levels now, and I suspect it will turn blue next level.

Any advice on a replacement and were to hunt for it would be appreciated.

Your Humble Servant


Lvl 45 Skald


Your epic sword will still do tons of damage even when it turns blue,but there is always the good old Twillight sword from spindelhalla,think its lvl 45+ if i remember correct.After that there is the Golden Alloy Great sword or the 2h sword from darkness falls bought for 19 diamond seals,of those 2 i think the sword from darkness falls is the best..
Hope it helps some :)


Keep your epic untill your 49ish.

Twilight from spindel sucks. Golden Alloy 2h is ok.

But you really want a 30%+ bonus against epic armors now days.

The best 2h you can get atm is Great Ice Claw from WoW's in Raumarik.

and if u want a other sword then your epic in a few lvls, get a crafted one ( Hunt a guy called Hellskor for a nice crafted one ;)


Thanks for that folks!

Appreciate the help :)


The two weaponcrafters with skill 1025+ I know are: Adrias and Hellskor - they should be able to make some high-qual swords for you.

old.Max Payne

Well... don't know what sword is the best.. but from the tons I got in my backpack.. I can say this:

Great Ice Claw is nice, has 93% qual, 30% bon and is 16.2DPS. It's also one of the fastest at lvl 50 I think, 4.8SPD.

Golden Alloy Great Sword is also nice.. but not as good as most swords at lvl 50, still like it tho.

My crafted 16.5dps.. nice but you get no procs etc + you hit harder with the DF sword.

Infernal Soul Blade is imo the best.. it's ranked nr1 on the dmgdealing tabel but it is very slow.. 5.5SPD. But it does very nice dmg.

So.. if I was you, I'd go farm 19 Diamond Seals and buy that Infernal Soul Blade or you can go for a crafted 16.5dps OR 16.2dps wish would cost you around 350G each. GA Great sword doesn't drop that much either does the GiC.


P.S. Respec to hammer! :m00:


I've got 3 2 handers I use....

Great Ice Claw from a WoW when doing active RvR.

Golden Alloy for bashing doors/mobs.

and one of those DF two handers for hitting everything else.

old.Max Payne

I think hammer owns all.. most albs have very high slashresist :(

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