Which SB template for lvl 24 BGs?



Hi all,

I was looking thru the catacombs builder templates for level 24 SBs so I could get an idea on how to spec my SB before going there. I took the liberty of pasting the skillsets into excel and made a little image below here that shows the templates there.


What I would like to know from all of you is: Which, if any, of these templates would YOU use? And if neither of them, do you have suggestions for another one?

Thanks for your time.


template 2 with auto trained stealth so you can get 19 in stealth :D

either that, or template 7


I had template 10, or very close to it. With certain items (thanks to some of the Amazons of Midgard for providing them) and the full set of leather armour dropped by the Vendo Snake charmer I had as a final spec (if I can remember it):

Axe 18+4
Stealth 18+5
Envenom 12+3
Critical Strike 21+2
Left Axe 4 (a mistake on my part)

I might be wrong on the Envenom, it might have been just 10+3.

Pure critblade, and did I have some fun with it <grins> I could one-shot any mage out there with my Njessie two handed Axe and Perforate Artery....and I even remember one-shotting an Infiltrator (blue con) with Backstab 2...

Provided I had the first hit with PA, Infiltrators were dead. If I missed my PA, it was time to garotte with the two one-handed axes - land the snare then run like hell. They would do huge damage compared to me - my main attack was garotte or hamstring - both in the CS line, as I just didnt use the Axe attacks. We have a huge benefit in that both our weapons automatically swing.

Im going to continue using my Critblade template all the way up, as I personally never did like standing there and taking hits, whatever personae or character Im playing. Soul spec sounds nice, as does ShadowZerker - but both require you to stand there and take hits while delivering massive damage. No ta.

My final spec should look something like :

Axe 37
Stealth 35
Envenom 35
Critical Strike 50
Left Axe 5

5 points left over.

With the bonuses from items, and eventual Realm Ranks I want to see my CS hit over the 65 mark. I want my Perforate Artery to HURT!

But..the main problem with this template is that solo'ing can be quite hard. Yes, the front attack hurts a lot, but the backup styles arent anywhere near as good as the ShadowZerkers. Might be nice to see the four-style combo from evade though.

Bjodala, 50 Healer, Nyd
Acaia, 27 Shadowblade, Amazons of Midgard
Nydoi, 24 Warrior, 700 armourcrafter, Amazons of Midgard


I'm using: 21 +5 axe 21 +2 LA 18 +3 Stealth 6 +1 Env. It works very well for me. I autotrained stealth till lvl 24.


(Yellow con Luri NS)
Hit like a truck if you ask me. The only thing i fear is High env infs, they PA than run and let the posion do the job.


I'm leveling my 2nd sb to 24 now to go to the bg. I'm speccing this one exactly like the other one was, cuz she kinda owned. :clap:
At lvl 24 she has the following spec:

18 (+4) stealth
21 (+5) cs
11 (+7)envenom (hehe, just equip that lvl 50 jewel with +5env to apply poisons and take it off afterwards)
13 (+3) axe
12 (+4) left axe

I have to admit I relied on her items a lot before chosing this spec tho. She has a full set of cave lurkers armor (snakecharmer drops in vendo), gloves of the spined backpiercer (+cs - otd from named svart), a bunch of purple con stuff tho (rings, necklace, bracers, cloak,...). Weapons are Njessi 1h axe, Smoking Sentry axe (left hand), and most important a Mourning Rage (2h axe), which does insane dmg due to the 6.0spd it has :)


Just a side note, you can't have env 11 (+7) since your cap from items is +5 at level 24. Take this into account when making a template.

I like your template 7 best. Absolutley not nr. 10 since with only 7 left axe I think you will do less damage wielding two axes than you would do with a two-hander. I feel that either go full SZ or full critblade when speccing for BG, that is leave out one line completely or your points will be som much spred out.

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