Which realm has the most sadistic kill task guards?

  • Thread starter old.Trine Aquavit
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old.Trine Aquavit

Kill task guards - don't you just love em. Just as you get to a level where you know you're weak and feeble, your equipment is worn and the next level of your main damage dealing line is one more level away they send you off most of the way across the zone to kill something you never knew existed, that's almost always yellow/orange and resistant to your damage.

But there are some guards that like to go the extra mile. These jobsworths like to make sure that they really put the 'kill' in kill task. I've been levelling a few alts in the SI zones of all three realms recently and these are my experiences.


Midgard has generally been a breeze for kill tasks, at least so far. There's a couple of guards who are very generously placed in the guard tower near a number of good spawn. I'd been doing very well levelling my runie, Fawkes, from the guards in Aegirhamn, with the biggest major inconvenience being tasks from the guards at the 'town' side of the bridge. This is no real biggie, until I get to about level 13. My favorite guards at the tower aren't giving anything up, neither is the guard on the 'right' side of the bridge. I decide that I'm having to travel further and further from town to get my kills and reckon that I might do better with the guards at the other town of Djerfell, so off I trot to see what the nice Trolls of that encampment has to say...

"Hello, Mr Troll, could I have a kill task, please?"

"Greetings, Fawkes, travel to the south-east and kill a Morvalt Fast-Walker"

The Troll seems to snigger as I walk tentatively away.

Hmmm, Morvalt Fast-Walker, eh? I've not come across one of those before. I've killed plenty of Morvalt Ungdoms near Aegir, but that's miles away. I know the Morvalt camps spread widely across that area, but most of those have always been purple aggro.

I try the camp near Djerfell. Plenty of puple aggro Morvalts, but no sign of a Fast-Walker. I cross the river to the East, or at least try to - it's not easy when the banks seem to be full of distinctly slow-walking, but disturbingly purple Morvalts. I decide to cross to the north and use the zone wall to keep my distance. After about half an hour of traipsing the zone wall on the perimeter of the camp I reach a camp of Ungdoms and it dawsn on me that I'm only a stones throw from Aegir! Aaaarghhh! Still no fast-walkers! I head into the thick of the now green and grey Ungdoms and find a small set of tents. Hiding in one of them is a pair of Morvalt Fast-Walkers. They are, needless to say, stationary. I nuke one, then take great pleasure in nuking the whole lot of them - serves them right they should have run a bit quicker.

I head back to Aegir and take a horse back to Djerfell (as it's quicker). I see my friend, Mr Troll and collect my reward. Foolishly, I ask for another task.

"Greetings, Fawkes, travel to the south-east and kill a granulator"

Granulator! What the heck is a granulator! I have no idea whether it's animal, vegetable or mineral, so just stumble blindly to the south east. Mr Troll, meanwhile, seems to be sharing a joke with his buddies - I have a distinct feeling the joke is on me.

After some while searching (and avoiding the same aggro purple Morvalts I'd been avoiding earlier) I come back to an island. It's an island that I'd seen, but mostly avoided, earlier because it was obviously inhabilted by a group of large, purple Dodo-like Boobries. I knew these probably weren't worth messing with as I'd previously passed a group of younger Boobries who were still purple. This, I reasoned, made the Boobries very purple. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I swam to the island and negotiated my way to the far side. And what did I see, right in the middle of the Boobries? A granulator! A small, well-camoflaged mushroom. A small, well-camoflaged, bright yellow mushroom to be precise. On a very small island. With a distinct hump. Populated by very aggro dodos. Ah.

I get my distance as best I can and start nuking. Hit! Hit! Resist! Resist! Quickcast root, run and turn. Nuke. "Your target is not visible". Eeek! Move. Nuke. "Your target is not visible". Move. Nuke. Nuke. Phew!

Just 10 more kill tasks to go from Mr Sadistic Troll.


I'm very new to Albion. I only got my second account a few weeks ago and, until then, had only really played on Mid/Pryd and Hib/Excal. I decide to try a Friar, name him 'Tavistock' after my home town and get down to business.

It seems that in Alb, the kill-task joke has spread as far as the level 1 quest givers. I tend to always do the lowbie quests for a bit of variety, they tend to be short-lived affairs to get a few XP and some well needed silver (I don't generally twink until I know I'm going to stick with a character, so I'm usually scraping around for cash in the early levels). My acolyte trainer sends me to see another of the townsfolk. After a quick look around the keep of the castle I can't find the lass, so I ask a guard. He doesn't know who I'm talking about. I check the spelling. Nope. I leave the keep and come across a small town, with a different location name and different guards. The guards here point me to the lady I'm looking for - good start.

Now, one of the nice things about kill-tasks is they always give you a direction to start looking in. Without this, some tasks could be even more painful. Unfortunately, quests don't always do this. I was asked to kill a swamp goo. I ran around for a while, in vain, looking for such a thing. I went back up to the keep. I came back to the town. Eventually I found a pair of swamp goos to the north of the town. Both yellow. Ah.

Now, many of you will know that soloing a healer-type class is pretty painful from 1-5. You have no speccable weapon, low weaponskill and lower combat stats than a tank. You don't have the nukes of a caster. Without good equipment and/or buffs soloing a yellow with no armour and the trainer weapon will likely get you killed.

I tried anyway. I was killed. I ran back. The swamp goos were gone and in their place were a bunch of skellies and headless dead! I ran around a bit more before realising that the goo was on a day/night spawn rotation with the undead. Gah!

And all this before I'd even tried a kill task. When I did start kill tasking I found that the guards had the usual penchant for sending you to mobs that are much nearer the other kill task guards than they are to the one that gave you a task. This is compounded by the size of the town which, with the town and castle combined, is much larger than Aegir or Domann.

Eventually, at level 6 I found what I was really expecting.

"Please, good Knight, could you give me a task so that I may prove my worth"

"Greetings, Tavistock, travel to the north-east and kill a giant dragonfly"

Nice. I'd killed plenty of large dragonflies and they were neutral and vulnerable to crush. Giant dragonflies must be more of the same. Time for my uber staff-twirling skills!

I headed north-east and onto the beach of Avalon. After a decent stretch of my legs I eventually found a giant dragonfly. And another. And another. A huge great ball of draginflies filled the air, some blue, some yellow, some orange, some red and some purple. And all aggro.

Now, for many classes this situation would be a doddle. Pull from range and let em have it. For a level 6 friar, with no range attack whatsoever, it was more problematic. I tried some traditional Albion taunts...

"I fart in your general direction!"

"I wave my private parts at your auntie!"

But, in my heart, I knew that I was going to have to get in there and body pull a single blue from that swirling mass. A prospect made even tricker by the fact that all the dragonflies were moving in three dimensions, making it very hard to judge distance. After three attempts, and two sprints down the beach waving my hands around my head and yelling "Gerroff! Gerroff!" I finally nailed my blue dragonfly and "whooped his ass", as they say in the Albion monasteries.

I went back to the kill task guard, got my just rewards and asked for another task.

"Greetings, Tavistock, travel to the north-east and kill a giant dragonfly"

I logged.

old.Trine Aquavit


The Hibernian kill-task guards, I discovered, are very much at one with nature. When they're feeling nice this can truly be a blessing as many of the creatures they send you to kill inhabit the lands very close to their towns and guard posts. I had about three solid levels of "Kill a sporite" - oh, there's one! Blat! Repeat. When they're feeling nasty, though, they can be very vindictive indeed.

I first experinced this at about level 4, with my Sylvann Druid named Gunnera (Gunnera Manicata is the latin name for the Giant Rhubarb)...

"Hello, Mr Sylvann, I wonder if you might have a task for me?"

"Greetings, Gunnera, travel to the west and kill a botonid seedling"

Okey, dokey, I'm sure I can handle that. Don't think I've seen one of them before, but how hard can a seedling be for a giant rhubarb like me. I head west and cross a river, veer slightly southwards and find my prey - a luscious green botonid seedling. I check the coast is clear and approach, ready to smack it into oblivion with my trusty club, when all of a sudden - "Whallop!", some purple dog-like monster is chewing my branch off. I'm dead in three hits and back in the grove. Slightly stunned, I go back to the guard...

"Greetings, Gunnera, travel to the west and kill a botonid seedling"

Oh well, that was a bit of bad luck not seeing that mob there but lightning can't strike twice, surely? Oh yes, it can. Ker-splatt! I fall again, though this time I notice the extra lines of spam on my chat window - "The lure dissapears and the Scourgin jumps out at you!". My vegetable brain starts working overtime - it seems something was going fishing for gullible young adventurers and I fell hook, line and sinker. The guard kept giving me botonid seedling tasks (he knew he was onto a good thing), and I eventually gave up and levelled on blues.

Levelling was good and quick until about level 13 when I started visiting one particular guard. He lured me into a false sense of security by giving a couple of easy kill task and then, when I thought I was getting the hang of it...

"Greetings, Gunnera, travel to the east and kill a cniocrag swarmer"

Now, I had grown quite fond of the various varieties of cniocrag inhabitting the forest. They were nice and vulnerable to my hammer and my favoured shrub pet. I headed off, full of confidence until I came across this particular creature. It was a tiny little thing, yellow and crunchy. The only problem was that it was accompanied by five little clones and a mean looking cniocrag herder for good measure. Eeek! I could tell just by looking at them that they were 'an item' - they moved together like some sort of insectoid Busby Berkely number.

Of course, being a level 13 druid with an uber AE root spell I can't resist a challenge like that. I hit the AE root and it sticks! Perfect. I DoT a single swarmer, sic my pet on it and start smacking it for all I'm worth. At about 50% health (and 10 seconds) my root breaks and the herder and swarmers descend on me. My chosen swarmer is close to death and I think I can kill it and sprint away before I'm killed by the horde. Of course, I can't - 7 meleers on one even con target will make short work, and they duly did of me.



The Cart Horse - Yep everyone who's done KT's around West Downs knows what I mean - the lowly little blue con cart horse surrounded by the ravening purple aggro Slavers, Slavemasters and Slavemaster Bodyguards. Oh and next to the purple tomb raider scouts, past the purple basilisks and nuking wind mephits.

You get the task and go <sigh> time to suicide again.

The Oak man, The Wood Ogre Seer, The Forest Adder etc. West Downs guards just love these tasks - Now they're not difficult but it's a case of having to traipse over 1.5 zones to find them. When you consider that they could just tell you to go and kill yet another grove nymph you just know you've pissed them off somehow.


lol trine :)

and yes, oakman kt from wd do suck :(

Sharp Thing

you are at prydwen keep, you ask Sir Quat for a task, and he replies; "Oh young fool, go spend 2hours of your time hunting down a gobling S of here!"

wich roam in camp forest....


Or my killtask from the tower near Aegerhiman(sp?)

"Go and kill Granulator" Ok i know where they are should be no problem,hmm... there's one but it's red,ooh and second a purple con one.

<spended next 30 mins for looking lowbie granulator and finally suecided on red granulator>

Really got the feeling that troll was planning to kill me :rolleyes:

Second price goes to that sadistic Firbolg on Mag mell,go and kill Whistler.As hibs know they baf with about 5 siabra echanters and even horse have it's own DD.


I was once in ft. Atla with a kobbie shadowblade and was asked to kill a mob (I forget the name) which roamed just outside of myrkwood forest. Very stupid indeed considering I was about level 6.

I was also consistantly told to head towards the granulators from the tower (In aegirhamn, where the two guards stand). The only problem was that the direction I was told to go in led me straight into a bunch of tendrils.

"A strange globe-shaped orb sticks to you and is sapping your life" x 6

These things are especially hard to see at night as they're only little blue glowy things.


I got KT for a yellow Enraged Scimitar Kit... ok np...

DOh it was 2 frieds... well gray and green, np I'm a zerk.

But damn... they're on top of the zone wall. How should I pull them. Oh yeah I got these throwing weapons. Hmm damn not in view. Lets wait... not in view... zzzZzZZzz...


a m8 of mine got this once in WD (albion):

go kill en error <some numbers> SW of here, and return for your reward

I dunno what u think, but I think that´s a pretty tough task.

he tried to relog, in char. window it said he was a lvl 80 skald in mt. collory


Anyone tried a non kill task - you know the errand ones where you just have to take a bar of chocolate or something to an npc several miles away.

Boring as hell I know but for some reason I tried one in the hib SI zone. I was asked to go to someone in the town in the next zone past Doman - used the road and although I saw some purp mobs managed to arrive safely. This town was a huge double town with a kind of wall with turrets round it and a few npcs dotted all over but very few guards to ask directions. I ask a guard near entrance and he points me in general direction of a cluster of npcs - the one I want wasn't there. Hmm I thought sometimes the guards point the wrong way when you first asked so I spammed the /where command and he kept pointing in the same direction.

I then noticed that past the npcs there was a turret with a ladder in it on the town wall - "aha" I thought - sneeky bugger must be hiding up there. Climbed up but didn't see anyone.

I came to the conclusion that the guard was bugged and pointing in the wrong duration so I ran around the whole town clicking on every npc 2-3 times - still couldn't find the one I wanted.

Then for some unknown reason I walked OUTSIDE the town and walked all the way around it, and lo and behold - balancing precariously half way up the wall completely invisible from inside the town was the merchant I wanted. But oh no he was too high up wall to click on - I tried jumping up and down for five minutes but couldn't get close enough.

Finally decided to go back in the town climb up the ladder into the turret, swivel my camera view in some weird angle and I managed to just click on his ear or something.

Yay 0.2 bubs!

Don't do them tasks no more :-(


Originally posted by old.Downanael
Second price goes to that sadistic Firbolg on Mag mell,go and kill Whistler.As hibs know they baf with about 5 siabra echanters and even horse have it's own DD.

Aarrgghhh i used to HATE whistler KT's :( Managed to actually succeed once with a ranger (pre-archer nerfage) by extreme kiting & lots of sprinting. Once out of about 100 times \o/

The other fun one I've had in Albion a few times is go kill a Bandit Leader. Uh huh. OK, that'd be the yellow-con bandit leader who travels randomly around camelot hills with 6 blue-con mates would it? Thanks o_O


When i was doing kt's in aegirhamn at lvl 10ish or something, got about 3-4 times in a row to kill a mygga. They are just next to the tower so i had to move 4m, kill it and come back.

Thats the good part, but then i got 2 times to kill a Enraged Scimitar Kit. Sounds like a quest mob or something, never found it and killed myself. Wasnt fun to get it again :/


Trine, fun post but a few tips:

Granulators are in a very non aggro area if you head out of aegir, across the bridge and straight forwards to the beach. Ofcourse, when i did a granulator KT they were orange!! Minor setback i'd say...

The fast-walkers are just across the stonebridge and straight forwards over one hill. Whole camp. Ofcourse they BAF and their friends call for help but that's a little problem don't ya think?

EDIT: To aldrian. The enraged scimitar kit is a quest mob and it runs all over the SI area. Good luck in finding it :D


My favourites are getting a task to kill a goblin magician from pk bridge, now although these are an easy kill on there own finding one of them when there is usually about 2 in the whole of camp forest and bring all their friends is a bit trickier :/

Best one is getting sent to kill death stalkers of giant grey wolves from wd, these can be found in forest sauvage. after being ganked by endless shadow blades and skalds i gave up when i kept getting these quests :/


Originally posted by old.Downanael
Second price goes to that sadistic Firbolg on Mag mell,go and kill Whistler.As hibs know they baf with about 5 siabra echanters and even horse have it's own DD.

Yep, brings back painful memories - lol ... I think I never died more on kt or on (epic) quests than in Hib ... :D

Plus kt in Hib more than in Alb seemed to follow some law by which - at certain levels - I never could find a kt mob for the life of me, but stumbled into a bunch of them soon after I had got another kt ... ;)


Oh how could I have forgotten the blackthorn/lunantishee KT's! "Kill a lunantishee" no problem's, they're yellow! /flex

Oh wait, they come in pairs and they guard orange-con trees who spit toothpicks at you from 200 metres away and will happily chase you all the way back to Mag Mell o_O


My best one was a KT from the GNA tower guards when asked to kill some mob (that I've forgetten..a Nackern mebbe?) which I never did find until when I was round lvl 42 or so when I happened to spy one near Naitlen while riding past on a horse..


Best ones I had were a couple of kill tasks from Prydwen Bridge which sent me into the frontier in Sauvage. (I thought that was kind of mean and unnecessary at the time ;) )

Oh yeah, carthorse brings back memories too. The funny thing was, it really isn't a hard kill. There were no adds at all.


Originally posted by old.Dillinja

I was also consistantly told to head towards the granulators from the tower (In aegirhamn, where the two guards stand). The only problem was that the direction I was told to go in led me straight into a bunch of tendrils.

May I suggest just taking a slightly different route? You don't _have_ to walk into their camp :p

I have np killing granulators from the tower -> beach route.


I remember a KT from Vik (the caravan guy in Vale of Mularn) at about lvl 7 to kill a whirlwind. Didn't find one until many levels later when I went afk whilst mistakenly leaving auto-run on.

They're on an island in the middle of the sea NW from Nisse. Haven't found any others apart from there.


There was NOTHING like "kill a young badger" before the fishing camp behind mag mell was turned into a battlefield, the only place to find these were linked with red/purp "mommy badgers" and no curms to kill the mommies and daddies :(


Ahhh yes KT's...morvalt Ungdoms you say Sir troll guard.. okie's will do... hah blue con.. I shall whooop thau skinny behind.. "morvalt Ungdoms pull's out some kind of silly horn and blow's in it " TA DA... 3 very purp con morvalts fly in for the rescue..very dead me...Nerf mob's who can dial 911 ffs.. Ahh and in myrkwood getting kt's to kill that dude with the big head chain casting dot's...and him being red con too...after you die to him you reluctantly go back for another kt.. death spiders you say sir.. yes will do.. hmmm in the lake you say.. cant seem to see any...walkes furthe out.. stands in water to neck.. ohhh there is one....its red con... ohh and another and another EKKK RUN..and for some reason the water does not slow down this kind of spiders , nearly as much as it slow you down = dead KT'er...going back to pray hehehe yeah..you try to target an under-water grave in the middle of a spawn of orange/red con uber agro mob's... no thank you... " Damon make's rude gesture at Troll guard so and so "


Got a KT on one of my alts lastnight from guardtower outside Haggerfell, and the kt was to kill a morra rider.

Moth Twiceborn

On a related note, I was once stood chatting to someone in WD, and someone came up to me and whispered 'task'. I was so tempted to tell them to kill a greater moor boogey or somesuch.

So maybe some of these sadistic guards aren't guards at all :)

50 Paladin, Utopia


Second price goes to that sadistic Firbolg on Mag mell,go and kill Whistler.As hibs know they baf with about 5 siabra echanters and even horse have it's own DD.

:clap: omg the horror

Roo Stercogburn

I just remembered why I don't do kill tasks :D


Ah.. killtasks..

They'll be the things where I'm told to kill someone, spam 8 earth pets at it and then leg it before his friends come along?

Great thing about a theurg, just spam and go. By the time you get back to the guard the mob is dead and it's mucho experiencio. Oh, and we get a speed buff :)

I miss my theurg

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