Which race/character/template?



Hi, I'm considering starting a character on midgard as I'm getting a little bored of my lvl 40 albion cleric. I'm thinking of perhaps following either house of hel or thor, probably troll, would like to know thoughts on this, templates? All thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


As a thane (house of thor), you would need to keep your stormcalling maxed with your level until spec 16, where you get your first mjolnir spell. If you are going the way of the shield, then you won't have enough to spec in parry, but in RvR, parry isn't that good anyways
Keep your weapon skill at your level: I'd reccomend using hammers, as axes and swords have penalties against chain, scale and plate, but PvE wise, axe/sword is the best, as you will get a bonus to damage

I'm planning on having:
Axe 50
Stormcalling 46
Parry 34

Another template would be
Weapon 50 (for that last style)
Stormcalling 45 (for the last mjolnir spell)
Shield 29
Parry 19

And if you plan on playing as a troll, make sure you put 10 points into con..... thanes don't have an amazing amount of hitpoints with their base con of 70
Putting a bit in dex will aslo improve your AF, and a bit in piety helps in RvR, as well as improving your buffs.

Dunno about house hel? What class is that? Warrior?


shield is 42+, 7, or no shield at all, rest is waste of points..

gonna be a 46BS, 44axe, 17parry skald myself..

as a thane i would be 39weapon, 46stormcalling, 42shield, rest parry


ceixava, and ur spec if u were going for a 2 handed thane would be ?


2H Thane :

50 Hammer (Midgard Melee Hammer>>>Axe>>Sword)
46 Stormcalling (Last Damage Add)
7 Shield (Engage Ability
Rest Parry

1H Shield Thane:

44 Weapon (SledgeHammer style)
46 Stormcalling
42 Shield (Slam - 9 Sec use any time stun)
Rest Parry

These are the commonly accepted best RvR builds for thanes, and most Thanes who plan their char go one of these 2 routes (Some Offensive Thane opt for the last Thor's Lightning Bolt at 48 Stomcalling)

Trolls make the best Offensive Thanes and Dwarfs make the Best Defensive Thanes, Norse make very good Thanes period but not to the extremes of the other two classes.

You want to aim to cap you Str and Con as early as possible and keep it capepd all the time.

Usual starting point allocation is +10 Str/Con for definate.

I chose +10 Pie for my last 10 as I dont use shield much, but if you plan on the Shield spec I would put +10 Dex as the last 10 points.

Hope this helps

(/em waits for Infozwerg to rubbish yet anotehr of Solid's posts)

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