Which PvP Class ?



Been thinking alot about this. At first I thought skald or assassin definately.....Then I started to think deeper...

Now I think I'm gonna play a middy healer ( suprise suprise ). Heres why...

We can heal and res. These skills will be as important ( maybe more ) on PvP server as they are now. We have great crowd control skills ( mezz wil be a crucial PvP skill ). We can buff. We have instant heals for ourselves and our group. We wear chain and can wield nasty hammers ( my af is the same as any middy fighter, and my hits comparable to an equal lvl skald or thane ). And above all, we will be rare !!!!

Anybody else going for a non-obvious class ( please no 'I'm gonna play a shadowblade and own every1' posts....because you won't btw. )


Doesn't matter whether assassins will own or not, i will probably play an Infiltrator anyway, and actually be able to _play_ a rogue and assassinate, like an assassin is supposed to.
I think the PvP server will bring more possibilities to roleplaying, which is kind of gimped when there is no possibility to do anything bad to your realm. Noo, everyone must be a good boy and help the realm. What are rogues for?

The only bad thing i see is ofcourse griefing. I hope mythic has some cards up their sleeve to avoid it as much as possible.


Stealth will rule the PvP server, even more than the normal game where it is already immense.


Originally posted by chesnor
We wear chain and can wield nasty hammers ( my af is the same as any middy fighter, and my hits comparable to an equal lvl skald or thane ).

Lol, you must be joking. Theres a difference between speccable and unspeccable weapon line, you know? Dont expect to be able to heal, mezz, stun, root AND smack everyone around. Healers who thouht like you are masivelly quiting the game now. If you want to go play offensive class that can maybe heal and buff here and there, go play smite cleric.


svarun, you assume that my healer is gonna wander around solo......you couldnt be more wrong. Basically a middy healer can out stun/mezz any class in the game. All I need is a few tanks in my group and we have an awesome fighting unit.

PvP doesnt mean Player vs Player in my book....It means PlayerS vs PlayerS, the distinction is subtle but significant. imho, all soloers on the PvP server will be meat. Group or die......


personally i will be either a luri nightshade, or a celt (or kobbie) shadowblade. this is because i like the assasian class, not because i think it will own or whatever :p plus its the class i know best so why would i want to be a different type altogether? :)


I'd play minstrel, just because I'm addicted to the speed run :D


Originally posted by Aeiedil
personally i will be either a luri nightshade, or a celt (or kobbie) shadowblade. this is because i like the assasian class, not because i think it will own or whatever :p

Oh come on Aeiedil, you're convincing no one :p

Nah, if I do stay long enough for PvP, I'll play a stealther too.


only problem would be with this PvP server, every1 will be a stealther so its gonna get rather boring to run around in steath mode all the time. it could end up making the server crap:(


chesnor no, you understood me wrong. Healers are indeed backbone of midgardian army and VERY usefull in RvR, I am just saying that you shouldnt not expect to be able to kill anyone on your own...


very surprisingly i would still play an enchanter :) now that WOULD be different


Well Svarun, I can solo equal cons....as long the fight goes like this :-

Me spots enemy, get castable stun out ( enemy stunned for 9s )
Me tonks with Hammer of Black Ice.
Enemy starts using them nasty styles on me.
When hp<75% I insta mezz ( still 1 left ), and heal myself up.
Resume tonking with Hammer of Black Ice.
When hp<75% I insta mezz and heal myself up.
Resume tonking with Hammer of Black Ice.
Use insta stun on enemy ( 9s stun )
Resume tonking with Hammer of Black Ice.
When hp<50% use first insta heal.
Resume tonking with Hammer of Black Ice.
When hp<50% use second insta heal.
Resume tonking till enemy falls at my feet.

I have killed several yellows like this. Unfortunately, I can only so this once every 20mins ( insta timers ) and only under very favourable circumstances and with very little scope for error. But I could tear up almost any even cons melee char from any realm given conditions favourable to me ( all instas up, fully buffed, and my initiative to attack with suprise )


Originally posted by chesnor
Well Svarun, I can solo equal cons....as long the fight goes like this :-

Me spots enemy (Smite Cleric), get castable stun out ( enemy stunned for 9s )
Me tonks with Hammer of Black Ice.
Enemy casts AE insta 30 second mezz
Enemy makes space
Enemy casts 9 second Stun
Enemy Smites
Enemy Smites
When hp<50% use first insta heal. (unless still stunned)
Enemy casts 9 second Stun
Enemy Smites
Enemy Smites
When hp<50% use second insta heal.
Enemy AE Drive Evil
Enemy Melees using better Dmg Add than you
You fall at enemys feet.
Enemy hasnt used either of his 2 Insta Heals

I think thats how you would compare to an even con Smite Cleric :p


Well, I was talking about melee classes specifically. My general method of tackling smite clerics is as follows :-

Me spots smite cleric.
Me hits insta mezz.
Me does a 180, hits sprint and legs it back to TK.

That generally does the trick :p


I would love to see a cleric & healer go at it, could go down as the longest fight in history!


Sadly that won't work anyway, as you can't remezz or restun for 1 minute after the last mez or stun has broken... Otherwise I could solo pretty much any yellow... 2xdd, mez, rest, 2xdd, mez, rest, ....
If mez fails I could insta stun and have another crack at it. :p


Don't know yet ;)

Who knows i'll create my wizy again ;)


Minstrel or some assassin... No point being a sniper 'cause assassins 0wn em ;9 And mages suck cause of lowhps etc... always die from one hit... :-/


Ches, I think you should note that heal will cure mez in a future patch.

Along with the Purge realm skill and the timers that are already in place, mez is being nerfed to extinction.


well, i like playing the underdog (underdog server, class etc), so ive semi-retired my skald on excal to play a spear hero on hib/prydwen

and if i still like that char alot when pvp server comes ill play it there as well ;) ...my guess is that pure tanks will be the underdogs on the pvp-server


I think tanks will do well on PvP servers, because it appears the consensus is 'stealthers will rule'. Well, I'm not too sure about this, but I always suspected assasins suck against pure tanks. And a shield specced warrior should never get taken down by an archer unless they are afk, gimped or dumb.


chesnor yes, that tactic would do you good... but as a celtic spear hero, I do not "bonk" midgardian healers (up to orange con), I take up to half their health in one hit...


quite simply, i won't be playing on the PvP server. :D

but if i was i think id go a class thats a bit of an all-rounder

i like versatility :)


I doubt assasins will rule in PvP because of the startup difficulties.

To be effective they have to start training stealth from day one compromising CS and Weapon speccing.
Besides that every stealther will have a bullseye tied to his back, just because every non-stealth class hates them so much :p

personally I'll start healer as well, must be even more desirable on the PvP then on the normal servers


Skald or Thane for me most likely, Hybrids will also fare well, esp Solo.

More skald, and its no surprise the test PvP server is a skald hive, they get run speed and can tank pretty well, and hit bloody hard, prolly the single best solo class after stealthers imo (PvP that is)

It all depends on the specifics of the PvP server (its still in beta remember)

Also dont forget the whole realm ability fiasco, as it stans non stealthers can buy a Detect Hidden skill, making Stealthers rather gimped.

carrot head

bit accademic as its unlikly we will ever get a pvp server.

o and dosent the new aoe desiese shout reveal stelthed chrs.
a bit more love and shamen may be a viable class.

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