Which mouse should I get?



I need a new mouse, but am unable to decide between logitech pilot, wingman or a razer boomslang 1000 (maybe even some other mouse not mentioned here). I haven't actually tried any of them.
I currently have a microsoft serial mouse, I control the mouse with my arm rather than my wrist (had to start doing that because I was beginning to get pain in my wrist), I have long thin fingers and I play with a medium sensitivity I guess (about 2 rounds on a mouse pad). I primarliy play quakeworld, and I want a mouse that's both nimble/quick and precise, but not too small and flimsy. 3 buttons (or more) would be a great plus, but not an absolute requirement (aim and control comes first). USB support is a must.
Sorry for the long post, hope someone out there can give me some advice. I hate this old choppy and imprecise serial mouse I'm using now.


Wingman is super precise but takes ages of prac (Well for me)
Pilot is probobly more popular and ur safest bet

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