Which Minstrel Rocks in RvR?!?!? An Update post 1.56?!?!?



I have no idea what is up with the previous thread it seems wholely out of date (I must have posted months and months ago) and to be quite frank a minstrel before epic armour, DF and RAs was alot different than one afterwards.
Its a shame but mythic have decided to make it so that there is only one real way to make a decent RvR minstrel. Its a cookie cutter if ever I saw one and a cookie cutter that as I placed 10 in dex all those months ago I can never follow (dam mythic and their patches I'll teach them for nerfing thrust, why will they give RA and Skill respecs but no race or stat respecs!!!). Highlander 10 con, str and charisma (they look silly but they are butch!!!). Then you get slash to atleast 29 for amyslash (39 is a good choice too for backslash a very nice skill), 44 instrument for the last speed song dds and stun (if you want to charm pets by all mean get it to 50, but 45 for that last AoE mezz is a waste of points) and the rest stealth.
Our RAs are very nice keep to active ones SoS, Purge, FA, IP and MCL. Aug con and toughness are an easy way to get 100 extra hp, to be frank those first augs are so cheap just get them.
With epic and the right jewelry you can cap every stat and resist (except qui i find that hard to cap) and get afew helpfull skill in stealth (item points in this u'll find very usefull as your won't have teh spec points to get it high without them). Get a nice crafted weapon and shield (99% qua is cheap enough).
Finally know your limits we are not the class we once were, hopefully mythic will give us some love. Without decent buffs don't try to solo full tanks and pick on those casters and healers they go down like a cheap hooker on a japanese buisnessman.


Got my minstrel to 38 now and I love her

However I would assume the stealth spec is kinda totally useless now :(

Due to my See hidden?

Wouldn't points be better spent elsewhere?

And whats the spec again

Slash 29?
Intruments 44?
Stealth ?

etc etc cheers


Bah don't think there is an "uber" spec...

Everyone plays a char his own way...

some like high stealth, others high melee dmg, some like to have a pet around (wouldn't it be nice to see 8 mincers...7 with a pet + 1 with speed on hehe).....others full support for a group...

Think you should spec the way you like to play...

Most classes can win 1 vs 1 if played properly...but 1 vs 3 it's most of the time impossible to win. So the extra melee dmg, extra stealth etc...won't save ya in this case anyway.

My final spec (if i ever get the courage to get another lvl50 char) would be something like 44 instru (speed V), 29 slash + rest into Stealth...

It's not uber...since assasins will see me anyway...but when played properly..it should get me some rp's from time to time :)

(making a note to myself -> get your damn scout to 50 a.s.a.p ) :)


minstrels seem to be the only class that noone agrees on a spec for :)

43 instruments for speed 5.

Put the rest where you like ;)


Minstrel = only class with too many spec points.

No reason to go past 44 Instruments.

No reason to spend any points in stealth (can't use songs, no stealth abilities like climb walls, see hidden etc)

No reason to spec weapon - we'll never be better than third rate with sword in hand.

WTF am I supposed to do with all these extra bloody spec points? I've got nothing worthwhile to spend em on.


Don't forget minstrels can get Avoid Pain, sadly it needs aug con 3, but thats not all bad :) and only 4 classes per realm can get it so minstrels should feel privileged :p
44 slash is nice for enrage -> sapphire, yer you get a defense penalty but enrage is as good as amy for damage and sapphire does about 20 more and a medium bleed and uses very little end. Backslash is ok, but it uses a lot more end than amy or enrage and as far as i can tell doesnt do any more damage, just a higher chance to hit (which is high anyway if your behind an enemy).
My advice is highlander or briton, 10 con str and cha, 44 inst, 44 slash 21 stealth, and a drum with +7 stealth :)


Originally posted by old.davidlqs
Minstrel = only class with too many spec points.

No reason to go past 44 Instruments.

No reason to spend any points in stealth (can't use songs, no stealth abilities like climb walls, see hidden etc)

No reason to spec weapon - we'll never be better than third rate with sword in hand.

WTF am I supposed to do with all these extra bloody spec points? I've got nothing worthwhile to spend em on.

not spending your points really improves your char.


depending on how good this damage-absorption song is, it could be worth taking instruments to 50. someone said it goes off drums too? so twisting that and speed (or ps) would be easy enough.


Lets say stealth on a minstrel is very nice.
And lets also say you never have enough skill points :)
The minstrels I know would not mind more skill points.
And those minstrels I know are indeed Highlander and slash specced, I would also love a race respec on my armsman, on my sorc, and on my scout. But I guess not :)
Regards, Glottis


I really would like to know what this new song really is

It could be any number of things from a pbt to a max hp increase, any information would be appreciated, because 50 34 26 might look quite tempting for a grouping minstrel :p


personally i would prefer more tempting song than dmg absorb to go 50 inst, since im thrust i need the damn 44thrust and taking inst to 50 will take away my wyrwen and leave me whith out stealth, then im stuck whith puncture and what ever the follow up is. And still group will be begging for dmg absorb which again would make mezzing impossible(why do we still have mezz in specc line btw) and twisting DA and ss5, yey very funny. Again we get stick and go afk crap.

Galie is right. for those low lvl saracen minstrels out there hurry and delete the crap and go the highlander way. i recommend 39slash 43(44)inst rest stealth. get con, str, cha.

For bugs... my damn drum still cancels song once in a while for no apparent reason along whith the god damn mezz bug where you stand next to a mob and get the los msg.


Originally posted by rure

not spending your points really improves your char.

You know you're absolutely right Rure, it just didn't occur to me. If I spend no points until Instruments auto to 26 I'll be able to max Instruments and Weapon.

I was being facetious.

Facetious means tongue in cheek.

And that was sarcasm (or patronising - you choose).


New song requires drum to be held but isn't a real song, sort of casted (pretty unclear atm). It pulses every 6 secs and creates an ablative shield value 100 at 50spec ) for every groupmember.
Smt like weak pbt : paa.
I'm glad they added another active ability to the minstrel that encourages him to melee ...
I'm sure we'll soon see a grabbag with the following :
Q: Now with windowed mode and 2 clients being supported, what makes the best buffbot.
A: Clerics are useful for their enhbuffs, sorcs for pow5 and minstrels for speed/ablative song. You will need to subscribe to a 2nd account to use a buffbot but we don't mind, just forget about the coc that we continually keep adjusting to suit our own needs. These changes were made to improve balance and bring individual classes more in line with the other realms (the compulsary part that appears in every excuse for a nerf)


Woot guess they are making minstrels active combaters, and buffbots then, what with the sorcs more effective longer power regen magic :p

50 instruments 43 weapons is certainly becoming more tempting, however I would miss out on snaking up on greys :(

edited because my other comment made no sense :p

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