Which maps do I need to download



:eek: Newbie needs help please. I've booked a server for a little team practice, our first ever, and it occurred to me that we might not have all the right maps.
So, I would like the low-down on BWTFCL Servers, i.e. which maps do these servers use, the rotation of maps, can I specify what maps are played etc. etc. etc.
I have had a look around the BarrysWorld site for this info, but as I said I'm new to BW, and have had little success finding the info I require. So please point me in the right direction or just plain tell me, whatever you like. Thanks. :confused:


you'll get rcon so you can choose what maps you can play, and if you got a bunch of 56k'ers who will whine about map dl (;)) then you can stick to non custom maps for your first practice.

There are quite a few good rcon guides knocking around, /me looks for one.


there is the bw one, make sure you remember to put the right pw in and the right port, use the wrong pw 3 times (i think) and u'll get banned :eek:

rcon changelevel mapname is the one you'll be using mostly.


:cool: Thanks for the help

:D Thank you both, the links and info was just what I needed.
So thanks again. :clap:

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