Which is more sought after in grps, Pallys or sorcs?



Of my alts, the ones I like the most is my lvl 14 Sorc and lvl 12 Pally.

I think the Pally has the edge slightly enjoyment wise.

However, I want to concentrate on one of them and would like to take the one that is mostly wanted by groups.

So which one, Pally or sorc?


pally is always wanted these days,

but i play sorc atm, and getting groups velly easy:p


Yeah, I get grps fairly easily with both I guess, so maybe it's just down to personal preference.
I think my pally is slightly more enjoyable to play than the Sorc.
But that's probably coz my main is a cleric and I probably enjoy being in the thick of things for a change.

But are Pallys any good in RvR?
And for that matter, are sorcs?


sorcs are a MUST in any alb rvr group that doesnt wanna be the rp-tit that most are, a pally is not.


Originally posted by Arnor
sorcs are a MUST in any alb rvr group that doesnt wanna be the rp-tit that most are, a pally is not.

Both are needed in any solid RvR group. The sorcerer really is the backbone of the group (plus cleric), and try getting a melee group together without a paladin and listen to all the whines about end regen ;)


Originally posted by old.linnet
Both are needed in any solid RvR group. The sorcerer really is the backbone of the group (plus cleric),

Is that because of the sorc having mezz etc?

and try getting a melee group together without a paladin and listen to all the whines about end regen ;)
That seems to be the main reason why ppl want pallys in grps.


Originally posted by heilel
Is that because of the sorc having mezz etc?

Yes. They have other cool stuff also (run speed, mana regen, nukes, mez resist chant, etc.), but they are the only class in Albion with a long duration, long range AE mez & an AE root also, and that is what they are usually expected to do in RvR.

That seems to be the main reason why ppl want pallys in grps.

Yup. That is the one thing that only a paladin can provide that groups really want to have. Of course, they do other stuff too - since they usually are shield spec, they're good caster guards and can run around slamming stuff. The resist chants and AF chant are good too, and so is Faith Healing. But end chant is why melee type classes don't like to RvR without a pally in the group.

I'd say pick the one you most enjoy.


Thanks for laying that out nice and clearly as I'm still trying to get my head around both of these classes. :)

It's a tough choice though, as my main is a cleric and I think the Pally and Cleric Epic quests are the same, I don't wanna do the same Epics all over again.
But then getting into melee fighting is nice tho.

However the sorc spells aren't that visual, although really useful.
And getting a pet is kinda fun, but can be troublesome at times to find the right one.
Also, my epic quests will be diferent, which is a nice bonus.
And it DOES look dead cool when you've mezzed a bunch of mobs.

Maybe I'll just wait until the 1.62 patch comes out and auto-level them both to lvl 20 and decide then.

Decisions decisions.

Meanwhile, maybe I'll concentrate with RvR with my Cleric and get some more RAs.


Originally posted by old.linnet
Both are needed in any solid RvR group. The sorcerer really is the backbone of the group (plus cleric), and try getting a melee group together without a paladin and listen to all the whines about end regen ;)

they managed fine before end-regen didnt they?

my point is that while end-regen is nice to have, its not a MUST. and unless your uber like krane&co :rolleyes: youll be a huge rp-tit w/o mezz.

fun factor:
if you have a good rgular group with decent players, i think sorc can be damn fun&rewarding, but in random groups its a recipie for disaster imo.

pallies will most likely be killed last, cc'ed and ignored by good groups atleast. Youll be busy guarding and slamming ppl on your support and chanting your chants.


Originally posted by Arnor
pallies will most likely be killed last, cc'ed and ignored by good groups atleast. Youll be busy guarding and slamming ppl on your support and chanting your chants.

It's nice they'll be attacked last, but It doesn't sound THAT exciting standing at the back, I COULD go back to my lvl 21 arms and level him.
But I've heard Armsmen are pretty crap in RvR.


if you want an offensive tank make a flamesman :p

seriously though, merc=offensive tank, armsman 50p/50slash/thrust=v offensive too but sucky gainst hib groups unless you run in a decent group yerself.

speaking as a hib/mid crossrealmer and spy extraordinaire, make a sorc, thats what alb needs tbh.


Originally posted by Arnor
speaking as a hib/mid crossrealmer and spy extraordinaire, make a sorc, thats what alb needs tbh.

Good point, bloody hib mezzers are a pain in the butt.
It'd be nice to get my own back..:D


Originally posted by heilel
Is that because of the sorc having mezz etc?

That seems to be the main reason why ppl want pallys in grps.

OK- yes, sorcs are primarily wanted for the crowd control, mezz-duration-reducing group chant, and the castable power regen buff.
And, likewise, paladins' main purpose is to slam enemy tanks who are chasing your healers, whilst keeping everyone's endurance up and also no-one doesn't love the unique paladin RA, a 1200hp group instaheal, usable every half-hour.

Thing is, it's very very negative to say "oh, pally is just an end bot" or "all sorc does it mezz". It's.... kinda true, really, but why's that a bad thing? If you play a core class then any group you're in has one less much-sought-after class to worry about finding, and the group is that much more likely to do well in RvR.


I've a lvl 42 sorc and a lvl 47 pally. I started the sorc before the pally if that gives u a hint ;)


Northern, my sorc, is getting some lovin' when my friar dings 50. 10.5 bubs to go!!


pallys are bitches to get rps with tho, very near to the bottom of the rp list according to that dude on VN boards, give moose type chant for 50 chants or something. Arch Angel or Destiny Knight, or BOTH :D one makes us invincible for 30 secs (maybe make that unmezzable,rootable,dottable :) etc..) other makes us walking machines of lightning death. 15 min timers.


Originally posted by hercules-df
according to that dude on VN boards
that well known source of 100% accurate, non-biased information :rolleyes:


lvl yer sorc...we have quite a few pallies in the realm but a distinct lack of sorcs


Originally posted by Draylor
that well known source of 100% accurate, non-biased information :rolleyes:

hehe think it was addressed in the TL report


Originally posted by hercules-df
pallys are bitches to get rps with tho, very near to the bottom of the rp list according to that dude on VN boards, give moose type chant for 50 chants or something. Arch Angel or Destiny Knight, or BOTH :D one makes us invincible for 30 secs (maybe make that unmezzable,rootable,dottable :) etc..) other makes us walking machines of lightning death. 15 min timers.

Agree :)


Originally posted by hercules-df
pallys are bitches to get rps with tho, very near to the bottom of the rp list according to that dude on VN boards, give moose type chant for 50 chants or something. Arch Angel or Destiny Knight, or BOTH :D one makes us invincible for 30 secs (maybe make that unmezzable,rootable,dottable :) etc..) other makes us walking machines of lightning death. 15 min timers.

Pally must be one of the easiest classes to get RPs with, every group wants one and they are among the hardest to kill in the whole game wich means they will probably be alive longest and gain most RP from each fight.


Originally posted by bult
Pally must be one of the easiest classes to get RPs with, every group wants one and they are among the hardest to kill in the whole game wich means they will probably be alive longest and gain most RP from each fight.

what he said

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