Which class best for PL?



I have just come back from 3 months in Mid Excal to my beloved Alb. I have rolled an Armsman (Lvl 14 atm), but am finding the process of levelling a little tedious.

I have two accounts, so I thought that I might roll a PL class on the other to assist my Armsman and perhaps a future full Rejuv Cleric.

I cannot decide which to go for. As I see it, my options are:

1. Necro
2. Cabalist
3. Theurg
4. Sorc

I played a Necro last time I was in Alb (only to Lvl 18 before I deleted and went Mid), and rolled another when I returned 3 days ago but got to Lvl 9 before deciding I was too bored and deleted.

I will consider another though if that's the best option.

If you could also tell me what race, where to place initial 30 spec points and any levelling tips I should be most grateful.

TIA ;)


Necromancer, without question. Chain kill oranges and end each fight with as much life and power as you started.
It's all about mob selection.

old.Gombur Glodson

necro for 1-40
Caba for 40-50

Imho ;o


Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'd like to play the PL character in RvR also...don't know if that changes anything.


Full Deathsight Necro beats any other class hands down for powerlevelling, they're not too hot in RvR though (or so I'm told - I'm just using my necro for cash farming).

Cavex ElSaviour

a friar is very nic etoo to use. Though it doesnt get too intersting befor elvl 20.


Paladin is good for PL and good for RvR! needed in most groups for PvE and RvR!

for Powerleveling they dont have downtime due to end chant and better for 40+ powerleveling imo!

Paladin for teh win!!!1


Theurg with 45 wind 26 earth. Nukes at an obscene rate, chainkill spirit weak barrows mobs in 3-4 nukes.

And, of course, 10 sec PBT, speed, mezzes, and nukes for RvR.

Can imagine power is a killer though.


Necro is the best PLer... no doubts about it, they are PvE kings!

As for RvR they are not bad, seeing as mids/hibs seem not to realize that your pet is killing everything, and go for the non-pet classes first.

My spec is 48 sight, 26 servant, 6 PW

I have killed purples, but not worth it seeing as you get no more xp than killing an orange, and you can do oranges all day long with no downtime, none, zilch!

Kill Tasks up to 8, then mithra till 12/13, then Sailesbury Plains till 20, then legionairs in cornwall till 25ish, then hunters in cornwall till 30, then dunters in lyonesse till 35ish, then clerks in lyonesse till 42/43, then druid room in barrows till 48, then white lights in gwydd

Thats what i did anyway

Hope it helps

"Never argue with an idiot, they'll only bring you down to there level, then beat you with experience!"

Nepthys - 50 neccie (sight)
Spahawk- 39 pally
IAmHardicus - 23 friar
Daman - 19 cabby
Twoholes - 10 merc
Knuckles - pally (avalonian, just for a laugh, but actually very effective in thrust :p)
Beldin - 9 neccie (servant)
Manic - 7 Inf


i need to agree that in rvr necros aint bad at all. taking down sbs that jump your pet aint much of a problem at all. Even when they stun my pet and bring him down to less than 50 percent health, i still win the fight in most cases due to the lifetap.

lvling a necro in PvE goes very fast. got to 50 in less than 8 days played and did everything solo.


Havent tried a necro, so I would say matter cab. I use mine a lot and lvls chars very easy with little down time. when PLing an alt, the alt will get: lvls 1-10 getting probably about 1.5 bubs a pull, 10-20 getting about a bub, then drops to about 0.8 at 30, 0.5 at 35, 0.3 at 40, then about 0.1 at 49.

With a successful pull I use about 30-35% power which I can regain easily with 1-2 pet recycles taking about 15 secs, then wait for end and start pulling again.

Im full matter rest body, but would like to see what 46 matter, 28 body would be like.

In RvR, its normaly nearsight casters, then start doing damage. Stack single dots and nuke a target then onto next. Keep/Relic Defence is where matter cabs do really well, spamming AEDot, and with the 46/28 spec you can also use AE Disease too. And Keep assault is almost the same.


Necro is the best power leveler without a doubt. Downtime is downtime, be it for mana or for mobs to respawn. If a necro finds a decent undead camp it is without a doubt the best power leveler. In RvR they are not shit hot due to the bug's. Necros are easy to solo to 50 also.

I would say cabalist is second best if hunting in Dartmoor/Tanglers. They will have to wait for respawns but mana is'nt to much of a problem. A pain to level to 50 solo and groups dont often want cabalist's (but it isnt that hard to find a group, will just take more effort than say a Cleric). RvR with them can be fun, landing an AE DoT in a keep defence is great :D


agrees with Gombur, 1-40 necro is the best, 40-50 caba no doubt about it.

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