where'd the sentinels go?



ok, picture the scene....

i accept a kill task from sentinel maitias!..
i go, kill the evil monster he wishes me to...
i return for my reward to find no sentinel maitias in mag mell....
wots up with that?

that was about 9pm last night. i hung around for for the rest of the evening and still no sentinel...i log on today and big surprise...no sentinel.

Plz, if someones kidnapped them...i'll pay a reward...a SMALL reward to have them returned!!!!

at the same time this was happening there was a herd of white horses hanging around just outside mag mell and in ardee there was a hibernian tree that was casting strength of the oak on itself (im not talking about a blackthorn...im talking a real, full size tree)

Can someone explain?.....Plz?

:m00: :m00:


I wish i could lay the blame for this freaky vision at the door of drugs or beer, at least then i could log on and get my xp reward....but i cant :(

i wasnt the only one who saw these things....there were other people there....honest!

be warned...im gonna start pouting in a minute if i dont get my sentinel back....:mad:

:m00: :m00:

Bleri McThrust

Funny thing happened to me on the way to levelling an alt once.

Getting kill tasks out of West Downs when the guard kindly tells me to go kill a .............

cart horse

Now there are all sorts of Horses roaming around the Salisbury plains area but a cart horse ????

And it was definately a cart horse i checked and checked and checked again. Needless to say I never did find one :(


Missing sentinel

Afraid to say no drugs or alcohol were in eveidence as I saw the same white stallions and also had the same problem with the missing sentinel. Perhaps we're all going barmy!

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Use your brains, Hibernians, are you so encased in make-up and vanity that it clogs your brains. The answer is simple, pointy-eared frilly-shirted buffoons:

The sentinel is a werehorse.



Ye olde carty hoss .... its in the slaver camp near the river :)

It has its very own cart as well :)

Ya can jump in and play 'Chariot racing' (just before the Slaver bodyguards take exception to you annoying old nelly and dispatch ya, i had sugar lumps as well....spoil sports) .



Sorry..no screenshots :eek: didnt think about it...was too busy being incredibly confused!

The werehorse idea is a good one but i checked again today and there were no horses or sentinels..............

:m00: :m00:

WooHoo!!!...yeah, great news!.. i just checked the game and he's back!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: I asked him where he's been but he didnt offer a reply...or an apology! ;)

oh well back to the kill tasks!!

:m00: :m00:


i think it was an event on hib/pry

all the senitnels disspaeared and white stallions starting running around everywhere.

the place went crazy.

i decided to log because things got too confusing :)

btw, i was the enchanter who camped beside the white stallions for 3 hours :)


Originally posted by old.tRoG
i think it was an event on hib/pry

You right,we haved First harvest festival yesterday organised by player and GM`s helping out :rolleyes:

We did pray for good harvest and Iminar the God descent to us,after it we haved performance of Defeat Of Balor The fomorian king. You really missed a lot when logging out :)


What tRoG forgot to mention is that he spent a portion of those hours sticking his hands up the horses backsides trying to pull the missing sentinels out :) We were convinced that the horses were the missing sentinels....

Between the two of us attacking things to see if the 'sentinels' would help out, and trying to pull the fake horse heads off, people must have thought we were mad ;)....... the voices in my head were too embarassed to be seen talking to me..........


lol, erm.. i was just using brannors special way... :eek:

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