Where To Roleplay?



OK PPL I need a bit of advise

Firstly Ive been playing for a couple of months now & I have two characters.

LVL 18 Luri Eldritch On HIB Excalibur


LVL 9 Saraceen Scout on PYD Albion

I have a bit of a dilema I Like to play the Luri more, but I have have only just found out, that Excalibur is not that good for roleplaying guilds. Is this True?
Because I want to join a roleplaying guild while playing with my Luri eldritch.

Is the roleplaying so much better that I should start a New Luri on Pryd & use Excalibur for another realm Alts?

I get the feeling that I should, but I would be slightly disopointed that I must start over & lose my chars.



I dont know much about Hibernian RP guilds but at least Order of the Knights Templar is one on Alb side. I bet they'd gladly get another RPer in guild.


I don't know about alb on but on the mid side of pyrd there ain't that many RP guilds around, well at least not big ones. just stick with exc, I'm sure you'll find a good RP guild there, hell, most of the people will probably be alts from pryd anyway :)



this board, is the center, of the newly started Roleplay association, on Prydwen, where all RPers can gather, get to know who is who, etc.

All realms are welcome here, and the idea is to have events, rp sessions, etc, if possible, Cross realm.

Homepage, will be up too, soon, so stay tuned.

It is still very new, so activity is not yet enormous.

well, its a start :)


If you want to play Hibernia, I think Pryd/Hib is rather RP-friendly too. And starting over from mid-teens is not that bad, especially as you know your way around now more.


I know 'Artisans of Willow' are a RP guild on Hib/Pryd and think there are a couple of others.


Hrm... any chance of broadening that RP community to include Excalibur?

Not many RPers on there... but looking at Prydwen it seems there's plenty of ideas kicking about, might be what we need :)

(maybe a separate board for Excalibur stuff)

After all most RP events can't be shared between realms... so why not add in the other servers? more people = more ideas... admittedly we won't get to join in each other's events, but tips can be passed on.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

'Nyd' and 'Sons of Thor' are two roleplay guilds on Midgard, Prydwen. There's a lot of camaraderie between the two.

Ayam - MidPrydNyd

Lafala Arifel

Aye, thank you for mentioning AoW - saves me having to do it :)

Alternatively, Ny Markee Shee are a purely RP guild on Hibernia/Prydwen.
Or if you're looking for a guild with a mixture of RP'ers/non RP'ers then (please correct me if I am mistaken) I have met RP'ers in the following non-RP guilds: Soul Pact, Green Peacekeepers and Filius Claritus(sp?).


Thank you all for your advise

I think that artisans of willow could be the guild for me
I have deleted my scout
& have recreated My Lurikeen Magician (debating wether to do eldritch again) on pryd.

Going to find out (GOA right now) if thiers any chance of getting my existing Luri transfered from Excal, so I aint got to put allot of hard work to get back to were i was. I did allot of quests + I had 250 ish crafting in tailor. Not holding my hopes to high though :mad:

Must sort out my sigy again

Nemesis Warlock

Well PieRowManiac

sadly u just made the right thing in Reverse....

Hib / pryw is really underdog .. so community is GREAT.
More RP than excal. Play ur luri here. The lvls u have ull get in 3 days....

And surely we hate mids so we all have alts on Albion Excal...
so ud get Rp from our Excal / alb alts too....

And... YES

Roleplay on excal is about 10 to 15 %

in hib / prywd its about 45 to 55 %. even more id say.. But that depends on how HEAVY u want to roleplay ;)

Well actually to say in one sentence...

In hib / Pryw i play all day long and im INSIDE. In excal u go on 5 mins and meet 3 bummers being so RL u cant even prentend ur in a game anymore ;)

come to Hib / Prywd ;) ill give u some gold to help u get ur lvls back fast ;))

Brannor McThife

PieRowManiac. I'll save you the time.

No character transfers. Ain't gonna happen. Best get started on that new alt.




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
PieRowManiac. I'll save you the time.

No character transfers. Ain't gonna happen. Best get started on that new alt.



I knew you worked for GOA :p


If this is going to include Excali, Fingo, some of them would have to arrange it themselves. Cant see why we should :)


New Siggy says it all

Thanks for the offer Nemesis, but I will try to manage on my own.

Just need to introduce myself to the RP guilds now
& decide what kind of magician im going to develop
Void Eldritch (my previous incarnation on excalibur) might be to much of a loner for roleplay guilds, but then again could make for an interesting character to play :)


Not asking you to arrange it, just asking for the board there to be opened up to the wider RP community rather than just Prydwen?

sharing of ideas etc.

I'm not asking you to remotely organise RP events for me on Excalibur or anything :)

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