Where to lvl a Minstrel



Hi all !!!

I just hit lvl 40 with my Minstrel :) and i have a question.

Where do i go to get exp. At the Tanglers the only thing i can do is playing powersong. :sleeping:

I would like to lvl up at a place where i can be a little more activ. But where is that. Is there a place. ( Never been lvl 40 before )


Try mezzing instead of the sorceror. That should keep you busy at Tanglers :) Any other place I would say is Dartmoor. Nice drops, nice cash, and lots of work :)


Ellyll's in the Pennine Mnts are a nice place too... That'll keep you busy (boy are those critters fast :p )...

Also, Arawn Priests are fun too (they smite)... (Red/Purple to 43)

Danonian Soldiers... Their pretty lame though... Ooh Cythreals (they hit hard though, think they have a proc which does rougly 400 damage)...

(problem is not the mobs, its getting enough ppl to hunt other stuff)


Get a grp and do the barrows.

Do Wights and don't take a Sorc they mez ok and are pretty easy to kill, handy way to get urself a set of af92 chain aswell.

And at 40 u probably won't need a full grp, minst, cleric, tank or 2, more if u like.

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