mincepie said:no one making Hib thread Stickys, and saw stickys here on alb maybe u could make hib sticky too please????
Rickie said:Tbh there is almost noone of the ppl who make raids on Alb, who know how to make a thread sticky! Sad but true.
That is why I for the last few month at least once a week send a letter to one of the mods with /sticky off and /sticky on.
I gave up on trying to inform ppl who to do that. Most of them make some very nice raids and on the raids they know what to do..... and maybe one day they will learn who to make threads sticky to..... until then ... I keep on posting to the mods when ever I see a misplaced thread.
Necromaniak said:My ML9 post was sticky after 2 hours i posted it and i DIDNT even sended a request (wich is very nice tbh)
/emote blows a kiss to mum
Sharaft said:but.. but.. my ML 2 raid then? why is that on sticky??