Where is Albion going? (whine included)



Something very weird is going on in good old albion.
I'm playing an Earth spec Theurg as alt char and this
is what i've found out.
Up until my current level (21.8) not one group leader
I've asked about joining their group has had any
clue what bladeturn is. I find it awfully strange since
most lower chars nowadays are alt chars. Even when
trying to explain what it is they can't understand
(this goes twice for all the spanish chaps out there).
I'm playing alongside a friend who is an infiltrator
(wich u nowadays see 2-3 of in EVERY group) and
I don't even want to go there how many times he's
been accepted to a group and I have not.

One example is tonight, we went to catacombs
(yes i know 21.8 is too low for catas normally) just
to check if we could get a group there. So, I'm 21.8
he's 22... he gets into this group and I come there
shortly after and asks the leader if I can join and
try to describe bladeturn (the leader is 27 btw) and
I just get the answer "sorry, too low" even if i would
be 22 in a couple of pulls.

My question is since when has scouts and infils become
more valuable to groups than earth theurgs? This was
surely NOT the case many months ago when I just
started playing DAoC.

This is very confusing, even had groups who don't even
want a CLERIC?!?! "no, we have paladins healing", wtf
is this... What I fear is that these noobs still won't know
what PBT is when reaching gobbos and trees... *fear*

At this point I'm so bored with not getting groups I'm
almost rerolling as a Cabalist and soloing to 50.....

/the end


You're moaning because the group didn't want you...?

Whu, you mean life isn't fair?

Well, shit, when did that happen?


dont play with n00bs, spanish people, people who are ignorant of the game, show stupidty in any way, or wont group with you are too low.



Playing my alt lvl 24 i was in a group with 8 ppl... and one sorc.

All of them knew what mezz was? Shocking!!!

No more fun if no1 breaks mezz.


Flemish Lions


WOAH! A theur that dident get a group...i have been waiting a long time for this, muahahaha :).

Btw...pally healing owns :clap:.

/A complete noob it seems.


hehe about times rogues got some slack, well apart from the minstrels really, yet to really find a group that didn`t want a minstrel, unless they have one already, but jesus does it get boring, if only we could fight and keep the pwr drum goin, would make life so much more interesting :D

also who can blame the group for turning down a cleric, most of cant heal for sh*t anyway, damn smite happy wannabe casters, if they intended clerics to have such a powerful ranged attack they would have called you a wizard. thank god they nurfed it, maybe we will get healers that can actually heal :D


And always we good smite clerics gets alot of shit, Well I am not pure smite, but I call myself smite cleric cos thats my prime skill. And I havnt heard a single one complain about my healing (only time is cause of my finger dont hit the heal button in time)

Well I know it is alot of arse smite clerics out there who goes: I dont heal, I am smite. FFs u are a cleric ofcourse u can heal!
I use baseline heal and I still keep my group alive (most of the time atleast)

Well maybe it is just me, seen a couple of others also,but seems that we are very rare


I rolled a cabby yesterday just for fun, played it till lvl 6 and got a grp of alts. Now theier main chars were in the 20's, I was aksed by 2 of the alts, "What's a cabilist?" ummm, well, ok...we're...ummm....we eh....welll....wtf IS a cabby? :p
Really tho, I still get people in tangler groups that think the minstrel should be mezzing instead of me, a sorc. Go figure.
ohhh, and those damn casters with root who think it is thier soul responsibility to root over my mezz. kick em in teeth I say!


Originally posted by -Dreama-
"What's a cabilist?" ummm, well, ok...we're...ummm....we eh....welll....wtf IS a cabby? :p

lol, well they are a rare sight, most underplayed char in the game?

Shame that nearsight spell is evil, I end up standing around doing nothing for the the duration its on me.



.....sorry I dunno where that came from!


Do /who on cabalist & friar at prime-time, less friars usually o_O


Well hate to say this but the coming batch of high levels (with the odd exeption) is the biggest bunch of powerleveled noobs that has ever disgraced this server. Some of the Alts about to ding 50 in Exiled are constantly telling about incidents that make me say WTF. I doubt any of them would have even made lvl 30 without the help of higher players money donations, buffs and the itemistation of dungeons like barrows, catas, Tepocs and zones like lyn barfog and dartmoor even the drops on salisbury plains were very, very rare those days (fyi in the beginning the only items that dropped were in mithra and snowdownia the others dropped ONLY coin) and without the EASY mobs to level on in Lyonesse ( any fool can level to 45+ there )

-Minstrels who dont spec instruments - "I'm a tank minstrel"
-Minstrels who use a pet in tree groups instead of mezzing and instead of playing powersong (when no sorc is present )
-Clerics who WARN the group that they will leave IF they die (they die and join the group pulling from same spot on ohter side)
-LVL 45+ tanks who do NOT know how GUARD and PROTECT work !!!!!
- Players who do not invite you back into the group after a relog, instead waiting 15 minutes (ignoring you) till someone else joins
and i can go on ...

Looking forward to witness an epic mob hunt of those people, or a dartmoor trip to pull near the dragon.


Originally posted by Rhuric

Well I know it is alot of arse smite clerics out there who goes: I dont heal, I am smite. FFs u are a cleric ofcourse u can heal!
I use baseline heal and I still keep my group alive (most of the time atleast)

That's like being a fire wizard and saying 'I don't do earth buff'
or a sorceror that says 'I don't debuff!'


Just grp with the alts of people you know then Arthwyr :)

I wouldn't claim to be anywhere near the best Minstrel in the game but I have been grpd with and watched some very good ones (Jaz, Mad, Alpha all mainly there mezing cause of the lack of sorcs and not the afk power song type Minsts) 1st time around and some of it has rubbed off :)

There are some very bad players about and it seems alot worse with my Minst than it ever was with my Cleric.

But I've also found some very good players who I'm happy to be grpd with whether they're playing alts or it's their 1st char :)


Originally posted by -Dreama-
I rolled a cabby yesterday just for fun, played it till lvl 6 and got a grp of alts. Now theier main chars were in the 20's, I was aksed by 2 of the alts, "What's a cabilist?" ummm, well, ok...we're...ummm....we eh....welll....wtf IS a cabby? :p

A cabalist is a nuker/healer/debuffer/tank with single target root CC:)

(the tank comes in the form of a pet)
Oh and has ridiculous mana regen rates due to pet recycling.

aoe root with aoe mezz is superb btw...
Just need to coordinate it... cast root, whilst halfway through root, mezzer starts casting :)
Root hits... then mezz hits...
if mezz fails the root might have worked :)

Now if you do it the other way round .. mezz then root... the root will break the mezz :(


that's where my bitch comes in....most of the time the other caster roots without talking about it first, so halfway thru my mezz he starts casting root and breaks my mez.

I actually had a lvl 39 tank enter a grp at tanglers the other day and tell me I was stupid cuz I waz mezzing instead of the minstrel


The last char that has the right to whine would be an Earth Theur



lol erm that is very disapointing but the thing is once they get to say barrows and that they will elarn fully what bt is and how usefull it is , eventually they will have to know,, and they will have to have pbt in gobo or tree group anyway.


I could never understand the whole 'group by class' thing. If im in a big group as leader and theres a space free and the group is coping (and lets face it, so long as you have one of the essentials virtually any group combination will 'cope' ) i'd happily let ANY class join so long as they are not rediculously higher or lower level then the groups highest or lowest.

No matter what the class, everyone has something to offer the group even if its only an extra buff or sword.

Don't get me wrong, there are many good reasons for refusing a group, like if your just a couple of high levels killing orange cons inbetween chatting and don't want a low level breaking up your chat screaming about downtown (god I hate that) or your questing, but what class a player is shouldn't matter to that degree.

As a side note I too was wondering about the sudden increase in Infiltrators about, something coming up in a patch I don't know about?

As for what Arthwyr was saying about the next gen 50ies, I find that quite worrying, personally I loath powerlevelling, and people obsessed with levelling as fast as possible ignoring all the other elements of the game those who level slower get to enjoy and learn about. For the sake of Albion, the future doesn't look bright if our high levels are ignorant of the basic grouping mechanics of the realm and are trying to be solo heros in the frontiers.



Originally posted by orm-

One example is tonight, we went to catacombs
(yes i know 21.8 is too low for catas normally) just
to check if we could get a group there. So, I'm 21.8
he's 22... he gets into this group and I come there
shortly after and asks the leader if I can join and
try to describe bladeturn (the leader is 27 btw) and
I just get the answer "sorry, too low" even if i would
be 22 in a couple of pulls.



the reason u didnt get into the group in cata is ur jsut about 22 which is still far to low and u dont have PBT yet go back to cata at 24 then u will get into groups anyway.


where the fuck are these groups hiding? The ones that let minstrels powersong and go AFK?

I agree though, there are a hell of a lot of flavour-of-the-week people out there with minstrels atm. Too much crap from the VN boards saying that minstrels have it easy, can go afk and be lvl 50 in 15days etc etc..
well answer me this guys, how you gonna be 00bah in RvR if you can't mezz a fricking single pull of pygmy goblins? For example? I did lvl 40 on normal goblins, simply cos it was easier to get a group there than tanglers, and cos doing 2 chains and single-pulls alongside the chains, the exp was still great. And... yes, it's possible for one minstrel to handle that kind of CC if necessary. Just ask that...erm... that Royal Bavarians wizard who did most of the lvl with me... bleh, forgotten his name :(

My friar has been soloing since lvl, hmmm, 15? Took one look at keltoi, compared it to my own experience down there with my main back in january/february, and just ran out screaming. Some of the most pleasant exping i've done in this game has been duoing with my friend's inf at the faerie frogs in salisbury. Been there since lvl 24, now 32, and still not sure i want to go face lyonesse or barrows.

But... bleh, i don't think albion is 'going' anywhere particularly. There will always be newbies (read: clueless people, new or otherwise), there will always be lazy people. At the start of a game like this, there is possibly a lot less "i will roll class X and pwn all" going around. A lot less general desire to be the king of ownage, and perhaps a lot more people who had played beta, or even just read up thoroughly on their chosen class before the game wet live in europe. Heck..i only played a month of the beta but i'd like to think i've never been completely bloody clueless about ANY class, let alone my own fs.
</rant> :p


I find often that its best to xp in a smaller group. Try and find some people you know and xp away from the main areas.

People have this obessesion with sticking together in massive groups: plains/dungeons/lyonesse etc etc Its the crowd mentality, you'd be amazed what people will do if they think they can get away with it because of the anonimity of the crowd. Put them in a small tight group where everyone is working with a purpose and you see the real players emerge.

I think playing my alts has helped me understand whats possible in this game. I think I have finally gotten over all this uber spec and gimping nonsense!!! Yeah there are a few specs which are dodgy, but if you do some research its really not that hard to find something effective in most of the classes :)

People also forget that alot of people who don't know what a PBT or a PBaoe or a mezz etc are might well turn out to be some of the better players in the end. Intelligence and a hunger to learn are more important than knowing every spell in the game at lev 15.

Finally I just wish people realised you can kill other things rather than pygmies 34-44 ;)

PS Skarab TheWuzz is a tit, I mean FFS a lev 44 running around laughing at level 4s and stealing their kills??
I never laughed so much at someone cos they laughed at me??
this game continues to be...wierd :)


I completely agree with the comment about find a small group where everyone has a purpose.

I was doing tanglers this early morning with 5 others.. theurg doing crowd control, minstral playing power song and tidying up any misses mezzes/roots, merc protecting the casters, wizzie buffed up to hell blowing out each gobbo one by one and a cleric in case things got fruity.

This isn't the only combination by any means for such a group but it does highlight that if each person has a job to do then they will do it. Get 8 people in a group doing numpty things like pikemen then you will get lazy people. Not that I'm saying it's bad being lazy. It is a game and if someone wants to have some time off from madly pressing every button on their shortbar then fine. each to their own..... go for it.. but don't expect the rewards you get with a small tight group.

Kerosene - lvl 40+ Theurg
Kerulsene - lvl 37 Merc wiv a bit of seigy skill
Kero - numpty Minstral
PiggyFiddler - Perverted Sorc

The Merry Men


Originally posted by -Dreama-

I actually had a lvl 39 tank enter a grp at tanglers the other day and tell me I was stupid cuz I waz mezzing instead of the minstrel

Amazing how many tanks you meet in Lyonesse that don't know how to do their jobs...

Too many powerlevellers methinks.

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