where have the servers gone?


Gemma the Dog

can someone explain where the Q3 OSP CTF & Instagib servers have gone?

was wanting to have a quick blast on both of them last night and tonight but couldn't find them...


GTD - the servers have disappeared since the introduction of the new Community Servers. There are several Community Servers available now which I am setting up for subbies, for different mods and game types. Unfortunately I've been real busy for a few days and having now taken a look at them ..... there are one of two things that need ironing out before I can put the servers up and list the ip's here etc.

I hope to get most, if not all of them setup tomorrow, before I have a few days hols. So ........ any suggestions or comments you or others might have about the osp/ra3/cpm servers (other than them not being there ;)), please let me know. I doubt they will be setup perfectly straight away, so the more feedback, the better.


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