Where have all the middies gone?



After a hard days work, i like to take a trip to Yggdra with a couple of my mates.
Somehow killing innocent greys realives the stress i suffer from clients at work... :m00:
But recently...well there havent been enough around lately, so i ask the local Midgard authorities to increase the grey con output in the yggdra frontier with at least 150%.

Thank you for your cooperation - Hitokiri "WTF cant we even solo 11 grey cons anymore f**k this" - quoting myself...

P.S please can you make them stand really close together cause Nomercy wants to break his 8 mid AoE oneshot record. :flame:
P.P.S Godfather would love to meet Piffany... :sex:

old.Gombur Glodson

There is a place called Darkness Falls now :)
So the good old yggdra days as we know/knew them is over I guess.
If you want to kill greycons you can venture to the merchant section in DF. Im sure you will find some greys there.


Besides, there's a group of level 50ish mobs who now patrol yggdra gate :)

old.Gombur Glodson

those wolfs right?
I saw some of them run towards the gate but thought it was either lag or some lowlvl running to the guards for help.


A normal /who darkness show about 1/4 to 1/3 of the middies being in DF, so if you wanna hunt go there.


those fenrirs is actually a part of healers/shammys epic quest, apparent they are doing a favour for Loki and are trying to break through Vindsaul faste so they can go to Haggerfell and kill a dwarven woman for Loki

but to not get to much off topic, DF is the reason there's noone at undead camp at the moment. But I'm sure after people have had their share of DF they will return there, there really is no place like undead camp to make exp at about lvl 25-30 in groups

Mikal, lvl 50 healer

Brannor McThife

Yeah, those Fenrir's start in the Fenrir camp, run along the side of the lake, and on the SW side of the road. When they get to Vindsaul Faste, 3 or 4 Dwarves (One named) run out to kick ass. They're aggro, and kill anyone they find en route to the keep. Oh, I THINK, they only do this at dusk...can't be sure...not going to run back and forth watching them... :rolleyes:


old.Gombur Glodson

I am just glad I got to play around in yggdra before DF came :)
It was great fun and thrill for a young lvl 30 minstrel with crap stealth ;) Salute to all those who killed me there


I noticed yggdra was pretty empty lately as i soloed my lowbie warrior there <mammoth> after getting raped by albs and hibs numerous times i decided to log sinister nearby so i could get some revenge after being ganked by multiple purples, didnt workout though, more and more just kept on coming, in the end 2 hib nightshades came along and ganked me, and that was it, no more yggdra and id realised why yggdra is empty of exping mids.


Getting Ganked by Albs in Yggdra is a given, unless Sini or other High lev Stealther types are standing close watch, and they let their presence be known with that near fatal crit shot on the invader.......

Ygg has been a desolate, empty spot as of late. Thanks to DF. Its all good though, cause when Hito and his boys show up, I can leech RP off of Sini, Narve, and all the other Middie Bad Boys (and girlzz) when they get into scrap mode........

Good for 1300 RP this weekend....



Ill send ANYONE a sixpack of premium Microbrewed Pacific NW Beer for a screen shot of FIREHAWK FACE-Planted and effin DEAD....

I hate that Hibbie fucker.....

ARRRGH just the thought of that UGLEE ASS Fagblog makes my blood boil........

I HATE ALL Hibbies........

DEATH to them all................




Look at me mommy i kill these guys all the time and when a yellow con shows up i /kiss and /cheer all the time until he lets me kill it out of pure boredom



Dude...... from one fellow martial artist (or are you a Poser...????) to another......

CAPITALIZE the first letter in his LAST NAME....

You look like an Idiot otherwise.......


i'm not talking about Chuck Norris but about Chuck norris

Chuck Norris is probably the reason why women become lesbians and why you can't get your kids in karate class.

Chuck norris on the other hand is a religion where Bigade (aka The People's Baker) is being idolised.

He is the absolute summit of manlyness(sp?) and his gentle nature is known to man and woman in midgard for ages

ps : maybe you want to change the dude part


I dont know about firehawk.... but deathhawk has a lot of arrows which belong to me... im hoping to have them returned some day :)
Tonight has been good in yggdra tho... And nomercy even got some points! i saw him!



I would say more, but its Kinda hard with my foot in my mouth...



I would say more, but its Kinda hard with my foot in my mouth...

you mean :

I would say more, but its kinda hard with your foot in my mouth...

btw, it's klavrynd, not Klavrynd, and if you think caps don't matter try programming some c++


Local wildlife is restoring itself

The very popular Greycon troll has been spotted again in the Yggdra frontier, we are very happy with the efforts that are being made :cool: The harvesting squad will try to have some mercy upon them as long as they dont agro us and run back to their nests :eek6:
and tell Narve hes gotta explain me once how he got so much rp's :m00: well not that you get rp's from narve since he stops by every 4 mins to get rez ill ganked and to come back and do it all over again, you are just being mean to me :p
HE COSTS ME 20s ON POISONS!,...and im stingy :rolleyes: so this is the deal: you give me rp's or you drop a bag of coins :D


to klavrynd,

Fair warning to anyone else.....

The following meessage is VERY LENGTHY and may contain some very boring content, or content that may make someone scratch their head and think "WHAT???" to themselves....

You have been warned.....

Holy cow! Caps certainly DO matter.... How funny you mention C++

Heres part of a cpp I wrote today:

// This next part is Just for Augmentation to the new ClassUtils
// For DocLocator ...

BOOL CMdUtilApp::InitInstance()
_Module.Init(ObjectMap, m_hInstance, &LIBID_MDUTILLib);
return CWinApp::InitInstance();

int CMdUtilApp::ExitInstance()
return CWinApp::ExitInstance();


Oh, BTW CPP name: "mdUtil.cpp" I have my H, clw, def, dsp, rc, idl.....
and a resource file.

and if you think I went and did a search on the web for Code Examples for C++... then You dont Write C++ if that thought comes to mind after reading my code :)

So ......

Yes..... I have tried writing C++ ......... Im specced in ATL COM and DCOM, as well as standard C++ nomenclature and all of its Polymorphic intrinsics.

You DO know what Polymorhpism means, right? In the context of Classes and Sub Classes?


And, Low and behold, I still DO write C++ ......... and Java, and VB. I also write every server-side scripting lang know to man (ie PERL, ASP, PHP, any scripting lang....... blah blah blah) And Even some client-side script (Javascript, VBScript, Jscript, ....)

And Im not bragging.... Nope. Im just rattling off my qualifications and skills. So in effect, Im stating FACT.

Gosh you know, I hate to go on and on and on about Skillsets begotten from a combination of:

a) very good College education
b) real world Jobs and experience

but when someone makes a very bad mistake of assuming that I have no clue regarding a topic.... when in fact I do....

well.... there ya go.

Next thing I know, you'll be saying that Im really not a third-degree blackbelt, and that Im REALLY only a first degree BB...

I would say more, but its kinda hard with your foot in my mouth...

Ummm..... no. Not where I am from anyways. My original statement stands. You really missed the boat with that one by the way.....

It was a humble attempt to for me to digress from the topic and apologize.

BUT NO. You had to correct me. You know whats funny? Not only are you wrong in your correction (the TRUE saying does indeed say "Put my foot in my mouth" meaning owning up to a mistake and feeling bad for it......) but in addition, I have KIDS your age who have more reservation than you in the Tit for Tat arena.

PS.... The Picture is that of Chuck Norris. The picture in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM indicate some Midgard baker dude who got bored and formed a religion. NONE.

I mean COME ON...... Chuck Norris is SMOOV. And as far as getting kids into karate class.... I help teach 2 different styles of MA (Tae Kwon Do and Shotokan Karate - Okinawan style) at 2 local Dojos...... and trust me, nobody thinks of Chuck Norris when they come to train, or inquire about lessons.

So if its a RL religion, then I apologize profusely for any religious slurs that may have touched a nerve with someone.

Wow. I have nothing else to say. I think I made my point. And my rebuttle to your rebuttle...

Besides, its friggin 9:30 PM here in the good Old USA, and Ive been here (at work) since 7AM.....

But you can appreciate that, right klavrynd? The long hours, the botttomless pot of coffee, the spare toothebrush, toothpaste, Cologne, and Underwear stash at work, the countless nights where you wake up in a cold sweat because of the dream that you had of Giant Binary trees trying to suffocate you....

ESPECIALLY BEFORE a Rev release......




PS ....

Its so yesterday and very archaic to refer to Coding C++ or any other Lang for that matter, as " Programming C++", or "Programming VB" ...

But then again, you may not be from the US, where the programmers all say "Writing C++" or "Writing VB" or "Writing a function" or "Writing a module".....



/whacks Bolo on the back of his head

Down, Bolo! Down!
You have made a post that's too factual and therefore have to be shot in the foot in your mouth...



Originally posted by bolo

BOOL CMdUtilApp::InitInstance()
_Module.Init(ObjectMap, m_hInstance, &LIBID_MDUTILLib);
return CWinApp::InitInstance();

OMG. all the mixed case!! my eyes!!! i .. cant. stand it ... aaaaargh!!

Heh. Really advanced little wrapper functions there. I hope you use a decent editor like vim so you dont have to type all those damn long names. :)

.... back to digging around the Linux kernel source, now we're talking pretty code :)


bolo, no need to get all excited and show off with your entire resume (even though you'll need more then 10 lines of easily generated code to impress me).

anyhow, i hate c++ and i hate chuck norris

c++ being the c with a twist so they could get on the object orientated programming languages bandwagon (oh i remember the first time i tried multiple inheritance in java, pure bliss :) )

and chuck norris being the most disgusting guy ever that thinks he can act (ever seen delta force? :puke: )

to end this little reply

english is _not_ my mother tongue and i can't know every single expression in the language, so i guess you understand the little misunderstanding here

ps : i hate caps
ps 2 : dcom ... *cough*corba*cough*

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