Where did Barrysworld Go?


old.Johnny Jackal

No Barrysworld servers are coming up on the ingame server list. I hope it's not gone direct dial only (I have no call charges connecting through ntl, see)

old.Johnny Jackal

I don't understand, and I don't understand what the news page is talking about. Sorry I just like to shoot stuff, anything else is too complicated.

Why doesn't it show on the ingame server search?

And Gamespy sucks, it takes ages to search for anything and when you do finally get to select something it fails to connect. I think it was designed on the assumption that everyone had cable modems.

I really hope you make it available again soon.

[Edited by Johnny Jackal on 23-12-00 at 09:31]

old.Johnny Jackal

Really, how do you access BW Voyager servers?

I don't understand that news page and I can't find BW on Voyager server search.


well they are listing for me,

on the holomatch main menu, click on 'Multi Match', then click on 'Search For Server'

then click on the 'Servers' button under 'Sort Perameters' until it reads 'Internet1'

Now i may self have dont this and the barrysworld servers are listing. You may need to click on the down arrow before you start seeing them.

I hope that helped,


Speaking of GameSpy :)
I have a problem I hope you can help me with.
I host (admin) A Star Trek Voyager Elite Force Server as well. (CoolNet) I have it all set up and tweeked to the hilt :) The problem is I can't get it to Ping Gamespy3D or Arcade. It sends a heartbeat to stef1.ravensoft.com:27953 just fine and is seen on the internal (search for server)button. Now I have renamed my ffa.cfg file to dedicated.cfg and in the seta_sv master2"" field I have tried about 20 different combinations to get the heartbeat to gamespy. I have come I guess close with this command:
master0.gamespy.com:27900 when the server is started it sees that address and resolves it to the ip address with the :27900 but the server will not list on gamespy3D or arcade. what am I doing wrong? is the problem even in the .cfg file? I believe I just don't have the correct command line but I could be wrong.. can you help? I sent a copy of my dedicated.cfg file to support but they haven't e-mailed anything back and i'm not sure if they will as busy as they are. Any help I would be greatfull..
also I went to gamespy (help) talked to the admin there at no prevail..

Originally posted by Starman
We have changed over to new IP address, and i quote: All Game Server IP's have Changed - see webby for details http://www.barrysworld.com/news/barrysworld.asp?Item=21882

The new address r listing on the GameSpy Master, but i may have addded these servers go your favs, if so you will need to update.

Hope that helped,


i think i can help, in your server cfg:
add/edit this line:

sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:27900"

then restart your server, and it should start listing within 30mins.



ok I have added that command line to my dedicated.cfg file and rebboted the server and stvef is up.. I'll let you know how it worked out.. Thank you so much for the information..
i'm sure it will work..

Originally posted by Starman
i think i can help, in your server cfg:
add/edit this line:

sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:27900"

then restart your server, and it should start listing within 30mins.


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