Where can you find the easiest places to get ML XP? My shammy is....


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Lo peeps

Where can you find the easiest places to get ML XP? My shammy is a buffbot and he just seems to be lagging behind in ml xp!

I have gone on many raids, lower raids to help, multiple ml3 raids, etc. but my shammy seemed to get stuck on ML4.35 XP.

I took him RvRing a bit and got him slightly higher, then a guildee killed a few triton shammy's with him, and a bit more RvR and a couple more triton shammy kills (thanks icehearts :>) and the shammy dinged ml5 \o/

I went on the ml8 raid today - was successful - my sb who was ml7 got about 90% ml xp ish, so needs about 2 kills in RvR to ding - shammy stayed on 0% xp (GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr).

So - I am asking

What is the easiest and quickest way of getting ML XP?
Where to farm?
What to farm if the chars I have available are maybe Warrior / but mostly sb + my shammy bb?
Does ml xp only happen on the raid 1 above your ML level?

Any help / advice would be mostly appreciated as I have very limited time on the PC at the moment - and it looks like I have 18 days to get from ML5->ML8.00 / 8.99 so that I can get onto the ML9 raid and then ML10 the next day :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
you get ml-xp from raids if:

1, grped with ppl who need the step
2, you need to have the ml ability active under the current ml raid you on.

so if you go on ml6 raid, you need to have the ml5 ability activated to get ml xp.

Easiest way to get nice ml xp is ml5 bg raids, they are fast and give lots of ml xp usually :p

also you can get nice ml-xp from rp-farming. dunno how much you need for 100% ml xp, maybe 20-30k? not sure on this one :p

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
And if you don't want to join a large raid or something.. ML4 are perfect for getting ML exp.. for example 4.10 can give you around 60% ML exp.. if you have a full group that needs that step.. and join in on some other steps on ML4 and suicide and run back if you get 100% :)


May 9, 2004
illu said:
Lo peeps
What is the easiest and quickest way of getting ML XP?
Oli - Illu

The ceremonial bracer encounter is a decent source of ml exp, it only takes around 5-6 people for efficient killing of the mob AND the mob repops very quickly within 5 minutes in fact, so this is quite good ml exp.

However you get quite a bit more exp from completing previously completed ml steps, including group steps so these are also good options for ml exp.

Blazor Meneth

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Urme the Legend said:
And if you don't want to join a large raid or something.. ML4 are perfect for getting ML exp.. for example 4.10 can give you around 60% ML exp.. if you have a full group that needs that step.. and join in on some other steps on ML4 and suicide and run back if you get 100% :)

aye sounds like someone need to host a ml4 raid for alll the ppl who need xp :p


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Join arti raids, you get ML xp and artifacts at the same time. :D

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