Where can I buy a copy of the U.S version of DAOC ?

  • Thread starter old.Sion Verdox
  • Start date

old.Sion Verdox

As the topic reads really - I can not seem to find somewhere that will ship it to the U.K.


ebay? (just guessing, sorry have no idea :)


Interesting how we in Finland have it in stores aswell :)
The EU version came here so late after "the" 15th that we had US versions all over.

Brannor McThife

Um...Sion...you mean you were actually STILL playing the EU version? I thought you were one of the first "crusaders" to leave...



The troll strikes again....

Are you bored brannor?

old.Sion Verdox

No I never quit I just sat back silently and contentedly watched everything happen that I said was going to happen and that you and the others like you said wouldn’t. Not that I am smug or anything but *cough* told ya so.

Ironic how you and the forum “elite” are now the ones branded trolls rather than having countless fanboys ass kissing – funny old world.


Funny that I moved from US to Euro and the only bad experience I have had was the rollback after 1.45.


Brannor McThife

I really don't care for some people's views. Never did before either. As I said in my first post here. I'm working to make this game better. So, some things could be better. Sure, don't disagree there. But I'm doing something about it, rather than digging up threads that have been repeated so many times. I said I'd work to make the English community better, and I don't intend to change that view. Whether those that post here like me or not has no effect on that. So sure, call me a forum troll or whatever. I didn't come to these forums to start an ass kissing fan base.

Anyway, back to the thread, enjoy the US Sion. Let us know when and if they ever do events. ;)



I think the reason people are "digging up threads that have been repeated so many times" is because their concerns have not been responded to in a satisfactory manner. If you take your car in to have a problem fixed, and you get it back with the same problem, do you keep quiet? No, you go right back and voice your displeasure, and ask for the problem to be fixed.


plz brannor tell me when we have events on excalibur... and btw if u want to make the community better u can start by being nice to ppl. Seems like ur on a crusade just to insult ppl as much as possible imo.


I wouldn't want to be nice to people who switch to US servers either though and then come whine about it here. If you want to switch just go ahead and do it. Bye-bye! I doubt that you will make the switch though if you are impotent enough not to even get your hands on a copy of the game...
It never came to your mind that this forum is about the European DAoC and as such is totally the inappropriate place to ask 'Where can I buy a copy of the U.S version of DAoC?'...
Let the flame wars begin!
(....as if they hadn't started already:eek: )

old.Sion Verdox

I will happily engage in a flame war with you just as soon as you can construct a sentence Pempula.


I was one of those people who at one point was seriously considering switching to the US servers.

I changed my mind. Why? Because the most important part of the game (for me anyway) is the social aspect of it. I know lots of people on the Euro servers, I enjoy grouping with them, chatting with them, playing the game *with* them and no way do I want to lose all that and start again on new servers.

Sion if you're really so unhappy with the game on Euro servers I suggest you sit down and think carefully about what it is you're so unhappy with before switching.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Anyway, back to the thread, enjoy the US Sion. Let us know when and if they ever do events. ;)


HAHA - Thats good, about the events I mean, Well lets have a look shall we......On the US servers we have....

Darkness Falls
Epic Armour
Battlegrounds for 20-24, 25-29, 30-35
We have customer support
We have people who listen to what we ask for
We have expanded dungeons
We have realm abilities
We have version 1.50
We have a super duper game, bang up to date, with all the trimmings, a wonderful CSR team and a weekly update (usually with some excellent goodies)

On the European servers we have "Events" - My god I bet all those US server players are gutted about them.



Originally posted by NeoSephiroth

HAHA - Thats good, about the events I mean, Well lets have a look shall we......On the US servers we have....

Darkness Falls
Epic Armour
Battlegrounds for 20-24, 25-29, 30-35
We have customer support
We have people who listen to what we ask for
We have expanded dungeons
We have realm abilities
We have version 1.50
We have a super duper game, bang up to date, with all the trimmings, a wonderful CSR team and a weekly update (usually with some excellent goodies)

On the European servers we have "Events" - My god I bet all those US server players are gutted about them.


lololoool :D so true :D :)

Brannor McThife

So, what's stopping you leaving? I'm enjoying the game as is. You complain about CSR? Well, can you give me proof that RightNow does NOT work? Haven't heard anyone saying it doesn't work for quite some time.

And you know...as much of a cliche as it is..."the grass is always greener on the other side". But please, go ahead. Go to the US servers. It's your right, your choice.

If it's sooooo good over there, WHY are you still here?



tbh, goa havent made ANY impression on anyone - that pretty much does it for how happy we customers are.

We pay for a product that we expect to be working better than this - and US goodies do rock against our "montly press-note"


Ya, dragon.ca shipped the game very fast. Recommended.


US or European!!!!

Ok so let look at this retrospectively


They have got all that good stuff 1.50 dungeons yadda yadda yadda

They have a bigger player base

They play at 2-5 AM



WE are getting all that stuff anyway you inpatient barstewards

Our player base is still growing mainly by word of mouth (spread the word the more people we have playing it the more likely we are to get another English (language) based server.

We play at the same time as we are all on BST and not on Yank time so you are more likely to meet up with the same people

I know which on I would choose!!!
If you have chosen the US version why the hell are you in these forums piss off over there

(/super rant off)

ok so I will watch the flames arrive


I came from US servers to euro servers following my friends who play there. Must say, some bugs annoy(root especially) and lack of BG and DF but still.. If someone asks where to get US version, why not tell him?

I'm still paying both monthly fees because I'm not sure wether to stay or leave.. Nice that euro has its own servers and all but the rate the updates are coming, its looking bad... but lets give them time to fix it...

Your points are invalid in some ways. When I played in US servers there was rarely any lag and there were always people playing at the same times as me (CET+1).


Hmm, I doubt lag is a problem.... I played UO on Lake Superior when I lived in Ireland (Yeah I know, shut up ;) ) and I experienced less lag than on Europa, strange I know.
Still, I keep to my earlier point in some thread.... if you never knew about the US servers and never would know about them (just think that it is like this in this case), you would never complain about GOA. This is based on the fact that you enjoy the game as it is in EU but reading camelot herald or hearing US players talk about stuff makes you envy their servers. :)

old.Sion Verdox

Jesus I only asked where I could buy it =) but seeing as this has turned into a full scale debate let me say why I am looking at moving.

The level of service in a MMOG is generally what makes or breaks a game the level we have come to expect is one that has been established over many years of online gaming. You wouldn’t expect to have to take a step backwards - however I decided that in trying to judge the game based upon the lack of support and the poor representation I was being unfair - so I played the game and vanished from every news page and forum out there.

One month later every single player I know has quit the game and I am most certainly at a stage where I am questioning if this is worth my time. That’s not anyone’s fault its the model of the game - the treadmill is not appealing in any shape or form and why developers keep insisting on using this model is beyond me - but that’s another debate. Mythic combat the tedium by adding new content on a regular basis - the herald is there to keep people sweet and tease them with future additions with the pure intention of keeping their subscriptions.

We will get all the additions at some point and I agree its a matter of personal patience unfortunatly as I said everyone who I know hasn’t got that patience and I certainly feel bitter when I am parting with my cash for a lesser product and service than others are getting. If you couple this with the addition of the pvp server (which GOA still cant say when and if we will get) and the variety of the other servers and you can start to build up a picture why *some* people might not be to happy with the deal they are getting here.

Its an extreme measure to import the game and an expensive one but surly if there are people doing this then it has to leave a question mark over the European model - something’s going wrong and I am sure its more deep rooted than my own personal reasons.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

If it's sooooo good over there, WHY are you still here?


because it cost much more buying the us version in sweden and i dont wanna spend that much.


i'll trade my 39 ranger for a usa account :p

39 Ranger
Hibby, Excaliber


Originally posted by Twiztid
i'll trade my 39 ranger for a usa account :p

39 Ranger
Hibby, Excaliber
Haha, nice one Twiztid. "Rock the dead" is all I heard, sweet.


I actually play on both servers... and think that us has a much better game in total... i mean they get all the good updates and stuff etc. etc.

HOWEVER... even tho i bitched to goa above in a post i do reckon that the player base is much much better here. I mean there you get all the "GonNa Kall Mah HoMmI3Z DowN iF jo0 d0n't Gedd0ut oF MaH SpaWn KamP"

and you also get the lag as well as other stuff... but then again housing is to be announced there, bound to be buggy but it's going to be a BIG addition and it'll add new atmosphere to the game, people will do other things than XP and RvR


(going even further off-topic)

Have Mythic said anything on how they are going to handle housing? Housing became a big problem in UO because there is no real wilderness left, the whole world is just one big city with player-owned NPCs everywhere.

I assume the easiest way to implement housing in the 3D world would be to have lots that could be bought.

I also hope that houses and horses will require a high level (30+?) and lots of gold to purchase.

// Kanzetsu

[EU/Exc/Mid] Janulf Jarnhandske, level 12 thane and proud

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