Where can a cleric level?



Got a level 30 cleric that I'm trying to level but I can't get groups anywhere :/

Barrows - nothing but solo'rs lvling greys with buffbots. Sat there for an hour trying to get a group the other night, nothing.

DF - when we have it it's impossible to get a group. Majority of people flagged as looking for members ignore tells, those that do reply want me to make it down to cook's room on my own to meet them (I'm a *cleric*, I have zero offensive or defensive spec).

Lyon, same as barrows really.

It's really frustrating me now, I simply cannot get a group and I can barely kill greens solo since I'm rejuv/enh specced, no smite at all.

Any suggestions?


I had exactly the same problem as you... my solution, and it may not work for you - I don't know, was to join in with some Guildies who leveled together every night at the same times. So, maybe try talking to some in-game friends, set up a regular xp group?

As it stands groups are hard to find, and I think this is the best solution. You get a good group chat, people who you enjoy playing with and, in most cases, fast xp.

Other than that, I don't know... grouping is really tough in Albion right now, unfortunately. :(


a) Get to 40 (via curious?) and do Avalon ;)
b) Bribe Grimmy or Sarah ;)


Meaty: I want to actually *play* this cleric though. And tbh if the only answer to getting a cleric past 30 is to be PL'd then... well.. albion's fuct if you ask me :/

Mirieth: yeah that'd be great except my guild is very small, there aren't any other people in it my kind of level. As for finding a regular non-guild group, well, that would be just dandy if I could find *any* group of *any* kind :(


Think making your own group in DF is one option.. quite a lot of work, but you can build up a group of people that you can potentially level with, and if they like the group then they'll prolly come back, so you've always got a pool of people wanting groups :p

Generic Poster

What about the Goblin House in Lyonesse?

Normally find lv30-36 groups there and solo'ers prefers the Tangler camps.


Solo maybe catas? Been a while since i been there so Im not sure. The mobs are undead so are vulnerable to smite...

Barrows is normally good for me - did 37 to 41 there no probs. Usually logged on and into a group but at 30 I guess it would be a struggle.

Maybe Merc tombraiders on the plains? Again, dunno about the level.

Failing these, how about gobbos, although I heard they were beefed up now.


Unless your a smiter you're not gonna get anywhere unless you group. All groups need healers although you should be healing to reduce downtime otherwise mobs will be eating you after your agro builds up.

If you are a smiter then soloing can be fun. Always hunt undead (skeletons and other hard are best cause crush does more to them) and perfect your smite, smite stun smite, smite till dead techneque. This does have bad down time though.


Been exping my cleric the last couple of weeks, and my experience has been completely different .. It's been extremely rare to have any problems finding or setting up a group (ie be lfg for more than 15mins or so). Of course sometimes everyone just seems to rather solo w/ buffbot than form a group but hey log off for an hour or 2 and try again later :)

And if you can't find existing group in need of a healer, try forming your own grp. Camp barrows/whatever entrance for a while, invite ppl who come - every1 won't join but its their choice - also, dont be too picky with classes and levels, if you spend too long time building the perfect group someone got to leave 5mins after u get exp rolling anyway. As long as the grp has cleric (in your case always) and a roughly same lvl plate tank for protecting you and tanking, your grp can usually kill something which gives at least average exp for everyone and move to harder stuff if/when more ppl join. Sure the group can end up being good or less good, if its the later, well its just a game, better luck next time :) My principle usually is i won't even try without atleast 1 tank, saves a lot of trouble (if all the classes in your group are the ones who scream "ON ME" when they're being hit, it won't usually work well :()

I exped in salisbury plains, keltoi, cornwall/catacombs, barrows and now in avalon .. have to agree, maybe barrows was the "harderst" of them because of the powerleveling but recall also having many many nice groups there .. remember to have fun and never expect too much from the groups you join/make, nice surprises are always the best and even if exp bar aint moving fast you can still have great time if you enjoy the company :)


leveling and its atempted to scare you away from 50


well like you i am a rev enhance cleric wich means grps nothing else you can solo blues and that is it the odd yellow will leave you with too much down time and otheres are imposiable

all i can say do not dispare as there are plenty of ppl in your broad lvl grps

as some one says talk to pl i know in DF ppl are flaged as looking but never answer pm but he it happens keep trying pl is not the key if you need to go deeper in tepok nice lvling place drag an odd pll with you hell if i can get one of my alts up to 30 ish i would join you

if you wanted to try this spec till 40 might help you solo

i had 27 smite and the rest ent equally in rej and enhace i could solo yellow easy smite stun smite smite smite then h2h with PoAE dd and kill yellows with about a 3 kills too a min down time :clap:

I miss smite bad nerf man

but hope is on the horizon the new enhace spell dmg and to hit increase :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :cool:

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