Where are the level 50s



Just curious as to the guilds with the highest population of level 50s

29 - Nolby Pride (Midgard)
28 - Guardians of Light (Albion)
26 - Clan Bearhawk (Hibernia)
25 - White Rose (Midgard)
25 - Celtic Fist (Hibernia)
19 - Prophets (Midgard)
19 - Exiled (Albion)
18 - Black Falcons (Albion)
17 - Herfolge Boldklub (Albion)
16 - Cutting Edge (Midgard)
16 - Dragon Knights (Albion)
15 - Black Company (Midgard)
15 - Vengeance (Hibernia)
14 - Red Guard (Midgard)
12 - Shadowlords Society (Albion)
11 - Defectu Virium Elite (Albion)
10 - Dragons of the North (Midgard)
9 - Lliad Ddraig (Hibernia)
8 - Diva (Midgard)
8 - Terra Dominus (Hibernia)
8 - The Obsidian Order (Hibernia)
7 - Storm (Midgard)
7 - Ferus Legionis (Albion)
7 - Equilibrium (Albion)
7 - Cradle (Midgard)
7 - Nazgul (Midgard)
7 - The Royal Guard (Albion)
7 - Legion of Darkness (Albion)
7 - Aesir's Blade (Midgard)
7 - Blizzard (Midgard)
6 - Morbid Angels (Midgard)
6 - Praetoria Legion (Albion)
6 - Tiwaz's Emissaries (Midgard)
6 - Red Devils (Albion)
5 - Raven Claw (Albion)
5 - Phoenix Guard (Albion)
5 - Illuminati (Albion)
5 - The Brethren (Albion)
5 - Axiom Knights (Hibernia)
5 - Lusitania High Council (Albion)
5 - Mist Wraiths (Hibernia)
5 - Rabid Badgers (Midgard)
4 - Tuatha de Mag Mor (Hibernia)
4 - Tuatha de Dannan (Hibernia)
4 - Defiance (Midgard)
4 - Na Fianna (Hibernia)
4 - The Corporation (Albion)
4 - Santa Inquisicion (Albion)
4 - De Gothia (Albion)
4 - ASq (Albion)
3 - Armiger et Dementis (Hibernia)
3 - Avengers of Pendragon (Albion)
3 - Hibernian Dark Riders (Hibernia)
3 - Knights of Pendragon (Albion)
3 - Angeli Mortis (Midgard)
3 - Keepers Of The Light (Albion)
3 - Templar Knights (Albion)
3 - The Brotherhood of Hibernia (Hibernia)
2 - Caballeros Pikones (Albion)
2 - Realm Defenders (Midgard)
2 - DDi Dark Ages (Hibernia)
2 - Dark Avengers (Albion)
2 - Order of the Bitter Ashes (Albion)
2 - Dutch Elite (Midgard)
2 - Red Dragons (Albion)
2 - Shield of Valhalla (Midgard)
2 - Draconis Alumni (Hibernia)
2 - Free Lance (Midgard)
2 - Guardia Dolorosa (Albion)
2 - The Dragon-Fighters (Albion)
2 - LoS ELeGiDoS (Hibernia)
2 - In Vino Veritas (Hibernia)
1 - Crusaders of Albion (Albion)
1 - Alliance of Power (Hibernia)
1 - Warhearts (Hibernia)
1 - Dark Prophecy (Albion)
1 - Dark Knights (Albion)
1 - Argonauts (Midgard)
1 - Tuatha d'Anu (Hibernia)
1 - Spirit of Excalibur (Albion)
1 - Custodia Malacitana (Albion)
1 - The Brotherhood (Midgard)
1 - Creatures of the Night(Hibernia)
1 - Royal Bavarians (Albion)
1 - Crack Suicide Squad (Albion)
1 - The Ministry (Albion)
1 - The Chosen (Albion)
1 - Righteous Bastards (Albion)
1 - New World Order (Midgard)
1 - Legends of Camelot (Hibernia)
1 - KÇôttbulle (Midgard)
1 - Lobos Blancos (Hibernia)
1 - Huggi (Albion)
1 - Mortem Minimum Est (Albion)
1 - Heart & Soul (Midgard)
1 - Mystic Knight (Hibernia)
1 - Ghosts of Valhalla (Midgard)
1 - Gersimi¶ïs SÇôner (Midgard)
1 - Forgotten Few (Albion)
1 - Demons Mist (Midgard)
1 - Flemish Fury (Midgard)
1 - Red Cross (Midgard)
1 - Fellowship Of Midgard (Midgard)
1 - Fat & Gimped (Midgard)
1 - Nidhug (Midgard)
1 - Eternal Warriors (Hibernia)
1 - Odins ÇÅresgarde (Midgard)
1 - Eel (Hibernia)
1 - Postverket (Midgard)
1 - Knights of the Rose (Albion)
1 - Ravens of Odin (Midgard)
1 - Keepers of Bifrost (Midgard)
1 - Flemish Lions (Albion)



Woohoo, my little guild is on there :D

Ok so we only got one, but its a start :rolleyes:


Not long before Clan Bearhawk has 27 (;

Ensceptificamuralya Sombarlaechn
Level 49.4 Warden
<Clan Bearhawk>

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.FIN
LVL's dont count shit, its the skillz =)

Bring on the level 5 player with uber skills :)


Rofl. I fear the lvl5 uber skills:sleeping:

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