Where are the events?



Have already happened any events on Albion/Prydwen?

Brannor McThife

<walks stiffly into the room>

<smiles weakly>

<proceeds to read a piece of paper>

...answer is, there have been a couple, with more coming soon...


That's what I was told to say. I'm the only "publicly known" NPC player, but don't act in Alb, so I wouldn't know myself really.

What I can say is that, like in Midgard, these are generally not announced outside of the game. Only ingame. So you have to seek them out.

<waits for the next piece of paper>

Read this

Hope that helps.



spend some time in campacroentin forest (no littering) and you shall receive a msg regadring armies on the move and war drums in the distance (spend ½ hour looking with minstrel speed, didn´t find any drums, we did find a lot of confused ogres running around (running not strowling like they usually do)


There was an event before the patch. It involved a young girl being kidnapped and taken to Snowdonia, where the Arawnites held her captive.

A group of Griffons' attempted to stop the kidnapping and in the process one of them was ("accidentally") magically transported with the girl and kidnappers to Snowdonia. He ID'd the place and was transported back to his friends.

Hearing the news a vast array of Griffons and Templars took horse to Snowdonia. There was an attempt at a peaceful solution but, with typical luck, Roalith managed to pull every Arawnite in Snowdonia.

A huge battle was won, and a high level Cyclops "The Wrath of the Arawn" was also defeated.

There followed a very tense standoff between the evil witch who had kidnapped the girl and various of the leading Knights. The witch said that the girl did not suit her mistresses' needs (grrr can't remember her name!) and agreed to release her.

She said she'd be back for more of Albion's maidens in the future and disappeared.

Thereupon Hendrick, ever the gentleman, helped to comfort the maiden and gave her a sip of his (medicinal!) whisky. A huge entourage of Knights then escorted the girl back to her father in Ludlow, where there was a very touching reunion scene.

Unfortunately this was interuppted by a few low levels begging for money and asking "What the **** is going on?" <sighs>

I don't know of any other events, but am certainly looking forward to the unfolding of this tale.

By the way people who have visited Lyonesse recently may have heard tell of Mithra's glowing torch descending to earth in Lyonesse. What this means I've no idea....


you should have clicked "Read this" in brannors post


hehe, sorry technophobic :eek:

And yes the witches name was Ewhalene of the Pact or some such, and some of the assorted NPC's had Viking sounding names.

So, place your bets that the next event takes place at 4am or while Albion is at work :D


But...but... they said events will be more frequent after the patch :rolleyes:

Brannor McThife

Just a note. Just because people don't take the time to report events, doesn't mean they never happened.

I know of one event that I took part in that has never seen the light of day on a forum anywhere. And one or two other (these all being in Midgard) that have had only brief mentions on one, maybe two forums out there.

So, before you start going on about them being more frequent, blame your fellow gamers for not reporting all those they see.



Brannor McThife

<Mystery person passes a note to Brannor>

...and in some cases the players around haven't even spotted an event and it has gone unfinished...

...be watching for events for you never know where they may start...



Just out of interest.... at the end of last week, a couple of friends and I were in Lyonesse, and ran across a named creature called pogson (no capital letter for it, all lower case) - looked like a cyclops, was between the ruined building where the clergyman and his audience are and the lake...

We've not seen it since, although the area now seems home to assorted Freybugs - so was it a test getting ready for an event, a planned one time drop creature, or just someone from GOA having a laugh?

Aberrac (Really Aurelius, but since the changes to the Barrysworld Forums I can't seem to get my 'real' name back!)

Edited to put two stupid spelling errors right..


As really nobody seems to notice:

There is a god damn kobold in Camelot!

He appears late at night at the forge, is called Maspalio the royal buffoon and speaks totally bonkers if you say [Maspalio] and [Buffoon]. I have no idea what that sucker is about, as he only pops in for a few minutes, walks through walls all the time and it is really hard to try and talk to him.


Hendrick - i think you have spent too long at the forge mate. Take a bit of R&R and i'm sure the Kobold will go away.

Plebo, lvl41 Merc.


I saw im!

Yer, I have seen him too, had a chat with him... kinda.
says something about him not likeing someone/something?....
I been looking for that someone for a while, aint seen im/her yet (cant remember name).



Well with alt's I've experienced 2 things that I thought could have been eventish - both in Camp forest.

One turned out to be a Scout/Minstrel (I forget which) epic type thing, and the other was the aforementioned drums and armies on the move (yesterday). Didn't find anything about that one :(



Check my post in the General discussions.

I was a lucky boy :) It was v cool.

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